
If poets were enthralled by the lips and mouth

إن هيم الشعراء الثغر والريق

1. If poets were enthralled by the lips and mouth,
And the wine cup and goblet enchanted them,

١. إِن هَيَّم الشعراءَ الثَغرُ وَالريقُ
وَشاقَهُم كَأسُ صَهباءٍ وَإِبريقُ

2. Then in your glory lies success supreme
Undeviating and undeterred by maiden or adorer.

٢. فَلى بمجدِك تَوفيق العُلا كلَفٌ
لَم يَثنى عنهُ هَيفاءٌ وَمَعشوقُ

3. You fulfilled the hopes of Egypt, at a time when
The ages looked to your highness with belief.

٣. حَقَّقتَ آمالَ مِصرٍ حينَ كانَ لها
إلى عُلاك مدى الأَزمانِ تحديقُ

4. Your rule shook the pillar of the unjust, and
You ruled justly, so the wronged came to love justice.

٤. وَهَدَّ حُكمُك ركنَ الظالِمينَ وَقَد
عَدَلتَ حَتّى أَحبَّ الحَقَّ مَحقوقُ

5. In Egypt, you built the pride of construction, for which
No skeptic in the universe denies credit.

٥. وَشِدتَ في مصر فخر الاخفاءَ له
فَلَيسَ يُنكِره في الكَونِ زِنديقُ

6. The eye did not aspire except to see evidence
In your crown inlaid with crafting and composition

٦. فَالعَينُ ما طَمَحَت إِلّا رَأت أَثرا
لهُ بِتاجكَ تَرصيعٌ وَتَنسيقُ

7. My Guardian, may prosperity attend you as an Eid offering
with righteousness, good fortune, accompaniment and pursuit.

٧. مَولايَ وافاكَ بِالإِقبال عيدُ فِداً
بِالبِِر وَاليُمن مَصحوبٌ وَمَرفوقُ

8. It was filled with the resolves which distinguish you
In fulfilling the hopes of this region.

٨. قَد راقَه ما به تَمتازُ من هِمَمٍ
فيها لآمالِ هذا القُطر تَحقيقُ

9. So live long, happily, for the likes of it
And be joyful, for you are regarded highly by God.

٩. فَعِش لأمثالهِ طولَ المَدى فَرِحاً
وَاِسعَد فَأَنت بِعَين اللَهِ مَرموقُ

10. And congratulate him, for the splendor of time chronicled it
The Feast of Emancipation arrived with the auspicious allocation.

١٠. وَاِهنَأ به فَصفاءُ الوَقتِ أَرَّخَه
عيدُ الفِداءِ بِبِشرِ جاءَ تَوفيقُ