
Bid farewell to Lamis with the farewell of the stern warrior

ودع لميس وداع الصارم اللاحي

1. Bid farewell to Lamis with the farewell of the stern warrior
When you failed after reform, decayed.

١. وَدِّع لَميسَ وَداعَ الصارِمِ اللاحي
إِذ فَنَّكَت في فَسادٍ بَعدَ إِصلاحِ

2. When your polished cheeks were tear-stained
With the torture of thick-lipped plainness, not beautiful.

٢. إِذ تَستَبيكَ بِمَصقولٍ عَوارِضُهُ
حَمشِ اللِثاتِ عِذابٍ غَيرِ مِملاحِ

3. And I have sported with the likes of graceful company,
That makes the forbearing drink unmixed wine without fatigue.

٣. وَقَد لَهَوتُ بِمِثلِ الرِئمِ آنِسَةٍ
تُصبي الحَليمَ عَروبٍ غَيرِ مِكلاحِ

4. As if her spittle after old age had fermented
From the water of a black wineskin at the vintner's.

٤. كَأَنَّ ريقَتَها بَعدَ الكَرى اِغتَبَقَت
مِن ماءِ أَصهَبَ في الحانوتِ نَضّاحِ

5. Or from the squeezings of a heated grape, her intoxication arose,
Or from the pipes of a pomegranate or an apple.

٥. أَو مِن مُعَتَّقَةٍ وَرهاءَ نَشوَتُها
أَو مِن أَنابيبِ رُمّانٍ وَتُفّاحِ

6. She came blaming but it was not the hour of the warrior,
Why didn't she wait for my awakening with this blame?

٦. هَبَّت تَلومُ وَلَيسَت ساعَةَ اللاحي
هَلّا اِنتَظَرتِ بِهَذا اللَومِ إِصباحي

7. May God destroy her, she blames me and she knew
That my corruption and my reform are mine.

٧. قاتَلَها اللَهُ تَلحاني وَقَد عَلِمَت
أَنّي لِنَفسِيَ إِفسادي وَإِصلاحي

8. If I drink wine or if I pay its price
There is no doubt that one day I will be sober.

٨. إِن أَشرَبِ الخَمرَ أَو أُرزَأ لَها ثَمَناً
فَلا مَحالَةَ يَوماً أَنَّني صاحي

9. And no doubt one day from a grave of affliction,
And a shroud of thorn-wood and canes.

٩. وَلا مَحالَةَ مِن قَبرٍ بِمَحنِيَةٍ
وَكَفَنٍ كَسَراةِ الثَورِ وَضّاحِ

10. Leave the two old women, do not listen to their words,
And set out to a lord in the tribe, nimble.

١٠. دَعِ العَجوزَينِ لا تَسمَع لِقيلِهِما
وَاِعمَد إِلى سَيِّدٍ في الحَيِّ جَحجاحِ

11. Youth made us heedless and amazed us,
So we did not give nor sell for profits.

١١. كانَ الشَبابُ يُلَهّينا وَيُعجِبُنا
فَما وَهَبنا وَلا بِعنا بِأَرباحِ

12. I have stayed awake while you have not kept me company, friend,
One averse to sleep, tossing and turning.

١٢. إِنّي أَرِقتُ وَلَم تَأرَق مَعي صاحي
لِمُستَكِفٍّ بُعَيدَ النَومِ لَوّاحِ

13. You slept away from me while lightning kept me awake
As a Jew was illuminated by his lamp.

١٣. قَد نُمتَ عَنّي وَباتَ البَرقُ يُسهِرُني
كَما اِستَضاءَ يَهودِيٌّ بِمِصباحِ

14. O you whom I stayed awake watching for lightning in the night
In a cheek as bright as the dawn’s light, glimmering.

١٤. يا مَن لِبَرقٍ أَبيتُ اللَيلَ أَرقُبُهُ
في عارِضٍ كَمُضيءِ الصُبحِ لَمّاحِ

15. A firebrand dragging its abdomen on the ground
That one standing by the mill almost pushes away.

١٥. دانٍ مُسِفٍّ فُوَيقَ الأَرضِ هَيدَبُهُ
يَكادُ يَدفَعُهُ مَن قامَ بِالراحِ

16. As if its spittle when it climbed up the wick
Was the relatives of a piebald driving away the horses, brandishing.

١٦. كَأَنَّ رَيِّقَهُ لَمّا عَلا شَطِباً
أَقرابُ أَبلَقَ يَنفي الخَيلَ رَمّاحِ

17. A south wind blew violently lifting its crown
The sterns of a water-drawer wiping the water, dripping.

١٧. هَبَّت جَنوبٌ بِأَعلاهُ وَمالَ بِهِ
أَعجازُ مُزنٍ يَسُحُّ الماءِ دَلّاحِ

18. So its top convulsed and then its bottom jerked
And it complained of carrying the water, being constricted.

١٨. فَاِلتَجَّ أَعلاهُ ثُمَّ اِرتَجَّ أَسفَلُهُ
وَضاقَ ذَرعاً بِحَملِ الماءِ مُنصاحِ

19. As if between its top and bottom
There was an unfurled curtain or the light of a lamp.

١٩. كَأَنَّما بَينَ أَعلاهُ وَأَسفَلِهِ
رَيطٌ مُنَشَّرَةٌ أَو ضَوءُ مِصباحِ

20. One with mange insistently scraping the pebbles
As if examining or playing, rubbing.

٢٠. يَنزَعُ جِلدَ الحَصى أَجَشُّ مُبتَرِكٌ
كَأَنَّهُ فاحِصٌ أَو لاعِبٌ داحي

21. So salvation is not like an assembly
Nor the self-sufficient like one walking with crutches.

٢١. فَمَن بِنَجوَتِهِ كَمَن بِمَحفِلِهِ
وَالمُستَكِنُّ كَمَن يَمشي بِقِرواحِ

22. As if among them there were select excellent ones
Dishevelled attacking she-wolves that intended to tear apart.

٢٢. كَأَنَّ فيهِ عِشاراً جِلَّةً شُرُفاً
شُعثاً لَهاميمَ قَد هَمَّت بِإِرشاحِ

23. Howling, their jaws open, their throats
Launching their packs in a clamouring yell.

٢٣. هُدلاً مَشافِرُها بُحّاً حَناجِرُها
تُزجي مَرابيعَها في صَحصَحٍ ضاحي

24. So the meadows and valleys became filled
Among them a frequenter and one goring.

٢٤. فَأَصبَحَ الرَوضُ وَالقيعانُ مُمرِعَةً
مِن بَينِ مُرتَفِقٍ مِنها وَمُنطاحِ

25. It showed me in front of the tribe, carrying me
A ramshackle she-camel connected with boards.

٢٥. وَقَد أَراني أَمامَ الحيِّ تَحمِلُني
جُلذِيَّةٌ وَصَلَت دَأياً بِأَلواحِ

26. Lame, its saddle ropes swollen, tightened
By the evil of the black one who pierced it with an awl.

٢٦. عَيرانَةٌ كَأَتانِ الضَحلِ صَلَّبَها
جَرمُ السَوادِيِّ رَضّوهُ بِمِرضاحِ

27. It watered the abodes of Bani Auf and their dwellers
And the house of Alqamah the Bountiful son of Sabbah.

٢٧. سَقى دِيارَ بَني عَوفٍ وَساكِنَها
وَدارَ عَلقَمَةِ الخَيرِ بنِ صَبّاحِ