1. Every day brings us new joy,
And happiness follows in succession.
١. كُلَّ يَومٍ لَنا هَناءٌ جَديدٌ
وَسُعُودٌ في إِثرِهِنَّ سُعُودُ
2. Thus go the hardships from each
Youth whose pillar against them is strong.
٢. هَكَذا تَذهَبُ الشَدائِدُ عَن كُل
ل فَتىً رُكنُهُ لَهُنَّ شَديدُ
3. Glory but serves the serious and the earnest;
Days go by and their happiness returns.
٣. إِنّما المَجدُ يَخدِمُ الجَدّ وَالأَي
يام تَمضي سُعودُها وَتَعودُ
4. Our nights have accustomed us to the lute; they desired
Naught but that lute continually.
٤. عَجَمَت عودَنا اللَيالي فَلَم يَص
لب لَها غَيرَ ذَلِكَ العودِ عودُ
5. If we possessed, we are from the source of sovereignty
And therefrom are our bodies and hides.
٥. إِن مَلَكنا فَنَحنُ مِن نَبعة المُل
كِ وَمِنهُ لُحُومُنا وَالجُلودُ
6. We built only as our fathers and forefathers
Used to build in early times,
٦. ما بَنَينا إِلّا كَما كانَ يَبني
هِ قَديماً آباؤُنا وَالجُدودُ
7. The family of Mirdas, best of men, indeed
If nobility were counted, bright and long-established,
٧. آلُ مِرداسِ أَفضَلِ الناسِ إِن عُدْ
دِدَ لِلفَضلِ طارِفٌ وَتَليدُ
8. Better is he who gathered them inside a wall,
And he who supported under a house of hair a pillar for them.
٨. خَيرُ مَن ضَمّهُم جِدارٌ وَمَن قا
مَ لَهُم تَحتَ بَيتِ شَعرٍ عَمودُ
9. If they inclined to softness, clouds bursting;
If they inclined to hardness, lions.
٩. إِن تَوالوا عَلى النَدى فَغُيوثٌ
أَو تَوالوا عَلى العِدى فَأُسودُ
10. They inherited glory before glory was created
And were generous before generosity was known.
١٠. وَرِثُوا الفَخرَ قَبلَ أَن يُخلَق الفَخ
رُ وَجادُوا مِن قَبل يُعرفُ جُودُ
11. The sweetest people, were they to walk on the surface of the earth,
Would surpass the perfume thereof.
١١. أَطيَبُ الناسِ لَو مَشَوا في صَعيدِ ال
أَرضِ فاقَ العَبيرَ ذاكَ الصَعِيدُ
12. They smoothed the earth into pillows, by God,
What those pillows contain!
١٢. مَهَّدوا الأَرضَ في المُهودِ فَياللْ
لاه ما تَحتَويهِ تِلكَ المُهودُ
13. O, generous, openhanded one, whom
None but the ignored ignore!
١٣. أَيُّها المُفضِلُ الجَوادُ الَّذي لَم
يَبقَ في الناسِ غَيره مَهجودُ
14. May God support you with happiness and may
Your banners gathered never be reversed.
١٤. مَدَّكَ اللَهُ بِالسُعودِ وَلا نُكِّسَ
يَوماً لِواؤُكَ المَعقودُ