1. Live well and nobly, exalted
Remain above the heights a place
١. عِش مُهناً بِكُلِّ خَيرٍ مُمَلّا
وَابقَ أَعلى مِنَ السِماكِ مَحَلّا
2. Your shoes made faces envious, if to please you
My face emulated them, it would be your shoes
٢. حَسَدَت نَعلَكَ الوُجُوهُ فَلَو أَر
ضاكَ وَجهي حَذَوتُهُ لَكَ نَعلا
3. You trod the earth, and if what you trod was weighed
Against ambergris, what you trod would be more precious
٣. وَوَطِئتَ الثَرى فَلَو قِيسَ بِالعَن
بَرِ ما دُستَ كانَ ما دُستَ أَغلى
4. We have heard stories of ancients
And we have seen in you what was told done
٤. قَد سَمِعنا عَنِ الأَوائِلِ قَولاً
وَرَأَينا مِنكَ الَّذي قِيلَ فِعلا
5. You rose until you became, for the circling sphere
Lofty in height, and height became lowness
٥. طُلتَ حَتّى أَصبَحتَ لِلفَلَكِ الدا
ئِرِ عُلواً وَأَصبَحَ العُلوُ سُفلا
6. You outshone clouds in generosity until
The clouds’ generosity seemed stinginess and miserliness
٦. وَفَضَحتَ الغَمامَ بِالجُودِ حَتّى
صارَ جُودُ الغَمامِ لُؤماً وَبُخلا
7. You vanquished enemies with your sword until
The proudest of them became the lowliest
٧. وَقَهَرتَ العِدى بِسَيفِكَ حَتّى
قَد غَدا مِنهُمُ الأَعَزُّ الأَذَلّا
8. Whenever they attempt bringing down what
God built for you, He elevates it
٨. كُلَّما حاوَلُوا انحِطاطَ مَبانِي
كَ بَناها لَكَ الإِلهُ وَأَعلى
9. We have seen kings in every land
And we saw you the most glorious
٩. قَد رَأَينا المُلوكَ في كُلِّ أَرضٍ
وَرَأينا الأَعَزَّ أَنتَ الأَجَلّا
10. You carried out their tasks, so each
Became dependent on the praised one in all things
١٠. قُمتَ بِالنائِباتِ عَنهُم فَقَد أَص
بَحَ كُلٌّ عَلى الحُمَيدِيِّ كَلّا
11. If we counted drops of the clouds which poured
And his good deeds, it would increase and diminish
١١. لَو عَدَدنا قَطرَ الغَمامِ الَّذي صا
بَ وَمَعرُوفَهُ لَزادَ وَقَلّا
12. One who undertakes calamities, if he carried
The burdens of mankind, he would consider them light and make light
١٢. ناهِضٌ بِالخُطوبِ لَو حَمَلَ الشُم
مَ الذُّرى لاستَقَلَّها وَاستَقَلّا
13. Whenever he became great, he withdrew from
Pride, and one who avoids arrogance becomes great
١٣. كُلَّما جَلَّ جَلَّ عَن شِيَمِ الكِب
رِ وَمَن جانَبَ التَكَبُّر جَلّا
14. The achiever became highest of all people
In worth and weightiest of them in mind
١٤. مُدرِكيُّ النِجارِ أَصبَحَ أَعلى الن
ناسِ قَدراً وَأَرجَحَ الناسِ عَقلا
15. Misfortunes of fate helped him until
Fate sought succor in his refuge
١٥. ساعَدَتهُ نَوائِبُ الدَهرِ حَتّى
طَلَبَ الدَهرُ عِندَ شانيهِ تَبلا
16. Whenever he traveled, intending, determination traveled
And whenever he camped, he camped
١٦. كُلَّما سارَ مُزمِعاً أَزمَعَ المَج
دُ مَسِيراً وَكُلَّما حَلَّ حَلّا
17. Like direction of clouds, earth does not complain
When he treads upon it a place
١٧. مِثلُ صَوبِ الغَمامِ لا تَشتَكي الأَر
ضُ إِذا ما مَشى عَلى الأَرضِ مَحلا
