1. Thank you for the sincerity of your friendship shown,
For I am truly grateful from my heart's core.
١. شُكراً على ما بدا من صِدقِ وُدِّكُم
فَإِنَّني من صَميم القَلب مَمنونُ
2. By Allah, I did not sell you my love for another,
If I did, I would be the one betrayed for sure.
٢. وَاللَهِ ما بِعتُكم حُبّا بِغَيرِكُم
وَلو فعلتُ إذاً إِنّي لِمَغبونُ
3. But the king's command must take its course,
And every slave is bound by his ruler's law.
٣. وَإِنَّما قد قَضى أَمرُ المَليك بذا
وَكلُّ عبدٍ بِأَمر المَلكِ مَرهونُ
4. Though our bodies may now be apart,
Our hearts are still tied by affection's cord.
٤. وَبعدُ فَالقَلب إِن أَجسامُنا اِفتَرَقَت
مقيَّدٌ بحبال الوُدِّ مَقرونُ
5. I ask Allah to keep your joy intact,
For true joy in Allah's praise is secure.
٥. فَأَسأَلُ اللَهَ إِبقاءَ الهناءِ لكم
إِنَّ الهناء بحمد اللَهِ مَضمونُ