
How often you rave, how often you become confused,

كم تهيم كم تجب

1. How often you rave, how often you become confused,
How often you wander and become disturbed,

١. كَم تَهيمُ كم تَجِبُ
كم تَهي وَتَضطَرِبُ

2. Whenever I say "good morning",
That game intensifies,

٢. كُلما أَقولُ سَلا
جَدَّ ذلك اللَعِبُ

3. Whenever I say "it went well",
That flame flares up,

٣. كُلَّما أَقولُ خَبا
شَبَّ ذلك اللَهَبُ

4. O my heart, your persistence in love is strange,
Does my beauty’s aloofness really have a reason?

٤. أَيُّها الفُؤادُ تما
ديكَ في الهَوى عَجبُ

5. Except that I’m tired of love for her,
And by her I’m exhausted,

٥. ما نِفارُ فاتِنَتي
يا تُرى لهُ سَبَبُ

6. Remembering when she forgets,
Doing what I must do,

٦. غيرَ أَنَّني كَلِفٌ
في الهَوى بها تَعِبُ

7. My charm is beauty, grace and etiquette,
Has she realized who she's carried

٧. ذاكِرٌ إِذا نَسيَت
قائِمٌ بما يجِبُ

8. Among the excellent nobility?
Has she realized Abbas’s status

٨. فِتنَتي الجَمالُ وَعُذ
رى الجمالُ وَالأَدَبُ

9. Among those who rode (with him)?
She hasn't been touched by it,

٩. هَل دَرَت بِمَن حَمَلَت
في المَهامهِ النُجُبُ

10. No attachment in her path,
Rather, she returned and took pleasure

١٠. هَل دَرَت مَكانةَ عَبّا
سَ بينَ مَن رَكِبوا

11. In the desolate ruins,
Has she seen their faces

١١. فَهيَ لَم يُلِمَّ بها
في طريقِها لَغَبُ

12. In her shooting stars?
She is wakeful in her abode

١٢. بل عَدَت وَلَذَّ لها
في المَفاوِزِ الخَبَبُ

13. Watching and waiting,
Have you seen those who left

١٣. هل رَأت وجوهَهُمُ
في سَمائِها الشُهُب

14. In caravans, they haven't left?
You didn't miss their riding

١٤. فَهيَ في مَنازِلها
ساهرٌ وَمُرتَقِب

15. In the morning when they rode,
The Hejaz is their direction,

١٥. هَل رَأَيتَ من ذَهَبوا
قافِلينَ لا ذَهبوا

16. Religious duties and kinship ties,
The Prophet seeks them

١٦. لا عَدِمتَ رَكبَهُمُ
في الصَباح إِذ رَكِبوا

17. And the lover comes closer,
Yearning pulls them

١٧. وَالحِجازُ قِبلَتُهُم
وَالفُروضُ وَالقُرَب

18. And longing attracts them,
Majesty comforts them,

١٨. وَالنَبِيُّ يَطلُبُهم
وَالمُحِبُّ يَقتَربُ

19. Carpentry and reputation,
Give me the good news, tell me,

١٩. وَالحَنينُ يَجذُبُهُم
وَالمَشوقُ يَنجَذِب

20. Have they come closer?
What are the Arabs repeating

٢٠. وَالجَلال يُؤنِسُهم
وَالنجارُ وَالحَسَبُ

21. In their lands?
Because of their voice, gold poured

٢١. هاتِ يا بَشيرُ أَدِر
ذِكرَهُم أَلا اِقتَرَبوا

22. In their dwellings,
And the clouds garlanded them

٢٢. ما الذي تُرَدِّدُه
في بِلادِها العَرَبُ

23. From its sky,
So the poor man came to him

٢٣. سالَ في رُبوعِهِمُ
مِن نَداهُمُ الذَهَبُ

24. In his meager home,
And the plains reached it

٢٤. وَاِنبَرَت تُقَلِّدُهُم
مِن سمائِها السُحُبُ

25. After the absence of vegetation,
Come on, give me the good news, tell me briefly,

٢٥. فَالفَقيرُ جاءَ لهُ
في ديارهِ النَشبُ

26. If you say more, you are generous,
Descended from the generous,

٢٦. وَالسُهولُ واصَلَها
بَعدَ هَجرِهِ العُشُب

27. Or if you refrain, our appointment
Will unfold difficulties,

٢٧. إيهِ يا بَشيرُ أَفِض
ما تَقولُ مُقتَضَبُ

28. And poetry will frolic in it,
The poems will be preserved

٢٨. إِن تَزِد فَذو كرمٍ
لِلكِرامِ يَنتَسِبُ

29. In their books’ chests.

٢٩. أَو تُرِد فَمَوعِدُنا
ما سَتَشرَحُ الخُطَبُ