1. Still do your excellence and nobility raise you
Until out of envy the stars have turned green for you
١. لازالَ يَرفَعُكَ الحِجى وَالسُؤدَدُ
حَتّى رَنا حَسَداً إِلَيكَ الفَرقَدُ
2. Kings ascend yet you ascend above them
As though they failed to ascend properly
٢. صَعِدَ المُلوكُ وَأَنتَ تَصعَدُ عَنهُمُ
فَكَأَنَّهُم لَم يُحسِنُوا أَن يَصعدُوا
3. Away with your wretched envious enemies
For the envy of the envious is a despised trait
٣. بُعداً لِحاسِدِكَ الشَقِيِّ فَإنِّما
حَسَدُ الحَسُودِ سَجِيَّةٌ لا تُحمَدُ
4. The flaw of the envious is that grandeur
Has avoided the envious but not those envied
٤. حَسبُ الحَسودِ نَقيصَةً أَنَّ العُلى
عَدَتِ الحَسُودَ وَما عَدَت مَن يَحسُدُ
5. As for the glorious one, if you have heard of a singular one
Who surpassed all humanity, that's the unique one
٥. أَمّا المُعِزُّ فَإِن سَمِعتَ بِأَوحَدٍ
فاقَ البَرِيَّةَ فَهوَ ذاكَ الأَوحَدُ
6. He surpassed the generous and they failed to catch up
With the least of his bounds and strayed from following his guidance
٦. سَبَقَ الكِرامَ وَقَصَّروا أَن يَلحَقُوا
أَدنى مَداهُ وَضُلِّلوا أَن يَهتَدُوا
7. Praise flowed through him and the heights
Became priceless to the honorable, never deprecated
٧. نَفَقَ الثَناءَ بِهِ وَأَصبَحَت العُلى
عِندَ الأَعَزِّ تِجارَةً لا تَكسُدُ
8. The lands emptied of the generous and only
The bastions had magnanimous ones who were sought
٨. خَلَتِ البِلادُ مِنَ الكِرامِ وَأَقفَرَت
إِلّا العَواصِمُ مِن جَوادٍ يُقصَدُ
9. If a people lived who freed him, their freeing would have delighted him
As would what they sired have delighted him
٩. لَو عاشَ قَومٌ أَعتَقُوهُ لَسَرَّهُم
ما أَعتَقُوا وَلَسَرَّهُم ما أَولَدُوا
10. They built him towering glory upon glory
And he prospered and built atop all they erected
١٠. شادُوا لَهُ الفَخرَ المُنيفَ عَلى السُهى
وَنَشا فَشَيَّدَ فَوقَ ما قَد شَيَّدُوا
11. Not all who inherited virtues continue them
Nor are all sons of stallions lords
١١. ما كُلُّ مَن وَرِثَ المَكارِمَ قائِمٌ
فَيها وَلا كُلُّ ابنِ فَحلٍ سَيِّدُ
12. O excellent is that virtuous scion and excellent
Is that carpenter, and excellent is that devotee
١٢. يا حَبَّذا الفَرعُ الزَكِيُّ وَحَبَّذا
ذاكَ النِجارُ وَحَبَّ ذاكَ المَحتِدُ
13. Of lords who made virtues their habit
And for every people in grandeur what they are accustomed to
١٣. مِن سادَةٍ أَخَذُوا المَكارِم عادَةً
وَلِكُلِّ قَومٍ في العُلى ما عُوِّدُوا
14. A people when they witness war don they
Of their might the sharpest of what they are adorned with
١٤. قَومٌ إِذا شَهِدُوا النِزالَ تَقَلَّدُوا
مِن بَأسِهِم بِأَحَدَّ مِمّا قُلِّدُوا
15. O master of princes, the prayer of a grateful one
Who does not deny favor amongst the ungrateful
١٥. يا سَيِّدَ الأُمَراءِ دَعوَةَ شاكِرٍ
لا يَجحَدُ الإِحسانَ فِيمَن يَجحَدُ
16. Indeed, the subjects have drunk the love of you into their hearts
As the rainclouds drink the pouring rain
١٦. إِنَّ الرَعايا أَشرَبَتكَ قُلُوبُهُم
حُبّاً كَما شَرِبَ الغَمامَ الفَدفَدُ
17. And in their depths they felt the loss of your brother
Like a fire that takes the place of what they have not kindled
١٧. وَجَدُوا لِفَقدِ أَخيكَ في مُهَجاتِهِم
ناراً تَنُوبُ مَنابَ ما لَم يُوقِدُوا
18. And they refrained from rejoicing on a night
When dust settled on the sheathed swords
١٨. وَتَحَرَّجُوا أَن يَفرَحُوا في لَيلَةٍ
سَكَنَ التُرابَ بِها الحُسامُ المُغمَدُ
19. They abandoned joy and grief at negligence
That they were not gentle did not accustom them
١٩. هَجَرُوا السُرورَ وَلَم يَبِت يَعتادُهُم
أَسَفُ المَلامَةِ أَنَّهُم ما مَلًّدُوا
20. They followed your passion so if you commanded all
To refrain from their festivals, they would not celebrate
٢٠. تَبِعُوا هَواكَ فلَو أَمَرت جَمِيعُهم
بِالكَفِّ عَن أَعيادِهِم ما عَيَّدُوا
21. So make peace with them, and if you make peace, they will
Be secure whether blamed or aided
٢١. فاسلَم لَهُم فَإِذا سَلِمتَ فَإِنَّهُم
تَحتَ السَلامَةِ أَتهَمُوا أَم أَنجَدُوا