1. Your ropes have become ragged, O Summya
And separation has corrupted your love and wrought havoc
١. أَضحَت حِبالُكِ يا سُمَيَّ رِثاثا
والبَينُ أَفسَدَ في هَواكِ وَعاثا
2. Many a night I have lain awake while my eyes
Tasted naught but tears and wakefulness
٢. وَلَقَد هَجَعتُ وَجَفنُ عَيني لَم يَذُق
إِلّا غِراراً في الكَرى وَحِثاثا
3. And I see love still holds firm
While your love for me in passion comes to pieces
٣. وَأَرى المَوَدَّةَ لا تَزالُ صَحيحَةً
عِندي وَوِدُّكِ في الهَوى مُلتاثا
4. You made me drink a cup of parting bitterly
When you descended, contention and strife
٤. جَرّعتِني كَأساً بِبَينِكِ مُرَّةً
لَما نَزَلتِ أَجارِعاً وَعِثاثا
5. You asked after me since the daughter of ____ and I
Am freeing myself of joy threefold
٥. وَسَلوتِ عَنّي مُنذُ بِنتِ وَإِنَّني
لَمُطَلِّقُ عَنّي السُرورَ ثَلاثاً
6. I sought help from love in my despair
And found in the Bountiful Helper, aid
٦. ولَقَد طَلَبتُ المُستَغاثَ مِنَ الهَوى
فَوَجَدتُ مِن جُودِ المُعِزِّ غِياثا
7. A king, when kings break their word, you will see him
Neither violating a promise nor being unfaithful
٧. مَلِكٌ إِذا نَكَثَ المُلوكُ رَأَيتَهُ
لا مُخلِفاً وَعداً وَلا نَكاثا
8. A noble, when the destitute stand at his door
Gives wealth, and when appealed to for help, gives aid
٨. خِرقٌ إِذا وَقَفَ العُفاةُ بِبابِهِ
أَعطَى الغِنى وَإِذا اِستُغيثَ أَغاثا
9. And when the champions join in battle, you will see him
Still battle and slay the foe threefold
٩. وَإِذا تَلاحَمَتِ الكُماةُ رَأَيتَهُ
حِلسَ الوَغى وَالضَيغَمَ الدِلهاثا
10. He buries the swords in the chests of his enemies
As though they were created for this purpose
١٠. وِتَساهَمَت أَسيافُهُ وَرِماحُهُ
وَسِهامُهُ مُهجَ العِدى أَثلاثا
11. The foremost of kings, the best of lords
Who dons the mantle upon both shoulders
١١. دَفَنَ الأَسِنَّةَ في صُدورِ عِداتِهِ
فَكَأَنَّما خُلِقَت لَها أَجداثا
12. Of a people who inherited glory and bequeathed
To those they left behind that inheritance
١٢. أَندى المُلوكِ يَداً وَأَفضَلُ سَيِّدٍ
ناطَ الرِداءَ بِمَنكِبِيهِ وَلاثا
13. O you, whose company we enjoyed because
He spends the evening bestowing kindness
١٣. مِن مَعشَرٍ وَرِثوا الفَخارَ وَوَرَّثُوا
مَن خَلَّفُوهُ ذَلِكَ المِيراثا
14. Your hands have brought about at my place gifts
That have enriched me, so events suffice me
١٤. يا مَن لَبِثنا في ذَراهُ لِأَنَّهُ
أَمسى عَلى فِعِلِ النَدى لَبّاثا
15. And through you fresh wealth was renewed for me
Blessings, though before that it was ruins
١٥. قَد أَحدَثَت عِندِي يَداكَ مَواهِباً
أَغنَينَني فَكَفَينَني الأَحداثا
16. And the land remains not barren of vegetation
Until it is hit with rains and helped
١٦. وَتَجَدَدَت لي في ذَراكَ مِنَ الغِنى
نِعَمٌ وَكُنَّ قُبيلَ ذاكَ رِماثا
17. So I will thank you with the gratitude of one
Whom you have satisfied with ample wealth, position and furniture
١٧. وَالأَرضُ لا تَنفَكُّ يابِسَةَ الثَرى
حَتّى تُصابَ بِوابِلٍ وَتُغاثا
18. And I will compose your praise in excellent verse
Proudly, and into the ear of time murmuring
١٨. فَلأَشكُرَنَّكَ شُكرَ مَن أَقنَيتَهُ
مالاً وَجاهاً واسِعاً وَأَثاثا
١٩. وَلأَنظِمَنَّ ثَناكَ في جِيدِ العُلى
سِمطاً وَفي أُذُنِ الزَمانِ رِعاثا