
Whether shed tears, blood, or rhymes

تدفق دموعا أو دما أو قوافيا

1. Whether shed tears, blood, or rhymes
The mourners deserve the greatest grief

١. تَدَفَّق دُموعاً أَو دَماً أَو قَوافيا
مَآتِمُ أولى الناسِ بِالحُزنِ هاهِيا

2. Is it fair to eulogize the virtues to the people
While the mourners were not crying?

٢. أَيَجمُلُ أن تُنعى الفَضائلُ لِلوَرى
وَلم تكُ في الباكينَ وَيحكَ باكِيا

3. The calm of some nights deceived you
So you slept with a soft, tranquil mind

٣. اغَرَّكَ من بَعضِ اللَيالي سُكونُها
فَبِتَّ قَريراً ناعِمَ البالِ هانيا

4. It was calm but to prepare for the clamor
Moments and seconds of its hours

٤. لقد سَكَنَت لكن لِتُرهِفَ لِلوَغى
دقائِقَ من ساعاتها وَثوانيا

5. Except there is a gap between the cup and the mouth
For mighty events that make the gray-haired youthful

٥. إلا إِنَّ بينَ الكاسِ والفَم فُرجةً
لِرَكضِ عظيماتٍ تُشيبُ النَواصِيا

6. So gently warn whoever is cautious
Whenever you see wishes in the corners of the heart

٦. فنَبِّه رَقيقاً من حِذاركَ كلَّما
رَأَيت بِأطرافِ الفُؤادِ أمانيا

7. Mohammed the role of science, its beginnings
Were peaks among the people, thanks to you

٧. محمدُ دورُ العِلمِ كانَت أَواهِلاً
بِفضلِكَ ما بينَ الأَنام زَواهِيا

8. Except for the sorrow and grief
The tyrannical fate imposed it quickly on you

٨. فَصَبَّحَها إِلّا من الحُزنِ وَالأَسى
عَليكَ القَضاءُ المُستَبِدُّ خواليا

9. So why is there misery, may Allah not bless misery
That made the bringer of glad tidings among people a mourner

٩. فَما لِلرَدى لا باركَ اللَهُ في الرَدى
أَحالَ بَشيرَ الأَمسِ في الكَونِ ناعِيا

10. Despite the pilgrimage and glory, decrepitude touched you
With evil, so your firm wood decayed

١٠. بِرَغمِ الحجا وَالمجدِ أَن مسَّك البِلى
بِسوءٍ فَأَضحى عودكَ الصُلبُ ذاوِيا

11. And the door you were next to was shut
Where you met expectantly and waited hopefully

١١. وَأَن أُقفِلَ البابُ الذي كنتَ عندَه
تُقابِلُ مَلهوفا وَتَرصُدُ شاكيا

12. Mohammed who protects the religion and its reservoir
And wards off transgressions among people

١٢. محمَّدُ من لِلدّين يحرُسُ حَوضَه
وَيَدرَأُ بَينَ الناس عنه العَواديا

13. Some people attacked the Book and wounded
Its eloquence, straying from the purpose

١٣. تعرَّضَ قَومٌ لِلكتابِ وَأَثخَنوا
صراحَتَه شَرحاً عن القَصدِ نائِيا

14. So you looked into it with a gaze that penetrated
The essence of Allah's purpose when you guided

١٤. فَأَرسَلتَ فيهِ نَظرَةً نَفَذَت إلى
صَميمِ مُرادِ اللَهِ إِذ قُمتَ هاديا

15. And you reconciled the Sharia and reason after
The two parties thought they would never meet

١٥. وَوَفَّقتَ بين الشَرعِ وَالعَقلِ بَعدَما
قد اعتَقَد الإِلفانِ أَلّا تَلاقيا

16. And how many people fought Ahmad's religion
So you unleashed on them the lion's rage

١٦. وَرُبَّ أُناسٍ حارَبوا دينَ أحمدٍ
فَثرتَ عليهم ثَورَةَ اللَيثِ عادِيا

17. You stood while the pens of misguidance were let loose
And the pens of the people of truth yearned for you

١٧. وَقَفتَ وَأَقلامُ الغوايَةِ شُرَّعٌ
وَأقلامُ أهلِ الحقِّ تَرنو سواهيا

18. And you silenced every debater with proof
If you had not been angry, he would have persisted

١٨. وَأَفحَمتَ بِالبُرهانِ كلَّ مُناضِلٍ
لو انَّك لم تَغضَب لَزادَ تَمادِيا

19. So they came to propriety even if you did not argue with them
Otherwise, the people's roaring cry would have been destructive

١٩. فَفاءُوا إلى الحُسنى ولو لَم تَحُجُّهُم
لَعادَت زَئيراً صَيحَةُ القَومِ داوِيا

20. Congratulations to them, so let them bear their burdens
For after you the field has become empty

٢٠. هنيئاً لهُم فَليَحملوا حَمَلاتِهم
فقد أَصبحَ المَيدان بعدَكَ خالِيا

21. Mohammed you gave the mirrors their due right
And in your life you called them to it

٢١. محمدُ وَفَّيتَ المُروآتِ حقَّها
وَقمتَ إِليها في حياتِكَ داعِيا

22. You taught the people of customs the aspects in customs
With well-known subtleties and meanings

٢٢. وَعلَّمتَ أهلَ العُرفِ في العُرفِ أوجُهاً
لها غُرَرٌ مَشهورَةٌ ومعانِيا

23. You treated the diseases of hearts wisely
Seeing the cure clearly behind it

٢٣. وَعالَجتَ أمراضَ القُلوب بحكمَةٍ
تَرى ظاهراً مِن خَلفِها البُرءَ صافِيا

24. And you placed in the students parts of a brain
That sees knowledge guiding if it does not know the person

٢٤. وَأَودَعتَ في الطلّابِ أجزاءَ مُهجَةٍ
تَرى العِلمَ إِن لم يَعلُ بالمرءِ هاذِيا

25. Virtues, if counted, would overflow among us
As if we had made the meadow's expanse a club

٢٥. مَناقِبُ إن عُدَّت تَضَوَّعُ بَينَنا
كَأنّا اتَّخَذنا ساحةَ الرَوضِ نادِيا

26. Do not sleep with the righteous in eternity comfortably
For you remained awake with resolute purpose, suffering

٢٦. ألا نَم معَ الأَبرارِ في الخُلدِ ناعِماً
فكم بِتَّ فينا ساهِرَ العَزمِ عانِيا

27. You were rewarded for Islam what you deserve
For you were a sword in the hand of truth, determined

٢٧. جُزيتَ عن الإِسلام ما أنتَ أهلُه
فقد كُنتَ سَيفاً في يَدِ الحَقِّ ماضِيا