
O lightning that flashes, how many yearnings have you awakened

يا وامض البرق كم نبهت من شجن

1. O lightning that flashes, how many yearnings have you awakened
In ribs that had forgotten their pain for a while

١. يا وامِضَ البَرقِ كم نبَّهتَ من شجَنٍ
في أَضلُعٍ ذَهَلت عن دائِها حينا

2. The water is in the ladle, the fire is in the flint
The lovers' matter is confused between the two

٢. فالماءُ في مُقلٍ وَالنارُ في مهجٍ
قد حارَ بينَهُما أمرُ المُحِبّينا

3. If it were not for the memory of days that passed for us
No one would be crying tears of blood while alive

٣. لولا تذَكُّرُ أَيّامٍ لنا سَلَفت
ما باتَ يَبكى دماً في الحَيِّ باكينا

4. O people of my love, return, I have missed you
Witness, by your father, what longing has done to me

٤. يا آل وُدِّيَ عودوا لا عدِمتُكُمُ
وَشاهِدوا وَيحَكُم فعلَ النَوى فينا

5. O breeze, who at dawn dampened her skirts
Blow the fragrance of al-Andalus to our valleys

٥. يا نسمَةً ضَمَّخت أذيالها سحراً
أَزهرُ أَندَلُسٍ هُبّي بوادينا