
You counted men from Quayn as spies

عددت رجالاً من قُعين تفجسا

1. You counted men from Quayn as spies
Yet the son of Lubna is no spy or boaster

١. عَدَدتَ رِجالاً مِن قُعَينَ تَفَجُّساً
فَما اِبنُ لُبَينى وَالتَفَجُّسُ وَالفَخرُ

2. Quayn deemed you rabble and riffraff
While you are the lowest part when called for help

٢. شَأَتكَ قُعَينٌ غَثُّها وَسَمينُها
وَأَنتَ السَهُ السُفلى إِذا دُعِيَت نَصرُ

3. You reproached us for Iraqi dates and seeds
While the reward for your dog was embers that burned him

٣. وَعَيَّرتَنا تَمرَ العِراقِ وَبُرَّهُ
وَزادُكَ أَيرُ الكَلبِ شَوَّطَهُ الجَمرُ

4. Connivers who judge in secret and alone
Blind till asked tomorrow what the matter is

٤. مَعازيلُ حَلّالونَ بِالغَيبِ وَحدَهُم
بِعَمياءَ حَتّى يُسأَلوا الغَدَ ما الأَمرُ

5. Had you been like the nights you’d have been
A night of secrets, moonless and starless

٥. فَلَو كُنتُمُ مِنَ اللَيالي لَكُنتُمُ
كَلَيلَةِ سِرٍّ لا هِلالٌ وَلا بَدرُ

6. So leave it be, cast away your worries with serenity
Over it, of the past year that has elapsed like a heap

٦. فَدَعها وَسَلِّ الهَمَّ عَنكَ بِجَسرَةٍ
عَلَيها مِنَ الحَولِ الَّذي قَد مَضى كَترُ