1. Is there any hope to obtain the goods of the living that I see,
Or is the abode of Duma after a thousand years desolate?
١. هَل عاجِلٌ مِن مَتاعِ الحيِّ مَنظورُ
أَم بَيتُ دومَةَ بَعدَ الإِلفِ مَهجورُ
2. Or did an elder weep and not finish shedding his tears
For his loved ones on the day of parting, excused?
٢. أَم هَل كَبيرٌ بَكى لَم يَقضِ عَبرَتَهُ
إِثرَ الأَحِبَّةِ يَومَ البَينِ مَعذورُ
3. But you are in Firtaj of sincere and loyal people,
So rejoice, O Hanbal, travel cheerfully!
٣. لَكِن بِفِرتاجَ فَالخَلصاءِ أَنتَ بِها
فَحَنبَلٍ فَلِوى سَرّاءَ مَسرورُ
4. And one day you arrived at Al-Unayyim,
At the abode of Khazzaz, with an abundant view.
٤. وَبِالأُنَيعِمِ يَوماً قَد تَحِلُّ بِهِ
لَدى خَزازَ وَمِنها مَنظَرٌ كيرُ
5. I told the caravan, had they not hurried
And avoided me, to greet the living or travel on.
٥. قَد قُلتُ لِلرَكبِ لَولا أَنَّهُم عَجِلوا
عوجوا عَلَيَّ فَحَيّوا الحَيَّ أَو سيروا
6. A night passed by the need of a soul,
Then head straight in travel or deviate.
٦. قَلَّت لِحاجَةِ نَفسٍ لَيلَةٌ عَرَضَت
ثُمَّ اِقصِدوا بَعدَها في السَيرِ أَو جوروا
7. Young virgin girls grew up together
Of good character, fearful of what should be feared.
٧. غُرٌّ غَرائِرُ أَبكارٌ نَشَأنَ مَعاً
حُسنُ الخَلائِقِ عَمّا يُتَّقى نورُ
8. Wearing fine garments and brocade and robes
Of different colors, though not silk.
٨. لَبِسنَ رَيطاً وَديباجاً وَأَكسِيَةً
شَتّى بِها اللَونُ إِلّا أَنَّها فورُ
9. The talk is not to plunder or eavesdrop,
Nor a secret to gossip in the living assemblies.
٩. لَيسَ الحَديثُ بِنُهبى يَنتَهِبنَ وَلا
سِرٌّ يُحَدِّثنَهُ في الحَيِّ مَنشورُ
10. The necessities of life have evaded me,
And a nimble she-camel pursues me.
١٠. وَقَد تُلافي بِيَ الحاجاتِ ناجِيَةٌ
وَجناءُ لاحِقَةُ الرِجلَينِ عَيسورُ
11. She makes the walker stumble if she gets angry,
When the fetters cling to her legs.
١١. تُساقِطُ المَشيَ أَفناناً إِذا غَضِبَت
إِذا أَلَحَّت عَلى رُكبانِها الكورُ
12. Her companion, her father, is from a mixed breed,
And her uncle, her maternal uncle, a broker.
١٢. حَرفٌ أَخوها أَبوها مِن مُهَجَّنَةٍ
وَعَمُّها خالُها وَجناءُ مِئشيرُ
13. She remained a year and months as if new,
Wasting away in Al-Hira with anxiety.
١٣. وَقَد ثَوَت نِصفَ حَولٍ أَشهُراً جُدُداً
يَسفي عَلى رَحلِها بِالحيرَةِ المورُ
14. And she mated though she had no experience,
And he sold her for money to an outbidder.
١٤. وَقارَفَت وَهيَ لَم تَجرَب وَباعَ لَها
مِنَ الفَصافِصِ بِالنُمِّيِّ سِفسيرُ
15. After her vengeance, estrangement from her
Is impossible, however much the fetters cling.
١٥. أَبقى التَهَجُّرُ مِنها بَعدَ كِدنَتِها
مِنَ المَحالَةِ ما يَشغى بِهِ الكورُ
16. She kicks the neighbors and butts, when she kneels,
As the light was accessible to the people.
١٦. تُلقي الجِرانَ وَتَقلَولي إِذا بَرَكَت
كَما تَيَسَّرَ لِلنَفرِ المَها النورُ
17. As if a stray dog was under her cover,
And a rooster collided with her legs, and a pig.
١٧. كَأَنَّ هِرّاً جَنيباً تَحتَ غُرضَتِها
وَاِصطَكَّ ديكٌ بِرِجلَيها وَخِنزيرُ
18. As if she is spotted between miscarriages
And barn owls, jerboas, terrified and confused.
١٨. كَأَنَّها ذو وُشومٍ بَينَ مَأفِقَةٍ
وَالقُطقُطانَةِ وَالبُرعومِ مَذعورُ
19. The thigh of the wearer of a Qinis-garment felt it
From Bani Asad, so he bent over, and his step faltered.
١٩. أَحَسَّ رَكزَ قَنيصٍ مِن بَني أَسَدٍ
فَاِنصاعَ مُنثَوِياً وَالخَطوُ مَقصورُ
20. He runs with small gravel-like stones painfully,
As if her lower jaws are crushing.
٢٠. يَسعى بِغُضفٍ كَأَمثالِ الحَصى زَمِعاً
كَأَنَّ أَحناكَها السُفلى مَآشيرُ
21. Until the bulls roused because of her leaping,
So they let them go, not knowing the result.