18. He broke the piercing poet with satire and destroyed
The swords with his strike and exhausted wealth with generosity
١٨. حَطَّمَ السَمهَرِيَّ طَعناً وَأَفنى السْ
سَيفَ ضَرباً وَأَنفَدَ المالَ بَذلا
19. They blamed him for generosity while gentle
Rain does not accept blame or rebuke
١٩. عَذَلُوهُ عَلى السَماحِ وَما يَق
بَلُ دَرُّ الغَمامِ لَوماً وَعَذلا
20. A lover of dew, when he attains beauty of reputation
Among nobles, he surely attains union
٢٠. عاشِقٌ لِلنَدى إِذا نالَ حُسنَ الذ
ذكرِ بَينَ المَلا فَقَد نالَ وَصلا
21. Encouraging and deterring, so he filled horizons
With security and blanketed land with justice
٢١. مُرغِبٌ مُرهِبٌ فَقَد مَلَأَ الآ
فاقَ أَمناً وَطَبَّقَ الأَرضَ عَدلا
22. Feet of mounts grew tired and bored from
Length of his travel and whenever he camped camped
٢٢. وَرِكابٍ كَلَّت وَمَلَّت وَكَلَّ الر
ر كبُ مِن طُولِ ما يَسيرُ وَمَلّا
23. He guided them in darkness, the face of Abul
Ala when guides lost their way and went astray
٢٣. دَلَّهُم في الظَلامِ وَجهُ أَبي العُل
وانِ لَمّا حارَ الدَليلُ وَضَلّا
24. Whenever the east wind blew, it carried perfume of musk
From direction of his land, so it was guided
٢٤. كُلَّما هَبَّتِ الصَبا شَمَّ رَيّا ال
مِسكِ مِن نَحوِ أَرضِهِ فاستَدَلّا
25. He earned pride for his people and clothed the honored
In garments never wearing out or growing old
٢٥. كَسَبَ الفَخرَ قَومَهُ وَكَسى العُر
يَ ثِياباً مِنَ العُلى لَيسَ تَبلى
26. Star and meteor began to orbit
Crescent from his horizon shining in splendor
٢٦. وَغَدا النَجمُ وَالشِهابُ يَحُفّا
نِ هِلالاً مِن أُفقِهِ قَد تَجَلّى
27. Five like the five fingers with him
As middle, a youth enveloping them in grandeur and nobility
٢٧. خَمسَةٌ كَالأَصابِعِ الخَمسِ وَالوُس
طى فَتىً طالَهُم جَلالاً وَنُبلا
28. If extent of virtues he attained is high
Then I consider him today most high
٢٨. إِن عَلا قَدرُ ما أَنالَ مِنَ الفَض
لِ فَإِنّي مُحِلُّهُ اليَومَ أَعلى
29. An outstanding one indicating you unique
And a register adorned to become resplendent
٢٩. فَردَةٌ أَعلَمَت بِأَنَّكَ فَردٌ
وَسِجلٌّ قُلِّدتَهُ لِيُحَلّى
30. A banner the rightly guided caliph inscribed on it
Coming to the husband prominently displayed
٣٠. وَلِواءٌ حَكى الهَدِيَّ عَلَيها ال
وَشيُ قَد أَقبَلَت إِلى البَعلِ تُجلى
31. Of lofty branch winds wrap its edges
But by stormy wind becomes eminent
٣١. ذاتُ فَرعٍ تَلُفُّ أَطرافَهُ الرِي
حُ وَلَكِن بِعاصِفِ الرِيحِ تُعلى
32. Zephyr walked under you carrying fatigue
Complaining to you of its heavy load
٣٢. وَمَشَت تَحتَكِ الصَبا تَحمِلُ التِب
رَ وَتَشكُو مِن حَملِها لَكَ ثِقلا
33. Wondrous how camel borne by you finds light
When you weigh heavy on earth a load
٣٣. عَجَباً كَيفَ تَستَقِلُّ بِكَ الخَي
لُ إِذا كُنتَ تُثقِلُ الأَرضَ حَملا
34. You wore the swords, so we said
Did you see blade wear blade?
