
The sun of glories like necklaces of pearls

شمس المعالي كعقود الجمان

1. The sun of glories like necklaces of pearls
Has been composed in the chest of this place

١. شَمسُ المَعالي كَعُقودِ الجُمان
قَد نَظِّمَت في صَدرِ هذا المَكان

2. And for the delights throughout it
Is a beautiful pairing, what a beautiful pairing

٢. وَلِلمَسَرّاتِ بِأَنحائِهِ
حُسنُ قِرانٍ يا لَهُ من قِران

3. It welcomes the eye with what it desires
From the edge of the gentle, exquisite carving

٣. يَستَقبِلُ العَينَ بما تَشتَهي
مِن طُرَفِ النَقشِ اللِطافِ الحِسان

4. The fruits of intimacy in it approach
The guests of the eminent Abbas of the time

٤. تَدنو قُطوفُ الأُنسِ فيه إِلى
أَضيافِ عَبّاسٍ عَزيزِ الزَمان

5. Its club remains the home of villages
And its towering glory, the alliance of guarantee

٥. لا زالَ ناديهِ مقَرَّ القِرى
وَمجدهُ الباذِخُ حِلفَ الضَمان

6. Egypt savors a long life in its shade
In the blossoming of the garden and scent of paradise

٦. تَرتَعُ مِصرُ العُمرَ من ظِلِّهِ
في نَضرَةِ الرَوضِ وَطيبِ الجِنان

7. And the days are clothed in its light
With a radiance envied by fires

٧. وَتَكتَسي الأَيّامُ من نورهِ
طلاقَةً يَغبِطُها النَيِّران

8. How clearly the truth sparkles when it emerges
In the garb of beauty and jewelry of rhetoric

٨. ما أَوضَحَ الحقَّ إِذا ما اِنجَلى
في حُلَّةِ الحُسنِ وَحليِ البَيان

9. One with an opinion travels to it for judgment over his opponent
Before the swords can leave their marks

٩. يَحُجُّ ذو الرَاي بهِ خَصمَهُ
مِن قَبلِ أَن تَعمَلَ فيه السِنان

10. Without doubt or suspicion it is
The God of the Lord of the sword and spear

١٠. فهو بلا شَكٍّ ولا ريبَةٍ
إِلهُ ربِّ السَيفِ وَالطَيلَسان

11. And justice elevates the kingdom above the horizon
And dresses the world in robes of security

١١. وَالعَدلُ يُعلى المُلكَ فَوقَ السُها
وَيُلبِسُ الدُنيا ثِيابَ الأَمان

12. Establishing the scales of justice is its requirement
And its pillar, deterrence without defiance

١٢. إِقامَةُ القِسطاسِ من شَرطِه
وَرُكنُهُ رَدعٌ بلا عُنفُوان

13. So show mercy to those who deserve it
Do not use violence in place of affection

١٣. فَاِستَعمِل الرَحمَةَ في أَهلِها
لا تَضَع العُنفَ مكانَ الحَنان

14. Do not ask the owner about his property
For his justice is the translator of his ownership

١٤. لا تَسأَل المالِكَ عن مُلكِه
فَعَدلُه عن مُلكهِ تَرجُمان

15. Love of the subjects is the best thing to acquire
And the best thing for souls to aspire

١٥. حُبُّ الرَعايا خيرُ ما يُقتَنى
وَخيرُ ما يَصبو إِلَيهِ الجَنان

16. How much shade it has cast on a man in tumult
Who slept in a lofty, unbridled fortress

١٦. كم ظَلَّ منهُ المَرءُ في جَحفَلٍ
وَباتَ في حِصنٍ رَفيعِ العِنان

17. So protect it through the ages with readiness
For it the universe yearns and time listens

١٧. فَاِحرِص عليه الدَهرَ من عُدَّةٍ
يَعنو لَها الكَونُ وَيُصغى الزَمان