
O people of Marrakesh, the convoy of song has come

يا آل مراكش وفد الغناء أتى

1. O people of Marrakesh, the convoy of song has come
From Egypt, hastening to your master swiftly

١. يا آلَ مُرّاكشٍ وَفدُ الغِناءَ أَتى
من مِصرَ يَسعى لِمَولاكُم على الراس

2. Do not deny the elegance of his splendid delegation
For the lute is the finest gift for one so stern

٢. لا تُنكِروا نُكتَةً في طيِّ بَعثتِه
فَالعودُ أَحسَنُ ما يُهدى إلى قاسي