
The crescent of Saud* journeyed happiness to us,

سفرت فلاح لنا هلال سعود

1. The crescent of Saud* journeyed happiness to us,
And love grew in my faithful heart.

١. سَفَرت فلاح لنا هلالُ سعودِ
وَنمى الغرامُ بِقَلبيَ المَعمودِ

2. Beauty's garden descended upon lovers,
So modesty watered buds of accord.

٢. وَجَلَت على العُشّاقِ روضَ محاسنٍ
فَسَقى الحياءُ شقائِقَ التَوريدِ

3. She glanced with her eyelids and smiled,
So the radiance of strung pearls appeared.

٣. وَرَنَت بِأحوَرِ طَرفِها وَتَبَسَّمت
فَبدا ضياءُ اللُؤلؤ المَنضود

4. O lady of kohl-lined eyes, be kind
And be generous to your lover.

٤. يا رَبَّةَ الطَرف الكَحيل تَعَطَّفي
وَعلى مُحِبِّك بِالمَوَدَّةِ جودي

5. Be generous even with an apparition during the time of separation,
Despite the defamer and envier's prayers.

٥. جودي وَلَو بِالطَيف في سنةِ الكَرى
وَصلى بِرَغم مَفنِّدٍ وَحسود

6. I swear by what pleases you in truthful loyalty,
I have not parted from you out of tranquility and repulsion.

٦. قَسماً بما يُرضيكِ في صِدقِ الوَفا
ما حُلتُ عنكِ بسَلوةٍ وَصدود

7. I stand forever dutiful to the obligations of passion,
Substituting sleep with wakefulness.

٧. أَنا قائم أَبدا بِمَفروض الهوى
مستبدِلٌ لِلنَّومِ بِالتَسهيد

8. For how long, distracted and excessive in my youth,
And my happiness in disappointing and breaking promises.

٨. فَإلى متى وَلهي وفَرطُ صَبابَتي
وَسرورُ عُذّالي وَخُلفُ وُعودي

9. For how long, this aloofness from the agony of love,
Return to me so companionship may flourish again.

٩. وَإلى متى ذا الصَدُّ عن مَضنى الهَوى
عودي لِيورِقَ بِالتَواصُل عودي

10. Resume our connected past,
For nearness is my feast, and distance is my feast.

١٠. وَاِستَأنفي مَوصولَ عائدِ أُنسِنا
فَالقُرب عيدي وَالبِعادُ وَعيدي

11. Leave, O reproacher, blaming me during absence,
She surpasses all gazelles in beauty.

١١. دَع يا عَذولُ ملامَتي في غادَةٍ
هَيفاءَ قد فاقَت جميعَ الغيد

12. An Arab woman, if she faced the full moon one night,
The moon would say my happiness is complete.

١٢. عربيّةٍ لو واجَهَت بَدرَ الدُجى
يَوماً لَقالَ البدرُ تمَّ سُعودي

13. By God, were it not for God, the Nullifier of her beauty,
For her radiant beauty I would have prostrated.

١٣. وَاللَهُ لولا اللَه بارىءُ حُسنها
لجمالها الزاهي جَعلتُ سجودي

14. I swear by the light of her forehead, her moles,
The blackness of her hair and redness of her cheeks,

١٤. قَسماً بنورِ جَبينِها وَبخالِها
وَسوادِ شعرٍ وَاِحمرار خُدود

15. By the bow of her eyebrows and the arrow of her glances,
The slenderness of her waist and stature and neck.

١٥. وَبقَوسِ حاجبِها وسهم لحاظِها
ربخَصرها وَقَوامِها وَالجيد

16. Praising her would be sweet for me in my love-sickness
As praising Ismael* is delightful poetry to me.

١٦. لَيَطيبُ لي في حُبِّها ذُلّى كما
في مدح إِسماعيلَ لذَّ نَشيدي

17. Awakened by the excellence of his opinion Egypt prospered,
Prospering in adornments on the chests of the virtuous.

١٧. يقظُّ بجَودةِ رأيهِ مصرٌ زهت
زَهوَ الحُلّى على صدور الخود

18. He endowed it with knowledge and morals,
Sublime subtleties beyond counting.

١٨. وأَمدّها بمعارف وعوارِفٍ
وَلطائِفٍ جَلَّت عن التَعديد

19. Were it not for him, it would not have succeeded despite enemies,
In its extended shadow with intent.

١٩. لَولاهُ ما فازَت على رغم العِدا
في ظِلِّه المَمدودِ بِالمَقصود

20. Her beauty was adorned by his existence,
And for him she erected the flag of support.

٢٠. فَلَقَد تحلّى جيدُها بوجوده
وَلَهُ أقامت رايةَ التَأييد

21. Ancestry interceded with exploits of glory,
And honor endowed with ancestors' achievements.

٢١. شَفَعَ التَليدَ بِطارِفٍ من مجدِه
وَالعِزَّ موهوبا بِكَسبِ جُدود

22. Lenient, if you reside in his neighborhood,
You will always find him inclined to the traits of generosity.

٢٢. سمحٌ تراه إذا حللتَ بحيَّه
أَبداً يحنّ إلى خِصال الجود

23. By nature he leans towards the clement and its people,
As branches lean towards propping.

٢٣. طَبعاً يَميل إِلى السَماح وأَهلِه
كَتَمايُل الأَغصانَ بِالتَأويد

24. Speak of his charity, for in his charity,
Is abundant, copious endowment.

٢٤. عَن رِفدِه حَدِّث فكم في رِفدِه
إِنعام بحرٍ وافِرٍ وَمديد

25. If the deaf rock became speaking,
It would sing to you a song of praise.

٢٥. لو أنَّ صمَّ الصَخر أَصبحَ ناطقاً
لشجتكَ منها نَغمةُ التَحميد

26. He is the axis of the cycle of glories, the one who
Adorned the necklace of opinion with propriety.

٢٦. هو قُطبُ دائِرة المعالي وَالذي
قد زانَ عَقدَ الرَأي بِالتَسديد

27. Lofty achievements, towering pillar of might,
Burgeoning glories, fresh game.

٢٧. سامى المَآثرِ طَودُ عِزٍّ شامخٍ
نامى المَفاخرِ أَصيدٌ من صيد

28. Reviver of schools after erasing its lessons,
Knowledge he dressed in the gown of renewal.

٢٨. محيى المدارس بعد محوِ دروسِها
وَالعلمَ أَلبَسَ حلَّةَ التَجديد

29. O House of Egypt, how lofty you are,
Becoming in the mortal world the brightest of moons.

٢٩. يا آل مصرٍ كم لكم من رِفعَة
في الدَهر صارَت غُرَّةَ المَوجود

30. Hasten to reap the fruits of glory from its meadows,
And seek shade beneath its outstretched shadow.

٣٠. هَيّا اِجتَنوا ثمر العُلا من روضه
وتفيَّئوا في ظلّه المَمدود