1. He knew not that blaming you made him fall,
When he plunged into false accusations against you.
١. لم يَدرِ أنّ ملامَه أَغراكا
إذ لجَّ في بُهتانه وَنَهاكا
2. If only blame would heal me
And cure the pain of love that afflicts me.
٢. يا حبّذا عَذلُ العذولِ لو انه
داواكَ من أَلم الهوى فَشَفاكا
3. Stand at the abode and roam around it,
If it could respond and greet you.
٣. قِف بِالدِيار وحيِّ رَبعاً دارِساً
لو يَستَطيع إجابَةً حيّاكا
4. And shed your tears generously upon its soil,
Perhaps weeping will relieve some of your agony.
٤. وَاِنثُر دموعَك في ثَراه صبابَةً
علَّ البكاءَ يُزيلُ بعضَ جواكا
5. And call out to a heart that strayed in its meadows,
If it would accept its scattered remains as ransom.
٥. وَاِنشُد فُؤادا ضلَّ في عَرَصاتهِ
إن كانَ يَرضى عن ذَراهُ فكاكا
6. Will you get an affectionate glance from the one who's stingy,
That would heal your wounds or sweeten your echo?
٦. أَتُرى تَنال من البَخيلَة نَظرَة
تَأسو جراحَك أَو وَتَبُلّ صداكا
7. How much do you yearn for her while your share with her
Is but evidence that meets your passion with rejection?
٧. كَم ذا تَحِنَّ لها وَحظُّك عندها
دلٌّ يُقابِل بِالمِطال هَواكا
8. Wait, O Abu Al-Abbas, in seeking exaltation,
And precede her in giving away your provisions.
٨. مَهلاً أَبا العَباس في طلبِ العُلا
وَاِستَبِق منها فَضلةً لِسواكا
9. Is there any virtue in the heavens she does not possess,
That you seek to attain like the planets?
٩. هَل في السماءِ فَضيلَةٌ لم تَحوِها
تَبغى لأَجل منالِها الأَفلاكا
10. God guide your right hand away from dew,
And lighten your steps upon the roads of glory.
١٠. لِلَّه ما أَهدى يَمينَك لِلنَدى
وَأخفَّ في طُرُقِ الفخار خُطاكا
11. You made your Lord pleased and held firm to His command,
And followed the guidance of His Prophet, so He guided you.
١١. أَرضَيتَ رَبَّكَ وَاِعتَصَمتَ بِأَمرِه
وَتَبِعت هدي نَبيِّه فَهَداكا
12. You divided your concerns between keeping His covenants
And serving the King who made you His own.
١٢. وَقَسَمت همَّك ين رَعيِ عهودهِ
وَرعايةِ المَلكِ الذي اِستَرعاكا
13. You exemplified generosity until we picked
The fruits of justice from your palms.
١٣. وَسَنَنت في بَذل النَوال بدائِعا
حتى اجتَنَينا العَدلَ من جَدواكا
14. You shaded your enemies with your towering glory
Until we counted oppression among your killings.
١٤. وَظَلِلتَ في أَعداءِ مجدِك فاتكاً
حتّى عدَدنا الظُلمَ من قَتلاكا
15. I give you glad tidings of the Great Feast, for it
Has arrived, and its goal is to bring you joy.
١٥. بُشراك بِالعيد الكَبيرِ فإنَّه
وافى وَغايةُ قَصدِه بُشراكا
16. And congratulate me upon my blessed dwelling, for it has come,
While yearning pulls it towards meeting you.
١٦. وَاِهنَأ بمقَمهِ السَعيدِ فقد أَتى
وَالشَوقُ يَجذِبُه إلى لُقياكا
17. And take your generosity to the extent you desire its gifts,
For the desert wishes that you attain your wishes.
١٧. وَاِبلُغ بجدِّك ما تُريد نَوالَه
فَمُنى البَرِيَّة أن تَنال مُناكا
18. Rejoice, for time has recorded, saying,
Alas! O Tawfiq, your feast of sacrifice has been lost.
١٨. وَاِسعَد فَقد قالَ الزَمان مُؤرِّخا
قد تاهَ يا تَوفيقُ عيدُ فِداكا