1. I say, as I looked out one evening
Upon the Nile from one of the towering plateaus,
١. أَقُولُ وَقَد أَشرَفتُ ذاتَ عَشِيَّةٍ
عَلى النِيلِ مِن إِحدى الهِضابِ الشَواهِقِ
2. With Old Cairo beneath it teeming
As if its banks were aflutter with flags.
٢. وَمِن دُونِها فُسطاطُ مِصرَ وَزاخِرٌ
كَأَنَّ بِشَطَّيهِ مُسُوكَ الخَرانِقِ
3. O intimate of the lightning of Damascus,
I watched as those lights began to shine;
٣. خَلِيليَّ شِيما بارِقَ الشامِ إِنَّنِي
نَظَرتُ إِلى إِيماضِ تِلكَ البَوارِقِ
4. Will you take my greeting to the exile
Who bears the weight of devastating woes,
٤. فَهَل تَحمِلُ النَكباءُ مِنّي تَحِيَّةً
إِلى حامِلٍ ثِقلَ الخُطُوبِ الطَوارِقِ
5. To the noble Majid, open-handed,
Son of the noble Majid,
٥. إِلى ماجِدٍ سَمحِ اليَدَينِ ابنِ ماجِدٍ
إِلى وَامِقٍ لِلمَكرُماتِ ابنِ وامِقِ
6. To the towering hero of generosity,
Son of the towering hero;
٦. إِلى رازِقٍ في سِلمِهِ غَيرِ حازِمِ
إِلى حازِمٍ في حَربِهِ غَيرِ رازِقِ
7. To the prosperous Raziq, undaunted in peace,
To the cautious Hazim, unprosperous in war;
٧. إِلى مُدرِكِيٍّ صالِحِيٍّ سُيُوفُهُ
مُقَصَّرَةٌ آجالُها في المَفارِقِ
8. To the quick Mudrik and the righteous Salih,
Whose brief-lived swords in the frays
٨. إِلى السَيِّدِ الفَردِ الَّذي كُلُّ سَيِّدِ
عِيالٌ عَلَيهِ مِن جَميعِ الخَلائِقِ
9. Were freely unsheathed;
To the peerless and singular Lord
٩. إِذا نَحنُ يَمَّمنا ثِمالَ بنَ صالِحٍ
بِلَيلٍ هَدانا وَجهُهُ في السَمالِقِ
10. On whom all mankind depends;
When we made our night journey, guided
١٠. حَكَوا ما حَكَوا عَن حاتِمٍ وَفعالِهِ
فَدَع ما حَكَوا عَنهُ وَخُذ في الحَقائِقِ
11. By the Ben Salih tribe, his face shone in the dark.
Let them say what they will of Hatim and his deeds—
١١. تَجِد أَجوَدَ الأَجوادِ مَن باتَ هَمُّهُ
دَوامَ العَطايا وَاقتِحامَ الفَيالِقِ
12. Pay no heed to what they say of him. Look
To the facts, and you will find
١٢. فَواصِفُه فِي وَصفِهِ غَيرُ كاذِبٍ
وَعائِبُهُ في عَيبِهِ غَيرُ صادِقِ