
If a house could speak of its dwellers

لو أن دارا أخبرت عن ناسها

1. If a house could speak of its dwellers
I would ask Damascus about the gazelles of its meadows

١. لَو أَنَّ داراً أَخبَرَت عَن ناسِها
لَسَأَلتُ رامَةَ عَنِ ظِباءِ كِناسِها

2. But how can you ask a ruined abode which knows nothing
Of its desolation or its friendliness?

٢. بَل كَيفَ تَسألُ دِمنَةً ما عِندَها
عِلمٌ بِوَحشَتِها وَلا إِيناسِها

3. Obliterated traces whose builder is wear
Unmindful of the processions of maidens above its terraces

٣. مَمحُوَّةُ العَرَصاتِ يَشغَلُها البِلى
عَن ساحِباتِ الرَيطِ فَوقَ دِهاسِها

4. White, when the breeze from the north blows
We discern it not, like its own sighs

٤. بِيضٌ إِذا اِنضاعَ النَسِيمُ مِنَ الصَبا
خِلناهُ ما يَنضاعُ مِن أَنفاسِها

5. O my companion, a shower has watered the dwellings of Julak
A rain satisfying the cisterns of its scattered houses

٥. يا صاحِبَيَّ سَقى مَنازِلَ جِلَّقٍ
غَيثٌ يُرَوِّي مُمحِلاتِ طِساسِها

6. The porticoes of its mosque, the gate of its post
The watering places of its channels and its creeks

٦. فَرِواقَ جامِعِها فَبابَ بَرِيدِها
فَمَشارِبَ القَنَواتِ مِن باناسِها

7. Indeed I spent with it a period of youth
When sport was verdant like the greenness of its general area

٧. فَلَقَد قَطَعتُ بِها زَماناً لِلصِبا
وَاللَهوُ مُخضَرٌّ كَخُضرَةِ آسِها

8. Before determination and its penetrating arrows
Had reached its targets, not attaining its battlements

٨. قَبلَ النَوى وَسِهامُهُ مَشغُولَةُ ال
أَفواقِ لَم تَبلُغ إِلى بِرجاسِها

9. Who will restore to me the invigoration of youth I enjoyed
In it, in Hims, and in its Mimas?

٩. مَن لِي بِرَدِّ شَبَيبَةٍ قَضَّيتُها
فِيها وَفِي حِمصٍ وَفِي مِيماسِها

10. And days of sport on the Ma'arrah plain, flourishing
In its beauty and beside its sloping hillsides,

١٠. وَزَمانِ لَهوٍ بِالمَعَرَّةِ مُونَقٍ
بِسِيائِها وَبِجانِبَي هِرماسِها

11. When I said to the beloved one, "Give me to drink
Of its wine or its cup, whether new or mellowed"

١١. أَيّامَ قُلتُ لَذِي المَوَدَّةِ سَقِّنِي
مِن خَندَرِيسِ حُناكِها أَو حاسِها

12. Ruby whose bright hue in the gloomy night
Replaced for us the shining of its lantern

١٢. حَمراءَ تُغنِينا بِساطِعِ لَونِها
في اللَيلَةِ الظَلماءِ عَن نِبراسِها

13. And it was as if the redness of the wine, when it burst into foam,
Were a pearl set about the sides of its cup

١٣. وَكَأَنَّما حَببُ المِزاجِ إِذا طَفا
دُرٌّ تَرَصَّعَ في جَوانِبِ طاسِها

14. So delicate it was, I know not whether the glass of its body
Was within its substance, or its substance within its glass

١٤. رَقَّت فَما أَدرِي أَكاسُ زُجاجَها
في جِسمِها أَم جِسمُها في كاسِها

15. It was as if an ember had been kindled by it
Which had been fed on melted amber at its bushes

١٥. وَكَأَنَّما زَرجُونَةٌ جاءَت بِها
سُقِيَت مُذابَ التِبرِ عِندَ غِراسِها

16. And had come glowing like the glowing coal of a censer
It guarded the hands of the drinkers when they grasped it

١٦. فَأَتَت مُشَعشَعَةً كَجِذوَةِ قابِسٍ
راعَت أَكُفَّ القَومِ عِندَ مَساسِها

17. By God, the days of youth and its pleasures
And the time of its prime, and the gentleness of its temper!

١٧. لِلّهِ أَيّامُ الصِبا ونَعِيمُها
وَزَمانُ جِدَّتِها وَلِينُ مِراسِها

18. Why does the white censure me for quitting my companions
When her own nature bids her seek out her own kind?

١٨. مالي تَعيبُ البِيضُ بِيضَ مَفارِقِي
وَسَبِيلُها تَصبُو إِلى أَجناسِها

19. The light of dawn, when darkness is profound,
Is fairer and more beautiful than the gloom of its shadows

١٩. نُورُ الصَباحِ إِذا الدُجُنَّةُ أَظلَمَت
أَبهى وَأَحسَنُ مِن دُجى أَغلاسِها

20. Passion soils the soul; would that I had cleansed
My soul of the defilement of its dregs!

٢٠. إِنَّ الهَوى دَنَسُ النُفُوسِ فَلَيتَني
طَهَّرتُ هَذي النَفسَ مِن أَدناسِها

21. And worldly ambition abases, while nothing, I believe,
Is nobler for the grieved heart than renunciation

٢١. وَمَطامِعُ الدُنيا تُذِلُّ وَلا أَرى
شَيئاً أَعَزَّ لِمُهجَةٍ مِن ياسِها

22. Whoso is chaste will not be censured, and whoso follows evil
Will not be left by its consequences without protectors

٢٢. مَن عَفَّ لَم يُذمَم وَمَن تَبِعَ الخَنا
لَم تُخلِهِ التبعاتُ مِن أَوكاسِها

23. Adorn your qualities with liberality, and do not reject
A world which regards you as the meanest of its chattels

٢٣. زَيِّن خِصالَكَ بِالسَماحِ وَلا تُرِد
دُنيا تَراكَ وَأَنتَ بَعضُ خِساسِها

24. And when you see the hand of a man extended
To gain the generous man's support, assist it

٢٤. وَمَتى رَأَيتَ يَدَ امرِئٍ مَمدُودَةً
تَبغِي مُواساةَ الكَريمِ فواسِها

25. The best of hands are those which precede in generosity
A hand which bestows upon you in its own poverty

٢٥. خَيرُ الأَكُفِّ السابِقاتِ بِجُودِها
كَفٌّ تَجُودُ عَلَيكَ في إِفلاسِها

26. As for Nizār, they are all generous, but the most generous
Were the children of its Mirdas in former times

٢٦. أَمّا نِزارُ فَكُلَّها لَكَريمَةٌ
لَكِنَّ أَكرَمَها بَنُو مِرداسِها