٣٤. وَتَقَلَّدتَ بِالحُسامِ فَقُلنا
هَل رَأَيتُم نَصلاً تَقَلَّدَ نَصلا
35. You spoke with stars and dressed
In gown depicting does fawn
٣٥. وَتَنَطَّقتَ بِالنُجومِ وَسُربِل
تَ بِثَوبٍ يَحكي الغَزالَةَ غَزلا
36. If he transgresses sanctuary of the Imam
He goes to sanctuary surrounded and shackled
٣٦. إِن عَدا مُهجَةَ الإِمامِ فَقَد أَف
ضى إِلى مُهجَةٍ تُحاطُ وَتُكلا
37. He only discharged the sharp sword when
He did not find in his heart for you sharpness
٣٧. إِنَّما أَنفَذَ الغِلالَةَ لَمّا
لَم يَجِد في فُؤادِهِ لَكَ غِلّا
38. Increased honor and strength from God
Abundant merit from the Caliph sincere
٣٨. شَرَفاً زائِداً وَعِزَّاً مِن اللِ
هِ وَفَضلاً مِنَ الخَليفَةِ جَزلا
39. If you possessed servants East and West
And contained countries, fertile and barren
٣٩. لَو مَلَكتَ العِبادَ شَرقاً وَغَرباً
وَحَوَيتَ البِلادَ حَزناً وَسَهلا
40. You would be worthier of them and you would be
Most worthy of people in your world
٤٠. كُنتَ أَولى بِها وَكُنت لما تَم
لِكُ مِن أَهلِ دُنياكَ أَهلا
41. People roamed the earth around you until
They filled it with roads and paths to you
٤١. خَبَطَ الناسُ حَولَكَ الأَرضَ حَتّى
مَلَؤُوها طُرقاً إِلَيكَ وَسُبلا
42. One who sought good from other than you failed
One who took not shelter with other than you lost
٤٢. مَن بَغى الخَيرَ مِن سِواكَ فَما فا
زَ وَمَن لَم يَلُذ بِغَيرِكَ ذَلّا
43. Hardships of fate did not afflict me
Since I clung to your ropes a knot
٤٣. لَم تَهبَني حَوادِثُ الدَهرِ إِلّا
مُذ تَعَلَّقتُ مِن حِبالِكَ حَبلا
44. Whenever I inclined in you with early
Speech, it refused to desire other than you a spouse
٤٤. كُلَّما صُغتُ فيكَ بِكراً مِنَ القَو
لِ أَبَت أَن تُرِيدَ غَيرَكَ بَعلا
45. Fate hears what I say and narrates it
He narrated from me and extracted from me
٤٥. يَسمَعُ الدَهرُ ما أَقولُ فَيَروي
هِ وَعَنّي رَوى وَمِنّي استَملى
46. You have been too noble for my praise, so I know not
Would what I present please you or no?
٤٦. وَلَقَد طُلتَ عَن مَديحي فَما أَد
رِي أَيُرضِيكَ ما أُحَبِّرُ أَم لا
47. O son of highest kings in rank and O most generous
That trod the two heights a foot!
٤٧. يا بنَ أَعلى المُلوكِ قَدراً وَيا أَك
رَمَ مَن أَوطَأَ السِماكَينِ رِجلا
48. You are only a blessing God rewards
Us for when we among you fasted and prayed
٤٨. إِنَّما أَنتَ نِعمَةٌ يَشكُرُ اللَ
هَ عَلَيها مَن صامَ مِنّا وَصَلّى
49. You are not disturbed by calamities nor
Deprived in fate of glorious things forever
٤٩. لا أَلمَّت بِكَ الخُطُوبُ وَلا ذا
قَت لَكَ المَكرُماتُ في الدَهرِ ثَكلا