
Guidance has emerged and Islam has become beautiful

ظهر الهدى وتجمل الإسلام

1. Guidance has emerged and Islam has become beautiful,
And the son of the Messenger is the Caliph and Imam.

١. ظَهَرَ الهُدى وَتَجَمَّلَ الإِسلامُ
وَابنُ الرَسولِ خَلِيفَةٌ وَإِمامُ

2. Seeking help from Allah, nothing escapes him,
No quest evades him nor aim eludes him.

٢. مُستَنصِرٌ بِاللَهِ لَيسَ يَفُوتُهُ
طَلَبٌ وَلا يَعتاصُ عَنهُ مَرامُ

3. He has encompassed the lands and his eyes stay awake
While the eyes of the lands' inhabitants are sleeping.

٣. حاطَ البِلادَ وَباتَ تَسهَرُ عَينُهُ
وَعُيونُ سُكّانِ البِلادِ نِيامُ

4. The palace of Imam Abi Tameem is like the Kaaba
And his right hand is a pillar and station for it.

٤. قَصرُ الإِمامِ أَبِي تَمِيمٍ كَعبَةٌ
وَيَمِينُهُ رُكنٌ لَها وَمَقامُ

5. If not for the Family of Zahra piety would not be known among us
Nor would the nations follow guidance.

٥. لَولا بَنُو الزَهراءِ ما عُرِفَ التُقى
فِينا وَلا تَبِعَ الهُدى الأَقوامُ

6. O Family of Ahmad, your feet have been made firm
While by your enemies feet have slipped.

٦. يا آلَ أَحمَدَ ثُبِّتَت أَقدامُكُم
وَتَزَلزَلَت بِعِداكُم الأَقدامُ

7. You and others are not equal, you
Are the souls of the religion and they are the bodies.

٧. لَستُم وَغَيرُكُم سَواءً أَنتُمُ
لِلدِّينِ أَرواحٌ وَهُم أَجسامُ

8. O Family of Taha, loving and following you
Is an obligation even if the wicked blamed and found fault.

٨. يا آلَ طَهَ حُبُّكُم وَوَلاؤُكُم
فَرضٌ وَإِن عَذَلَ الوُشاةُ وَلامُوا