٢١. حَتّى أُشِبَّ لَهُنَّ الثَورُ مِن كَثَبٍ
فَأَرسَلوهُنَّ لَم يَدروا بِما ثيروا
22. He turned away majestically, and they intended to catch up,
As if they are hornets around his sides.
٢٢. وَلّى مُجِدّاً وَأَزمَعنَ اللَحاقَ بِهِ
كَأَنَّهُنَّ بِجَنبَيهِ الزَنابيرُ
23. Until when you say the vanguards reached him,
Though if he wished, the confusers would have saved him.
٢٣. حَتّى إِذا قُلتَ نالَتهُ أَوائِلُها
وَلَو يَشاءُ لَنَجَّتهُ المَثابيرُ
24. He turned upon her and did not fail, harassing her,
As if he is pleased with following them.
٢٤. كَرَّ عَلَيها وَلَم يَفشَل يُهارِشُها
كَأَنَّهُ بِتَواليهِنَّ مَسرورُ
25. He shook her with a thin that is stripping,
As if he is agonized when mounting them.
٢٥. فَشَكَّها بِذَليقٍ حَدُّهُ سَلِبٌ
كَأَنَّهُ حينَ يَعلوهُنَّ مَوتورُ
26. Then he continued, his shadow competing,
As if it is a terrified and defeated gambler.
٢٦. ثُمَّ اِستَمَرَّ يُباري ظِلَّهُ جَذِلاً
كَأَنَّهُ مَرزُبانٌ فازَ مَحبورُ
27. Woe to Tameem and Thow Qaran, he has a hump
From spring, and in Shaaban fettered!
٢٧. يالَ تَميمٍ وَذو قارٍ لَهُ حَدَبٌ
مِنَ الرَبيعِ وَفي شَعبانَ مَسجورُ
28. The cold outfitted my she-camels and their rider
From the water of Baswa one day, and he is assembled.
٢٨. قَد حَلَّأَت ناقَتي بُردٌ وَراكِبَها
عَن ماءِ بَصوَةَ يَوماً وَهوَ مَجهورُ
29. Goodwill did not neglect them when they fled
Until the valleys and houses gave them refuge.
٢٩. فَما تَناءى بِها المَعروفُ إِذ نَفَرَت
حَتّى تَضَمَّنَها الأَفدانُ وَالدورُ
30. Wicked people, with harshness around their necks,
And their endeavor unlike people's is confused.
٣٠. قَومٌ لِئامٌ وَفي أَعناقِهِم عُنُفٌ
وَسَعيُهُم دونَ سَعيِ الناسِ مَبهورُ
31. Woe to their mothers, an assembly of insects, their homes
With spears, and in goodwill, rejection!
٣١. وَيلُ اُمِّهِم مَعشَراً جُمّاً بُيوتُهُمُ
مِنَ الرِماحِ وَفي المَعروفِ تَنكيرُ
32. When they squint at me spitefully
As if their eyes from hatred are defective.
٣٢. إِذ يَشزِرونَ إِلَيَّ الظَرفَ عَن عُرُضٍ
كَأَنَّ أَعيُنَهُم مِن بُغضِهِم عورُ
33. I avoided their water when I saw them,
Evil carriers of buckets in their hands.
٣٣. نَكَّبتُها مائَهُم لَمّا رَأَيتَهُمُ
صُهبَ السِبالِ بِأَيديهِم بَيازيرُ
34. Left behind while people fulfill their purpose,
The worst of trusts, hornets and more hornets!
٣٤. مُخَلَّفونَ وَيَقضي الناسُ أَمرَهُمُ
غُسُّ الأَمانَةِ صُنبورٌ فَصُنبورُ
35. If not for the aspirations whose supererogations are hoped for,
A calamitous army would have made the disabled miserable.
٣٥. لَولا الهُمامُ الَّذي تُرجى نَوافِلُهُ
لَنالَهُم جَحفَلٌ تَشقى بِهِ العورُ
36. If not for the aspirations, their ostrich-like ways would have weakened,
And their rider in a group would have said: March on!
٣٦. لَولا الهُمامُ لَقَد خَفَّت نَعامَتُهُم
وَقالَ راكِبُهُم في عُصبَةٍ سيروا
37. Raising the Probhari fortress, their zeal,
And the trash comes out from under the cisterns.
٣٧. يُعلونَ بِالقَلَعِ البُصرِيِّ هامَهُمُ
وَيُخرِجُ الفَسوَ مِن تَحتُ الدَقاريرُ
38. You strut when your slippers turn green,
And your pockets contain lots of junk.
٣٨. تَناهَقونَ إِذا اِخضَرَّت نِعالُكُمُ
وَفي الحَفيظَةِ أَبرامٌ مَضاجيرُ
39. The reporter of news foretold a bad day
For Abd Al-Qays, mentioned and recorded.
٣٩. أَجلَت مُرَمَّأَةُ الأَخبارِ إِذ وَلَدَت
عَن يَومِ سَوءٍ لِعَبدِ القَيسِ مَذكورُ
40. Surely heading to a people, even if distant,
Is easier than staying with the feeble and weak.
٤٠. إِنَّ الرَحيلَ إِلى قَومٍ وَإِن بَعُدوا
أَمسَوا وَمِن دونِهِم ثَهلانُ فَالنيرُ
41. She meets the equipage in the bosoms of its abode,
Walking with hay scattered before her.
٤١. تُلقى الأَوَزّونَ في أَكنافِ دارَتِها
تَمشي وَبَينَ يَدَيها التِبنُ مَنثورُ