
God has decreed for you nothing but eternal glory

أبى لك الله إلا رفعة الأبد

1. God has decreed for you nothing but eternal glory,
And the death of your enviers in rage and repression.

١. أَبى لَكَ اللَهُ إِلّا رِفعَةَ الأَبَدِ
وَمَوتَ شانيكَ مِن غَيظٍ وَمِن كَمَدِ

2. How much have the enemies desired for you all sorts of misfortunes!
But they could not attain it by the grace of the One, the Eternal.

٢. كَم قَد تَمَنَّت لَكَ الأَعداءُ مِن سَبَبٍ
لَم يَبلُغُوهُ بِلُطفِ الواحِدِ الصَمَدِ

3. And below what the envious aspire to is the striking of tall swords
With sharp blades and thrusting with straight spears,

٣. وَدُونَ ما يَبتَغي الحُسّادُ ضَربُ طُلىً
بِالمُرهَفاتِ وَطَعنٌ بِالقَنا القُصُدِ

4. Until you see the land with its sides dyed
The color that eyes turn when reddened with inflammation.

٤. حَتّى تَرى الأَرضَ مَصبُوغاً جَوانِبُها
صَبغَ العُيونِ إِذا اِحمَرَّت مِنَ الرَمَدِ

5. If the glory of Damascus is your possession,
Then the glory of Ghuta is not denied to the lion.

٥. إِن كانَ عَزَّ شآمٌ أَنتَ مالِكُهُ
فَلَيسَ يُنكَرُ عزُّ الغِيلِ بِالأَسَدِ

6. Trust in the Imam and do not listen to their nonsense,
For the Imam is not upon any evil in belief.

٦. ثِق بِالإِمامِ وَلا تَسمَع لِبَوحِهِم
فَما الإِمامُ عَلى شَرٍّ بِمُعتَقِدِ

7. You were sincere in your secret so you wore
A coarse garment of success and guidance.

٧. أَخلَصتَ سِرَّكَ إِخلاصاً لَبِستَ بِهِ
ثَوباً قَشيباً مِنَ التَوفيقِ وَالرَشَدِ

8. The beauty of what you have left with them
Did not allow for the eager, spiteful and envious.

٨. وَلَم يَدَع حُسنُ ما أَثَّرتَ عِندَهُمُ
تَشَوُّقاً لِذَوي الأَضغانِ والحَسَدِ

9. They tested you but did not find you fickle,
Turning from good nature or inclining to deviance.

٩. قَد جَرَّبُوكَ فَما وافوكَ مُنتَقِلا
عَن حُسنِ طَبعٍ وَلا مُصغٍ إِلى فَنَدِ

10. Every place you reside is honored,
The glory of Sharah with Abi Shiblain the Lion.

١٠. يَعِزُّ كُلُّ مَكانٍ أَنتَ نازِلُهُ
عِزَّ الشَرى بِأَبي شِبلَينِ ذِي لِبَدِ

11. As for the Imam, his resolves have blocked
These frontiers with this most wondrous aid.

١١. أَمّا الإِمامُ فَقَد سَدَّت عَزائِمُهُ
هَذي الثُغُور بِهَذا الأَروَعِ النَجِدِ

12. And God has supported him with success since He planted
His spear therein, so He has made it needless of reinforcements.

١٢. وَمَدَّهُ اللَهُ بِالتَوفيقِ مُذ رُكزَت
فيها قَناهُ فَأَغناها عَنِ المُدَدِ

13. O seeker of generosity, roll up your sleeves, verily in Aleppo
There is an ocean of generosity, surging waves and foam.

١٣. يا طالِبَ الجُودِ شَمِّر إِنَّ في حلَبٍ
بَحراً مِنَ الجُودِ طامي المَوجِ وَالزَبَدِ

14. Sweet are its springs, its streams have continued to overflow
And no matter how much its visitors increase, they increase.

١٤. عَذبَ المَشارِبِ مازالَت مَوارِدُهُ
تُغشى وَمَهما تَزِد وُرّادُها تَزِدِ

15. It has a caller calling around its basin,
"O thirsty ones complaining of prolonged days, come drink!"

١٥. لَهُ مُنادٍ يُنادي حَولَ لُجَّتِهِ
يا ظامِئاً يَشتَكي طُولَ الأُوامِ رِدِ

16. You see him possess what his boundaries contain
So his status never fails in times of havoc.

١٦. تَراهُ يَملِكُ ما ضَمَّت حَيازِمُهُ
فَما يَطيشُ حِجاهُ ساعَةَ الحَرَدِ

17. His rest gives you the earnings of the day,
Not leaving behind wealth for tomorrow.

١٧. تُعطيكَ في اليَومِ كَسبَ اليَومِ راحَتُهُ
وَلا يُغادِرُ مالاً باقِياً لِغَدِ

18. Count the honored one, and count all the people,
You will find some to be like all in number.

١٨. عُدَّ المُعِزَّ وَعُدَّ الناسَ كُلَّهُمُ
تُصادِفِ البَعضِ مِثلَ الكُلِّ في العَدَدِ

19. He raced to the furthest horizon and reached it
So he left no one to race to any horizon.

١٩. سَعى إِلى الأَمَدِ الأَقصى فَأَدرَكَهُ
فَلَم يَدَع أَحَداً يَسعى إِلى أَمَدِ

20. O bestower of bounty! I live in prosperity from his blessings
While my envious enemies live in misery and distress from him.

٢٠. يا مُنعِماً أَنا مِن نُعماهُ في رَغَدٍ
وَحاسِدي مِنهُ في ضُرٍّ وَفي نَكَدِ

21. May every stingy envier sacrifice himself for you,
Walking stingily to the guest like a lame dwarf.

٢١. فِداكَ كُلُّ حُسودٍ ضَلَّ ذِي بُخُلٍ
يَمشي إِلى الضَيفِ مَشيَ الأَجرَدِ الحَفِدِ

22. When the people of the neighborhood dispute,
Fear of death supports him between loss and profit.

٢٢. إِذا تَفازَعَ أَهلُ الحَيِّ أَيَّدَهُ
خَوفُ المَنِيَّةِ بَينَ الكَسرِ وَالنَضَدِ

23. No ambitious person has sought your rank,
Nor bought glory at great expense and servitude.

٢٣. لَم يَسعَ مَسعاكَ لِلعَلياءِ مُجتَهِدٌ
وَلا شَرى المَجدَ بِالغالي مِنَ الصَفَدِ

24. O you for whom I weave from my words
Eternal suits of praise that do not wear out.

٢٤. يا مَن نَسَجتُ لَهُ مِن مَنطِقي حُلَلاً
جَديدَةَ الحَمدِ لا تَبلى عَلى الأَبَدِ

25. Joy is mine that you remain alive so live forever,
With the age of the eagle of the air, not fleeting.

٢٥. لِيَ الهَناءُ بِأَن تَبقى فَعِش أَبَداً
مُعَمِّراً عُمرَ نَسرِ الجَوِّ لا لُبَدِ

26. Have the happiest feast, and live on eternally unvanquished
Your days have no end in immortality.

٢٦. وَاسعَد بِعيدكِ وَاسلَم خالِداً أَبَداً
لا دارَ يَومُكَ لِلأَيّامِ في خَلَدِ