
The abodes of the living are desolate, O youth

ديار الحي مقفرة يباب

1. The abodes of the living are desolate, O youth
As if the traces of their civilization are a book

١. دِيارُ الحَيِّ مُقفِرَةٌ يَبابُ
كَأَنَّ رُسومَدِمنَتِها كِتابُ

2. The lute player departed from it, and the lute player wandered
Around it after its inhabitants departed

٢. نَأَت عَنها الرَبابُ وَباتَ يَهمِي
عَلَيها بَعدَ ساكِنِها الرَبابُ

3. Umm Amat accuses me during discord
But how could it be so when youth has passed?

٣. تُعاتِبُني أُمامَةُ في التَصابِي
وَكَيفَ بِهِ وَقَد فاتَ الشَبابُ

4. Youth passed from me, and I passed from it
As henna passes from the palm

٤. نَضا مِنّي الصِبا وَنَضَوتُ مِنهُ
كَما يَنضُو مِنَ الكَفِّ الخِضابُ

5. To Nasr, and which hero is like Nasr
When the tents are pitched at his singing?

٥. إِلى نَصرٍ وَأَيُّ فَتىً كَنَصرِ
إِذا حَلَّت بِمَغناه الرِكابُ

6. You violated the crucifix the morning after
Its fragments among them became summits and crosses

٦. أمُنتَهِكَ الصَلِيبِ غَداةَ ظَلَّت
حُطاماً فِيهِمُ السُمرُ الصِلابُ

7. Your soldiers cannot be encompassed by description
And your generosity cannot be totaled by accounting

٧. جُنُودُكَ لا يُحيط بِهِنَّ وَصفٌ
وَجُودُكَ لا يُحَصِّلُهُ حِسابُ

8. And all your mention is beautiful mention
And all your action is wondrous action

٨. وَذِكرُكَ كُلُّهُ ذِكرٌ جَميلٌ
وَفِعلُكَ كُلُّهُ فِعلٌ عُجابُ

9. And Armenia was violent in its onslaught
And by your hand affliction befell it

٩. وَأَرمانُوسُ كانَ أَشَدَّ بَأساً
وَحَلَّ بِهِ عَلى يَدِكَ العَذابُ

10. It came to you dragging a sea of iron
With a billow in each direction

١٠. أَتاكَ يَجُرُّ بَحراً مِن حَديدٍ
لَهُ في كُلِّ ناحِيَةٍ عُبابُ

11. When its regiments marched upon a land
The hills and plateaus shook

١١. إِذا سارَت كَتائِبُهُ بِأَرضٍ
تَزَلزَلَتِ الأَباطِحُ وَالهِضابُ

12. So it returned after you had stripped the kingdom from it
As clothes are stripped from the dead

١٢. فَعادَ وَقَد سَلَبتَ المُلكَ عَنهُ
كَما سُلِبَت عَن المَيتِ الثِيابُ

13. So neither its coming brought it near good
Nor its going far from evil

١٣. فَما أَدناهُ مِن خَيرِ مَجِيءٌ
وَلا أَقصاهُ مِن شَرِّ إِيابُ

14. So do not listen to the clamor of enemies
For they are flies when they buzz

١٤. فَلا تَسمَع بِطَنطَنَةِ الأَعادِي
فَإِنَّهُمُ إِذا طَنُّوا ذُبابُ

15. And do not raise your head to one who opposes you
For dogs bark at the lion

١٥. وَلا تَرفَع لِمَن عاداكَ رَأساً
فَإِنَّ اللَيثَ تَنبَحُهُ الكِلابُ