1. O you whom the kings of this world follow
None have seen or heard the like of you
١. يا مَن مُلُوكُ الدُنيا لَهُ تَبَعُ
مِثلَكَ ما أَبصَرُوا وَما سَمِعُوا
2. Your generosity is so plain even the clouds are put to shame
Your nobility so evident even the lofty stars are humbled
٢. سَخَوتَ حَتّى الغَمامُ مُفتَضَحٌ
وَطُلتَ حَتّى السِماكُ مُتَّضِعُ
3. Merits that outshine the stars, no rhetoric can match
Caesar's reign fails short of them, as Tubba's generosity chases after yours
٣. مَناقِبٌ تَزحَمُ الكَواكِبَ لا العَي
يُوقُ نِدٌّ لَها وَلا بُلَعُ
4. The keen and glorious one set his eyes on you
Neither foolish of heart nor timid
٤. قَصَّرَ عَنهُنَّ قَيصَرٌ وَغَدَت
وَتُبَّعٌ في النَدى لَها تَبَعُ
5. His traits are munificence, bounty and integrity
His nature, piety, chastity and devotion
٥. وَنُصبَ عَينيَّ ماجِدٌ فطنٌ
لا طائِشٌ لُبُّهُ وَلا هَلِعُ
6. Pure of tent and dwelling, no blemish or greed
Like water in the white vessels when they are filled
٦. شِيمَتُهُ الجُودُ وَالنَدى وَسَجا
ياهُ التُقى وَالعَفافُ وَالوَرَعُ
7. Neither foam nor dregs
From a people whose faces shine radiant
٧. مُطَهَّرُ الخِيمِ وَالأَرُومَةِ لا عَي
بٌ وَلا وَصمَةٌ وَلا طَمَعُ
8. As if they are candles after extinction
Goodness always converges when they unite
٨. كَالماءِ في أَبيَضِ الصَبِيرِ إِذا اس
تَوسَقَ لا زِبرِجُ وَلا قَزَعُ
9. And merit always comes together when they meet
A people who, when they battle, have battled
٩. مِن مَعشَرٍ أَشرَقَت وُجُوهُهُمُ
كَأَنَّها بَعدَ مَوهِنٍ شَمَعُ
10. And if they incline to peace, they have brought benefit
If they excel, they give copiously and if they carry,
١٠. يَأتَلِفُ الخَيرُ كُلَّما اِئتَلَفُوا
وَيُجمَعُ الفَضلُ كُلَّما اِجتَمَعُوا
11. They endure, and if you seek shelter with them, they accommodate
The clan of Mirdas, a noble folk
١١. قَومٌ إِذا حارَبُوا فَقَد حَرَبُوا
وَإِن هُمُو سالَموا فَقَد نَفَعُوا
12. Instilled with the excellent trait of generosity
They said and never went back on their word
١٢. إِن أَفضَلوا أَوسَعُوا وَإِن حَمَلوا
سَرُّوا وَإِن تَستَسِرهُمُ وَسِعُوا
13. And kept up their bounty, never severing
If asked, they excelled as was their wont
١٣. وَآلُ مرداسَ مَعشَرٌ نُجُبُ
عَلى جَميلِ الفَعالِ قَد طُبِعُوا
14. And if called on about something, they listened
O most generous of people, when they are generous
١٤. قالوا فَما أَخلَفُوا مَقالَهُمُ
وَواصَلُوا بِالنَدى فَما قَطَعُوا
15. And bravest of people when they are brave
You have ennobled a people you sit amongst
١٥. إِن سُئِلوا أَفضَلُوا كَما أَلِفوا
وَإِن يُنادَوا لِحادِثٍ سَمِعُوا
16. Never devoid of your bounty however much they sought
Neither your excellent kinship nor
١٦. يا أَكرَمَ الناسِ إِن هُمُو كَرُمُوا
وَأَشجَعَ الناسِ إِن هُمُو شَجُعُوا
17. Your good deeds forwent your relatives and followers
For you are their inviolable protection
١٧. شَرَّفتَ قَوماً جَلَستَ بَينَهُمُو
لا عَدِمُوا مِن نَداكَ ما شَرَعُوا
18. And their honest recourse when they repair
People cannot debase what you have raised up
١٨. لا عَدِمَت بِرَّكَ الجَميلَ وَلا
مَعرُوفَكَ الأَقرِباءُ وَالشِيَعُ
19. Nor can anyone raise up in place of what you have lowered
١٩. فَإِنَّما أَنتَ عِصمَةٌ لَهُمُ
وَمَنجَعٌ صادِقٌ إِذا اِنتَجَعُوا
٢٠. لا يَضَعُ الناسُ ما رَفَعتَ وَلا
يَرفَعُ خَلقٌ مَكانَ ما تَضَعُ