
A house we built and lived in

دار بنيناها وعشنا بها

1. A house we built and lived in
In the abundance granted by Mirdas' family

١. دارٌ بَنَيناها وَعِشنا بِها
في دَعَةٍ مِن آلِ مِرداسِ

2. A people who erased my misery and left
No misery upon me in the days

٢. قَومٌ مَحَوا بُؤسِي وَلَم يَترُكُوا
عَلَيَّ في الأَيّامِ مِن باسِ

3. Say to the world's sons - should it not be so?
Let people do thus with people

٣. قُل لِبَني الدُنيا أَلا هَكَذا
فَليَفعَلِ الناسُ مَعَ الناسِ