
Your efforts are still forthcoming and accepted

لازال سعيك مقبلا مقبولا

1. Your efforts are still forthcoming and accepted
And the place of your glory inhabited and crowded

١. لازالَ سَعيُكَ مُقبِلاً مَقبولا
وَمَحَلُّ عِزِّكَ عامِراً مَأهولا

2. I hoped in you that it would be as I see
So I reached in you the question and the expected

٢. أَمَّلتُ فيكَ بِأَن يَكونَ كَما أَرى
فَبَلَغتُ فيكَ السُؤلَ وَالمَأمُولا

3. You have made me needless of what you have given so you did not leave
My face to the face of a man who has offered

٣. أَغنَيتَني مِمّا بَذَلتَ فَلَم تَدَع
وَجهي إِلى وَجهِ امرِئٍ مَبذولا

4. And you blamed me changing times, so
Its morals have changed and turned to change

٤. وَعَتَبتَ لي صَرفَ الزَمانِ فَأَعتَبَت
أَخلاقُهُ وَتَبَدَّلَت تَبديلا

5. Refusal is giving, hardness is mercy
And hardship is ease, and the ugly is beautiful

٥. المَنعُ بَذلاً وَالقَساوَةَ رَأفَةً
وَالعُسرَ يُسراً وَالقَبيحَ جَميلا

6. I do not complain of the misery of life, nor do you see
The flaws of time have a way to me

٦. لا أَشتَكي بُؤسَ الحَياةِ وَلا تَرى
نُوَبُ الزَمانِ لَها إلَيَّ سَبيلا

7. And I have recovered from my poverty this life
And I have shaken this fierce, polished

٧. وَقَد اِنتَجَعتُ لِفاقَتي هَذا الحَيا
وَهَزَزتُ هَذا الصارِمَ المَصقولا

8. Is the Imam safe on the borders and its people
Since this lion, this warrior has dissolved

٨. أَمِنَ الإِمامُ عَلى الثُغورِ وَأَهلِها
مُذ حَلَّ هَذا اللَيثُ هَذا الغيلا

9. Degraded after war we count him
In the army an army and the riffraff riffraff

٩. مُتَبَهنِساً بَعدَ القَتامِ نَعُدُّهُ
في الجَيشِ جَيشاً وَالرَعيلِ رَعيلا

10. Who is for the Caliph to see you and not see
For you among the kings of the people of the time alike

١٠. مَن لِلخَليفَةِ أَن يَراكَ فَلا يَرى
لَكَ في مُلوكِ بَني الزَمانِ عَديلا

11. Scornful of you gray hair even if it
The gray of the stars riding and horses

١١. مُستَحقِراً لَكَ شُهبَةً وَلَو أَنَّها
شُهبُ النُجومِ مَراكِباً وَخُيولا

12. If they could of your glory, they would make
The light of gazelle your clothes the twisted

١٢. وَلَو اِستَطاعوا مِن عُلاكَ لَصَيَّروا
نُورَ الغَزالَةِ ثَوبَكَ المَعمولا

13. And they would forbid you the turban and approve
To dress you the crown and the wreath

١٣. ولَأَكبَروكَ عَنِ العِمامَةِ وَاِرتَضَوا
أَن يُلبِسوكَ التاجَ وَالإِكلِيلا

14. As for the mark, it is the best mark
For you that your fate was not unknown

١٤. أَمّا العَلامَةُ فَهِيَ خَيرُ عَلامَةٍ
لَكَ أَنَّ قَدرَكَ لَم يَكُن مَجهولا

15. They sent it as if what was in its chest
The bow of the clouds colored twisted

١٥. بَعَثوا بِها وَكَأَنَّ ما في صَدرِها
قَوسُ الغَمامِ مُلَوَّناً مَفتولا

16. White night the whiteness of your honor like it
A color and your sale in generosity length

١٦. بَيضاءُ باتَ بَياضُ عِرضِكَ مِثلَها
لَوناً وَباعُكَ في المَكارِمِ طُولا

17. And from the soft silk Ammariya
Which storms its tail drained

١٧. وَمِن الحَريرِ الجَونِ عَمّارِيَّةً
يَفري العَواصِفَ ذَيلُها مَسبولا

18. Green sides thought to be a garden
Who spent the night embracing the inclusive and accepted

١٨. مُخَضَرّةَ الجَنَباتِ تُحسَبُ رَوضَةً
باتَت تُعانِقُ شامِلاً وَقُبولا

19. The pigeons almost showed the paper in its trees
Reveal upon those branches croaking

١٩. كادَ الحَمامُ الورق في شَجراتِها
يُبدي عَلى تِلكَ الغُصونِ هَديلا

20. And the sword sharpened edges as if it is
The body of the lover is slender and lean

٢٠. وَالسَيفُ مَشحُوذُ الغِرارِ كَأَنَّهُ
جِسمُ المُحِبّ نَحافَةً وَنُحولا

21. What its blades relied on in battle
Unless it made ringing and screaming

٢١. ما عَوَّلَت شَفراتُهُ في مَعركٍ
إِلّا وَأَحدَثَ رَنّةً وَعَويلا

22. It is white like the battles they think it
