1. O Abaa Duleijah, protector of the solitary bearded one,
In Shawaal against an open plain of enemies.
١. أَبا دُلَيجَةَ مَن لِحَيٍّ مُفرَدٍ
صَقِعٍ مِنَ الأَعداءِ في شَوّالِ
2. And when I mention Abaa Duleijah, my eyes pour down
Tears, drenching my garment.
٢. وَإِذا ذَكَرتُ أَبا دُلَيجَةَ أَسبَلَت
عَيني فَبَلَّ وَكيفُها سِربالي
3. Attired on she-camels, their tents like castles,
With saddles and traveling gear.
٣. وَمُعَصَّبينَ عَلى نَواجٍ سُدتَهُم
مِثلُ القِسِيِّ ضَوامِرٍ بِرِحالِ
4. And milch-camels among the clan, well-fed,
I drove and herded them with my staff.
٤. وَقَوارِصٍ بَينَ العَشيرَةِ تُتَّقى
داوَيتُها وَسَمَلتَها بِسِمالِ
5. Still fresh and lush greenery flows to you
In an outpouring torrent, long and flooding.
٥. لا زالَ رَيحانٌ وَفَغوٌ ناضِرٌ
يَجري عَلَيكَ بِمُسبِلٍ هَطّالِ
6. Excellent indeed is the supply for the living, awaiting it,
And excellent the stuffing of the coats and robes.
٦. فَلَنِعمَ رِفدُ الحَيِّ يَنتَظِرونَهُ
وَلَنِعمَ حَشوُ الدِرعِ وَالسِربالِ
7. And excellent the shelter for the guest when he calls,
And the horses charging out from the stables.
٧. وَلَنِعمَ مَأوى المُستَضيفِ إِذا دَعا
وَالخَيلُ خارِجَةٌ مِنَ القَسطالِ
8. And indeed I have spent nights, like all other nights,
When my beard mingled with hers, contrary to custom.
٨. وَلَقَد أَبيتُ بِلَيلَةٍ كَلَيالي
لَقَحَت بِهِ لَحياً خِلافَ حِيالِ