
A weak and helpless creature, as sometimes seen,

وكائن يُرى من عاجز متضعف

1. A weak and helpless creature, as sometimes seen,
Reaped war's harvest one day, but it did not avail.

١. وَكائِن يُرى مِن عاجِزٍ مُتَضَعَّفٍ
جَنى الحَربَ يَوماً ثُمَّ لَم يُغنِ ما يَجني

2. Does not the Mahdi know my threat, that I
Am swift to do what irks his peers?

٢. أَلَم يَعلَمِ المُهدي الوَعيدَ بِأَنَّني
سَريعٌ إِلى ما لا يُسَرُّ لَهُ قِرني

3. My place is with the brave when they come forth;
And if the timid and poltroons drag me out,

٣. وَأَنَّ مَكاني لِلمُريدينَ بارِزٌ
وَإِن بَرَّزوني ذو كَؤودٍ وَذو حُضنِ

4. When war descends on a tribe, it reveals
The faults of men you thought fine in peace.

٤. إِذا الحَربُ حَلَّت ساحَةَ القَومِ أَخرَجَت
عُيوبَ رِجالٍ يُعجِبونَكَ في الأَمنِ

5. And war has men who shield it,
Yet how many of repute do you see whom it avails naught!

٥. وَلِلحَربِ أَقوامٌ يُحامونَ دونَها
وَكَم قَد تَرى مِن ذي رُواءٍ وَلا يُغني