Imagining the truth sheathed stretched

٢٢. هُوَ أَبيَضٌ مِثلُ القِرابِ يَظُنّه
ظَنّ الحَقيقة مُغمَدا مَسلولا

23. It has long since the armies collapsed and left it
Those remnants with its strikes remnants

٢٣. قَد طالَما فَل الجُيوشُ وَغادَرَت
تِلكَ الفُلولُ بِمضرِبَيهِ فُلولا

24. The Imam has endowed it to the Lord of virtues
Did not clothe it with inferior virtue

٢٤. جادَ الإِمامُ بِها لِرَبِّ فضائِلٍ
لَم يُلفِهِ بفَضيلَةٍ مَفضولا

25. A king when the kings stood before him
And their lips touched the ground kissing

٢٥. مَلِكٌ إِذا وَقَفَ المُلوكُ أَمامَهُ
وَسَمَت شِفاهُهُمُ الثَرى تَقبيلا

26. If you meet him you meet the dignified expanded
And the face is clear and the gift is plenty

٢٦. إِن تَلقَهُ تَلقَ الجَنابَ مُوَسَّعا
وَالوَجهَ طَلقاً وَالعَطاءَ جَزيلا

27. Higher than the shining stars lodging
And more precious than the shelter of lions lodging

٢٧. أَعلى مِنَ الشُهبِ المُنيرةِ مَنزِلا
وَأَعَزَّ مِن مَأوى اللُيوثِ نَزيلا

28. O lover of the deaf spear his heels
The day of the fight not the procrastinator, the lame

٢٨. يا عاشِقَ الرُمحِ الأَصَمِّ كُعوبُهُ
يَومَ الوَغى لا الكاعِبَ العُطبولا

29. Every day you are the sender of a gift
That amazes the minds and confuses the reasonable

٢٩. في كُلِّ يَومٍ أَنتَ باعِثُ تُحفَةٍ
تُفني اللُها وَتُحَيِّر المَعقولا

30. Horses led and carriages that have burdened
The weight of mountains a tent carried

٣٠. خَيلٌ تُقادُ وَجُنَّفٌ قَد أَوقِرَت
زِنَةَ الجِبالِ سُرادِقاً مَحمولا

31. Dazzled the eyes and confused their imaginations
The people of the countries creatures and minds

٣١. بَهَرَ العُيونَ وَحَيَّرَت حَجَواتُهُ
أَهلَ البِلادِ خَلائِقاً وَقُيولا

32. The Imam's feat of its severity is enough
A shadow over the Imam's head shaded

٣٢. حَسبُ الإِمامِ فَضيلَةً مِن شَدِّها
ظِلاً عَلى رَأسِ الإِمامِ ظَليلا

33. Those palaces were built and they increased
Around it the Takbeer and Tahlil

٣٣. بُنِيَت إِزا تِلكَ القُصورِ وَأَكثَروا
مِن حَولِها التَكبيرَ وَالتَهليلا

34. It is a paradise set up there and humbled
Around the imam its fruits are humbling

٣٤. هِيَ جُنَّةٌ نُصِبَت هُناكَ وَذُلِّلَت
حَولَ الإِمامِ قُطوفُها تَذليلا

35. It came while the baby was born so they gave good tidings
With two joys a gift and a baby

٣٥. وافَت وَقَد وُلِدَ السَليلُ فَبَشَّروا
بِمَسَرَّتَينِ هَدِيّةً وَسَليلا

36. The blessing of descents was blessed and followed
Nobility descended from the stars descend

٣٦. كانَت مُبارَكَةَ الحُلول وَأَعقَبَت
شَرَفاً أَحِلَّ مِنَ النُجومِ حُلولا

37. The best of what the Prince gave is that he
Gave glorious and regained glorious

٣٧. إِن جَل ما أَهدى الأَميرُ فَإِنَّهُ
أَهدى جَليلاً وَاستَعادَ جَليلا

38. You united them with your love until they
Scorned this Nile with that Nile

٣٨. واصَلتَهُم بِحُباكَ حَتّى إِنَّهُم
حَقَروا بِهَذا النَيلِ ذاكَ النِبلا

39. And they saw you as the most loyal of your time
And the strongest covenant and the most truthful saying

٣٩. وَرَأَوكَ أَوفى أَهلِ دَهرِكَ ذِمَّةً
وَأَصَحَّ مِيثاقاً وَأَصدَقَ قِيلا

40. If they made you stingy in their sights
You would have been in you a little

٤٠. لَو أَنَّهُم جَعَلوكَ في أَبصارِهم
شُحاً عَلَيكَ لَكانَ فيكَ قَليلا

41. To God is your worth O Lord of people
They prospered with your prosperity young and old

٤١. لِلّهِ دَرُّكَ أَيُّ سَيِّد مَعشَرٍ
سُعدوا بِسَعدِكَ صِبيَةً وَكُهولا

42. You have clothed them from what you have made gowns
They have dragged their trains above the stars

٤٢. أَلبَستَهُم مِما صَنَعتَ جَلائِباً
سَحَبوا لَها فَوقَ النُجومِ ذُيولا

43. So surrender to them for you have built their thrones
Your throne among them did not spend the night inverted

٤٣. فَاسلَم لَهُم فَلَقَد بَنيتَ عَروشَهُم
لا باتَ عَرشُكَ فِيهِمُ مَثلولا