
My beloved, if not for love and love loving me

أنت مناي

1. My beloved, if not for love and love loving me
I wouldn't have been renowned in the world of love

١. حبيبتي لولا الحب والحب حبني
لما طالَ في دُنيا المحبةِ شانيا

2. And my eyes wouldn't have shed in love a tear
And I wouldn't have been one day a lover of lovers

٢. ولا ذَرفت عينايَ في الحب دمعةً
ولا كٌنتَ يوماً للمُحبينَ هاويا

3. And I wouldn't have been in the whirlpool of joy and passion
With events surrounding me busying me with worries

٣. ولا كُنتَ في دوامة اللهوِ والهوى
تُحيطُ بي الأحداثُ للهمِ شاريا

4. My beloved, if not for you, passion wouldn't have fatigued me
And I wouldn't have had a heart falling in love

٤. حبيبتي لولاكِ ما شاقني الجوى
ولا كانَ لي قلب من الحب هاويا

5. And the doors of my heart wouldn't have been knocked by yearnings
And my eyes wouldn't have kept crying

٥. ولا قَرعتَ أبوابُ قلبي قوارعُ
ولا ظلت العينان مني بواكيا

6. For if your image disappears from my eyes
Your imagination in my inner self remains

٦. فإن غابَ عن عَيني شخصكَ إنما
خيالكَ في الأحشاء كان البواقيا

7. You were in your world a witness and evidence
To whoever willingly loves you in love

٧. لقد كُنتَ في دُنياكَ جشَهداً وشاهداً
على من غدا يهواكِ في الحب راضيا

8. So relieve a heart challenged by a stubborn one
And torn by passion and became hostile

٨. فَرقي لِقلبٍ قَد تحداهُ ماردٍ
ومزقه شوقًُ وصار مُعاديا

9. And I'm not to blame if I gave away my queen
My life, for that is but some of my loyalty

٩. ولا ذنب لي إن قَد وهبتَ مليكتي
حياتي فذاكَ الجزءُ بعض وفائيا

10. So she said, may God protect you from the blow of fate
Do not complain to me for you are my demise

١٠. فقالت وقاك الله من لطمةَ القضا
فَأنتَ مُنايا لا تَكُن لي شاكيا

11. If I were able, I would've come to you at dawn
To a sight with the returning travelers

١١. فلو كُنت في حلًّ أتيتُكَ في الضُحى
على مشهدٍ بالعاديات العواديا

12. But by God I am, as He knows,
A captive of love hidden in the heart

١٢. ولكنني والله يعلم أنني
رهينةَ حُب ضَلَ في القلب خافيا

13. So think not distance a kind of estrangement
If this were true, I wouldn't have uncovered my secret

١٣. فلا تحسبنّ البُعد نوعاً من الجفا
ولو صَحَ هذا ما كَشفتَ رِدائيا

14. My reproach of you is in my poetry and your poetry saying
Perhaps and when will I attain my wishes and hopes

١٤. عتَبتكَ في شعري وشعركَ قائلُ
عسى ومتى ألقى المُنى والأمانيا

15. So be reassured and sip the honey from my mouth
For you are my life, O life of my union

١٥. فَكُن مُطمئناً وأرشف الشهدَ من فمي
فأنتَ حياتي يا حياة لِقائيا