1. Did not the sun, moon, and stars darken
For this noble mountain's loss?
١. أَلَم تُكسَفِ الشَمسُ وَالبَدرُ وَالـ
ـكَواكِبُ لِلجَبَلِ الواجِبِ
2. No absence equals that of the virtuous,
Nor any separation of one gone.
٢. لِفَقدِ فَضالَةَ لا تَستَوي الـ
ـفُقودُ وَلا خَلَّةُ الذاهِبِ
3. Yearning for his fair character,
For the mighty, valiant warrior.
٣. أَلَهفاً عَلى حُسنِ أَخلاقِهِ
عَلى الجابِرِ العَظمِ وَالحارِبِ
4. For the handsomest of the eloquent, had he
Stood atop the highest summit.
٤. عَلى الأَروَعِ السَقبِ لَو أَنَّهُ
يَقومُ عَلى ذِروَةِ الصاقِبِ
5. He'd become a pounding mill for gravel
Like the Prophet's staff on the rock.
٥. لَأَصبَحَ رَتماً دُقاقَ الحَصى
كَمَتنِ النَبِيِّ مِنَ الكاثِبِ
6. His neck the kings' pavilions
Between canopy and eyebrow.
٦. وَرَقبَتِهِ حَتَماتِ المُلو
كِ بَينَ السُرادِقِ وَالحاجِبِ
7. His words suffice the men of merit
Without fault or objector.
٧. وَيَكفي المَقالَةَ أَهلَ الرِجا
لِ غَيرَ مَعيبٍ وَلا عائِبِ
8. He loved his friend with the best love
Without bent or deviation.
٨. وَيَحبو الخَليلَ بِخَيرِ الحِبا
ءِ غَيرَ مُكِبٍّ وَلا قاطِبِ
9. By the noble's, slave's, and infant's heads
Like a lofty, growing palm tree.
٩. بِرأَسِ النَجيبَةِ وَالعَبدِ وَالـ
ـوَليدَةِ كَالجُؤذُرِ الكاعِبِ
10. Against it the freeborn compete,
And the gallant in the lively meadow.
١٠. وَبِالأُدمِ تُحدى عَلَيها الرِحا
لُ وَبِالشَولِ في الفَلَقِ العاشِبِ
11. Who then can attain some favour
From a trace left by the beloved?
١١. فَمَن يَكُ ذا نائِلٍ يَسعَ مِن
فَضالَةَ في أَثَرٍ لاحِبِ
12. He's the Giver, the intimate of the soul,
Exalted above the Giver Himself.
١٢. هُوَ الواهِبُ العِلقَ عَينَ النَفيـ
ـسِ وَالمُتَعَلِّي عَلى الواهِبِ
13. Successful, beautiful, Abū Ma'qid's brother,
A veil relating tales of the absent one.
١٣. نَجيحٌ مَليحٌ أَخو مَأقِطٍ
نِقابٌ يُحَدِّثُ بِالغائِبِ
14. You've set out in every good, so none
Can equal your effort, seeker.
١٤. فَأَبرَحتَ في كُلِّ خَيرٍ فَما
يُعاشِرُ سَعيَكَ مِن طالِبِ