
O soul, adorn yourself with patience,

أيتها النفس أجملي جزعا

1. O soul, adorn yourself with patience,
For what you feared has come to pass.

١. أَيَّتُها النَفسُ أَجمِلي جَزَعا
إِنَّ الَّذي تَحذَرينَ قَد وَقَعا

2. He who gathered magnanimity, help,
Prudence, strength - all in one -

٢. إِنَّ الَّذي جَمَّعَ السَماحَةَ وَال
نَجدَةَ وَالحَزمَ وَالقُوى جُمَعا

3. The brilliant one whom you fancied
As though you had seen and heard him -

٣. الأَلمَعِيَّ الَّذي يَظُنُّ لَكَ ال
ظَنَّ كَأَن قَد رَأى وَقَد سَمِعا

4. The protector, unifier, dignified one
Was neither weakened by frailty nor undone by nature.

٤. وَالمُخلِفَ المُتلِفَ المُرَزَّأَ لَم
يُمتَع بِضَعفٍ وَلَم يَمُت طَبَعا

5. The guardian of people, so cautious
That they would not venture out unprotected,

٥. وَالحافِظَ الناسَ في تَحوطَ إِذا
لَم يُرسِلوا تَحتَ عائِذٍ رُبَعا

6. The inner circles crowded with pillars
And their souls flew in panic -

٦. وَاِزدَحَمَت حَلقَتا البِطانِ بِأَق
وامٍ وَطارَت نُفوسُهُم جَزَعا

7. The north winds blew hard
And the robe of youth gathered in folds -

٧. وَعَزَّتِ الشَمأَلُ الرِياحَ وَقَد
أَمسى كَميعُ الفَتاةِ مُلتَفِعا

8. The shy gazelle-like one among the people
Seemed a clad hyena, bleating -

٨. وَشُبِّهَ الهَيدَبُ العَبامُ مِنَ ال
أَقوامِ سَقباً مُلَبَّساً فَرَعا

9. The pretty doe, well-guarded,
Was but prey among her folk -

٩. وَكانَتِ الكاعِبُ المُمَنَّعَةُ ال
حَسناءُ في زادِ أَهلِها سَبُعا

10. She perished. Does coyness help
One who dares at innovations?

١٠. أَودى وَهَل تَنفَعُ الإِشاحَةُ مِن
شَيءٍ لِمَن قَد يُحاوِلُ البِدَعا

11. Let wine and revelry make you weep,
And longing youths, desirous of passion,

١١. لِيَبكِكَ الشَربُ وَالمُدامَةُ وَال
فِتيانُ طُرّاً وَطامِعٌ طَمِعا

12. A damsel of fallen repute whose bracelets
Silence the water gourd's babbling -

١٢. وَذاتُ هِدمٍ عارٍ نَواشِرُها
تُصمِتُ بِالماءِ تَولَباً جَدِعا

13. The living feared dawn when they were wary
Of a raider marching openly.

١٣. وَالحَيُّ إِذ حاذَروا الصَباحَ وَقَد
خافوا مُغيراً وَسائِراً تَلِعا