
Smiled from the essence of the necklace

تبسمت عن جوهر العقد

1. Smiled from the essence of the necklace
So my eyes multiplied the criticism

١. تَبَسَّمت عن جوهَر العِقدِ
فَأَكثَرت عيني من النَقدِ

2. Slender in physique no matter how she bent
She surpassed the branches in height

٢. رَشيقَةُ الأَعطافِ مهما اِنثَنَت
جارَت على الأَغصانِ بِالقَدِّ

3. She has dimples in her cheeks
So whoever complains of cheeks

٣. تَخُدُّ بِالخَدِّ حشاصَبها
فكلُّ ما يشكو من الخَدِّ

4. And I did not say the eyelid accentuates it
Because it exceeded the limit

٤. وَلم أَقُل بِالجَفنِ تخديده
لِأَنَّهُ زاد على الحَدِّ

5. She was unique in her beauty just as
Ismail was unique in glory

٥. تَفَرَّدَت في حُسنِها مِثلَما
تَفَرَّدَ اسماعيلُ في المَجد

6. Whose palm is a sea of generosity overflowing
From it all the clouds seek rain

٦. من كَفُّه بحرُ عَطا زاخِرٌ
منه جَميعُ السُحبِ تَستَجدي

7. Who after him among the people
Deserves praise or thanks

٧. من ذا الذي في الناس مِن بعدِه
يَليق بِالمَدح أَو الحَمدِ

8. He came to Egypt after its isolation from him
So it attained the utmost purpose

٨. وافى لمصرٍ بَعد إِبعادِها
عنهُ فَلاقَت غايَةَ القَصدِ

9. And she met him with an ode she composed
Of her rhythmic flowers and roses

٩. وَقابَلته بِقَريضٍ لها
من زَهرِها المَنظومِ وَالوَردِ

10. Saying in a line of his history
Good tidings Ismail has come O Saadi

١٠. قائِلَةً في شَطرِ تاريخهِ
بُشرى أَتى اِسماعيلُ يا سَعدى