1. If death's stroke is the doom of the unprepared,
Then lasting joy for man is but false hope.
١. إِذا كان وِردُ الموتِ ضَربَةَ لازِبِ
فَطولُ سُرورِ المَرءِ موعِدُ كاذِبِ
2. So be not fooled by life, but beware, for verily
The serenity of nights is but a truce from the warring fates.
٢. فَلا تَغتَرِر بِالعَيشِ واحذَر فَإنما
صَفاءُ اللَيالي هُدنَةٌ من مُحارِبِ
3. The youth sleeps with anxious heart as though
He sees a barrier 'twixt him and misfortunes.
٣. يَبيتُ الفتى خِلوَ الفؤادِ كَأنَّه
رَأى بَينَهُ سدّاً وبين النوائِب
4. Though I be but dust, I am greater
Than the youth who was once called "scribe".
٤. بِرَغمِيَ أن يُدعى تُرابا وَأَعظُماً
فتىً كان يُدعى قبلُ أَكتبَ كاتِب
5. A youth whom pens testified was nobler
Than books though they sit atop shelves.
٥. فتىً كانت الأَقلامُ تَشهَدُ أنَّهُ
يُجلُّ مقامَ الكُتبِ فوق الكتائِب
6. He outshone the full moon on its brightest night
With a brilliance to shame the stars.
٦. هوَى كَوكَباً ما البَدرُ ليلَة تمَّهِ
بِأَفتَكَ من لألائهِ بِالغَياهِبِ
7. A youth whose nature was as gentle as water -
Had it been poured into a cup, it would have quenched any thirst.
٧. فتىً طَبعُه قد كانَ كالماءِ رِقَّةً
فَلو صُبَّ في كَأسٍ لَساغَ لِشارِبِ
8. So farewell, o traveler who left us! And he who remembers you
Does not forget you though you are absent.
٨. فَيا راحلا قد غاب عنّا ومن تَكُن
كَذِكراكَ ذِكراهُ فَلَيسَ بِغائِب
9. You were moral while alive with sublime wisdom
And fragrant morals and gentle demeanor.
٩. سَلَبتَ النُهى حَيّاً بِباهرِ حكمةٍ
وَعاطرِ أخلاقٍ وَرِقَّةِ جانِبِ
10. Peace be upon you, for with your loss
The best of friends became bereft.
١٠. عليكَ منَ الفَضل السَلامُ فإنَّه
بِفَقدِكَ أمسى فاقِداً خيرَ صاحب
11. And the spring of tears still flows
Watering your tomb, matching the rain clouds.
١١. وَلا زالَ مُنهَلُّ الدموعِ مُلازِماً
ثَراكَ يُجاري فيه فَيضَ السَحائِب