1. Thus you remain, of high rank
With many enemies and much conquest
١. كَذا لا تَزالُ رَفيعَ الرُتَب
كَثيرَ العَدُوِّ كَثيرَ الغَلب
2. God has granted you this blessing
And God does not take back what He gives
٢. وَقَد وَهَبَ اللَهُ هَذا النَعيمَ
وَما يَرجِعُ اللَهُ فيما وَهَب
3. Whoever lives will see in your enviers
And in those hostile to you, a wondrous thing
٣. وَمَن عاشَ أَبصَرَ في حاسِدِيكَ
وَفِيمَن يُعادِيكَ أَمراً عَجَب
4. They wanted to possess what was in your hand
And died without gaining that profit
٤. أَرادُوا تَمَلُّكَ ما في يَدَيكَ
وَماتُوا وَلَم يُقضَ ذاكَ الأَرَب
5. How much they wanted misery upon you
But God did not allow that wish
٥. وَكَم طَلَبُوا لَكَ بُؤسَ الحَياةِ
فَما أَنجَحَ اللَهُ ذاكَ الطَلَب
6. So do not worry about the passage of time
For you are the victor, however it turns
٦. فَلا تَحفِلَنَّ بِصَرفِ الزَمانِ
فَأَنتَ المُظَفَّرُ كَيفَ اِنقَلَب
7. And leave no money, for the generous man's livelihood
Comes to him from where he does not expect
٧. وَلا تُبقِ مالاً فَرِزقُ الكَريمِ
م يَأتيهِ مِن حَيثُ لا يَحتَسِب
8. If God takes the soul of the Emir
The loss of gold is the easiest thing
٨. إِذا سَلَّمَ اللَهُ رُوحَ الأَميرِ
فَأَهونَ شَيءٍ ذَهابُ الذَهَب
9. And he who earns praise in both worlds
Does not care about what he earned
٩. وَمَن كَسِبَ الحَمد في الخافِقَينِ
فَلَيسَ يُبالي عَلى ما كَسَب
10. So take the choice of sweet life
And leave harm and toil to others
١٠. فَخُذ ما صَفا مِن لَذيذِ الحَياةِ
وَدَع لِسِواكَ الأَذى وَالنَصَب
11. Do not hide anything but the blades of swords
And these men and these undertakings
١١. وَلا تَخبَ إِلّا شِفارَ السُيوفِ
وَهذِي الرِجالَ وَهذِي الخُطَب
12. By my life, you have arisen well
And your mention adorns the mention of Arabs
١٢. لَعَمرِي لَقَد قُمتَ نِعمَ القِيامِ
وَجَمَّلَ ذِكرُكَ ذِكرَ العَرَب
13. Caravans of countries came to you
From every deep ravine
١٣. وَحَجَّت إِلَيكَ وُفودُ البِلاد
دِ مِن كُلِّ فَجٍ سَحيقِ الحَدَب
14. Some have a Kaaba in the Hijaz
And some have a Kaaba in Aleppo
١٤. فَقَومٌ لَهُم كَعبَةٌ في الحِجازِ
وَقَومٌ لَهُم كَعبَةٌ في حَلَب
15. These make pilgrimage for forgiveness of sins
And those for bestowing favors
١٥. فَهَذِي تُحَجُّ لِغَفرِ الذُنوبِ
وَهَذي تُحَجُّ لِبَذلِ الرَغَب
16. In hand the finest example of swords
Quick to pleasure, not quick to anger
١٦. وَفي الدَستِ أَروَعُ مِثلُ الحُسام
سَريعُ الرِضا لا سَريعُ الغَضَب
17. The like of hail when aroused
And clouds when poured forth
١٧. نَظيرُ الهِزَبرِ إِذا ما استُثِيرَ
وَندُّ الغَمامِ إِذا ما اِنسَكَب
18. If the King wrote immortality for me
I would write the like for him of what he wrote
١٨. إِذا كَتَبَ المُلكَ لي خالِداً
كَتَبتُ لَهُ مِثلَ ما قَد كَتَب
19. Eulogies that remain as time remains
And are immortal therein for ages
١٩. مَدائِحُ تَبقى بَقاءَ الزَمانِ
وَتَخلُدُ فيهِ خُلودَ الحِقَب
20. Abu Salih, not all words
Remain, nor is all speech loved
٢٠. أَبا صالِحٍ لَيسَ كُلُّ الكَلامِ
يَبقى وَلا كُلُّ قَولٍ يُحَبّ
21. I served you when my hair was black
And here it is, white like seeds
٢١. خَدَمتُكَ وَالرَأسُ وَحفُ السَوادِ
وَها هُوَ أَبَيَضُ مِثلُ الحَبب
22. And the like of you seeks the like of me, his equal
And he comes to him even better than he sought
٢٢. وَمِثلُكَ يَطلُبُ مِثلي نَداهُ
فَيَأتِيهِ أَزيَدُ مِمّا طَلَب