
This is your youth, O Salim, adorned

هذا شبابك يا سليم تزينه

1. This is your youth, O Salim, adorned
By those traits, charm, and manners.

١. هذا شَبابُكَ يا سَليمُ تَزينُه
تِلك الخِلالُ الغُرُّ وَالأَخلاقُ

2. You have emulated Anwar, just as he emulated you
In the past, so blessed be the Creator.

٢. حاكاكَ أَنوَرُ مِثلَما حاكَيتَهُ
فيما مَضى فَتَبارَكَ الخَلّاقُ

3. You are the one who taught him how to walk
And showed him that life is a race.

٣. أَنت الذي عَلَّمتَه نَقلَ الخُطا
وَأَرَيتَهُ أَنَّ الحياةَ سِباق