
The mother of fortresses made me a coward,

أجاعلة أم الحصين خزاية

1. The mother of fortresses made me a coward,
When I met the Banu 'Abs,

١. أَجاعِلَةٌ أُمُّ الحُصَينِ خِزايَةً
عَلَيَّ فِراري أَن لَقيتُ بَني عَبسِ

2. And the group of Banu 'Amr and 'Amr ibn 'Aamir,
And Taym - at the sight of them my soul shuddered,

٢. وَرَهطَ بَني عَمرٍ وَعَمروَ بنِ عامِرٍ
وَتَيماً فَجاشَت مِن لِقائِهِمُ نَفسي

3. As if the skins of leopards were draped over them,
When they clashed between couching and charging.

٣. كَأَنَّ جُلودَ النُمرِ جيبَت عَلَيهِمُ
إِذا جَعجَعوا بَينَ الإِناخَةِ وَالحَبسِ

4. We met them and they hemmed us in with true lances,
With stabbing like fire sparked in dry wood.

٤. لَقونا فَضَمّوا جانِبَينا بِصادِقٍ
مِنَ الطَعنِ حَشَّ النارِ في الحَطَبِ اليَبسِ

5. And when we entered under the shade of their spears,
I groped with my palms seeking the ground by touch.

٥. وَلَمّا دَخَلنا تَحتَ فَيءِ رِماحِهِم
خَبَطتُ بِكَفّي أَطلُبُ الأَرضَ بِاللَمسِ

6. Yet I came away unharmed, my turban not ripped,
Though with stabbing they had shredded my shield.

٦. فَأُبتُ سَليماً لَم تُمَزَّق عِمامَتي
وَلَكِنَّهُم بِالطَعنِ قَد خَرَّقوا تُرسي

7. No man should be blamed for the fear of his day
When yesterday his courage was made known.

٧. وَلَيسَ يُعابُ المَرءُ مِن جُبنِ يَومِهِ
وَقَد عُرِفَت مِنهُ الشَجاعَةُ بِالأَمسِ

8. Obeyed in heyja, obeyed in the lands,
When the horizons of the sky yellowed with twilight.

٨. مَطاعينُ في الهَيجا مَطاعيمُ لِلقِرى
إِذا اِصفَرَّ آفاقُ السَماءِ مِنَ القَرسِ