
I grew weary of a loved one's complaints

ضيقت الخناق

1. I grew weary of a loved one's complaints
I came with no complaints, yet he was wearied

١. ضِقْتُ من شكوى حبيبٍ
جئتُ لا أشكو فضاقَ

2. If only he had gently called me over
When love’s difficulties weighed upon us

٢. ليتـهُ هَمْـسًا دعانـي
عندمـا بالحبِّ شـاقَ

3. But he shattered all my hopes
And after that deprivation pressed heavily

٣. إنما اغتـال الأمانـي
بعدها الحرمـان حـاقَ

4. He may have found relief from me
When his heart eased after our separation

٤. قد يكون ارتـاح مـني
قـلبـهُ بالبَيْـنِ راقَ

5. I have no blame for you, though we were comrades
Your subtlety deceived me, it was but hypocrisy

٥. ما مَلامـي عنك خـافٍ
بعدمـا عشـنا رفاقا

6. So be just and truthful
Or bid me a blessed farewell

٦. غَرَّنـي مافيـكَ حِلْـم
لم يكـن إلا نــفاقا

7. My bonds are broken, my life wasted
We squandered the race

٧. فلتـكنْ عَـدْلاً صدوقاً
أو تبـاركْ لي فـراقا

8. Towards dreams that faded
When we headed towards separation

٨. فُكَّ أسري،ضاع عمري
نحنُ ضـيّعنا الـسباقَ

9. No more! Your rebukes suffice me
Stop this discord between us

٩. نحو أهـدافٍ تلاشـتْ
حينمـا رُمْـنا فـراقا

10. Or bring me together after a separation
That you made unbearably tight

١٠. لا تزدْ، حسـبي عـتاباً
كُفَّ عنـي ذا الشقاقَ

١١. أو تلمنـي عن فـراقٍ
أنتَ ضيَّقتَ الخـناقَ