
O you of excellence and perfection, O delight of loyalty's eye and affection's eye,

يا ألى الفضل والكمال ويا قرة

1. O you of excellence and perfection, O delight of loyalty's eye and affection's eye,
By Him who adorned and distinguished you with knowledge, patience, guidance, and integrity,

١. يا أُلى الفَضلِ وَالكَمالِ وَيا قُرَّ
ةَ عينِ الوَفا وَعينِ الودادِ

2. Do me justice from your kindness, for separation has surely left me wandering without heart,
And keep my old pact, for I keep your pact despite the distance,

٢. بِالذي زانَكم وَميَّزَكُم بِال
عِلمِ وَالحِلمِ وَالهُدى وَالرَشادِ

3. When souls are brought close by harmony, then separation of bodies is slight to me.

٣. أَنصِفوني من لُطفِكُم فَلَقَد غا
دَرَني راحِلا بِغَير فُؤاد

٤. وَاِحفَظوا عهدي القَديمَ فَإني
حافظٌ عهدَكم بِرَغم البِعاد

٥. فَإِذا قَرَّبَ النفوسَ اِئتِلافٌ
هان عِندي تفرُّقُ الأَجسادِ