1. With determination, every determined person rises
And no flood of worries is like determination
١. بِصِحَّةِ العَزمِ يَعلُو كُلُّ مُعتَزِمِ
وَما جَلا غَمَراتِ الهَمِّ كَالهِمَمِ
2. Glory is found in two places:
Either the swords of youth or the pens of elders
٢. وَالعِزُّ يُوجَدُ في شَيئَينِ مَوطِنُهُ
إِمّا شَباةُ حُسامٍ أَو شَبا قَلَمِ
3. And I know people by how clever they are with worldly matters
Who look to comfort except one who looks to oblivion
٣. وَأَعرَفُ الناسِ بِالدُنيا أَخُوفِطَنٍ
لا يَنظُرُ اليُسرَ إِلّا مَنظَرَ العَدَمِ
4. The shame of the ignoble whom it makes wretched with hardship
And the poverty of the noble is salvation from disease
٤. غِنى اللَئيمِ الَّذي يَشقى بِهِ عَنَتٌ
وَفاقَةُ الحُرِّ مَنجاةٌ مِنَ السَقَمِ
5. The wealthy man increases in worries and troubles with wealth
Like plants whose numerous spears cause more pain
٥. يَزدادُ ذُو المالِ هَمّاً بِالغِنى وَأَذىً
كَالنَبتِ زادَت أَذاهُ كَثرَةُ الرِهَمِ
6. Be whoever you want and gain a fortune you can live by
For fertility lies in the valley like on the hill
٦. كُن مَن تَشاءُ وَنَل حَظاً تَعيشُ بِهِ
فَالخِصبُ في الوُهدِ مِثلُ الخِصب في الأَكَمِ
7. Fortunes are not divided by onlookers lacking wisdom
No free man is lessened by what he lacks in means
٧. لَيسَ الحُظُوظُ وَإِن كانَت مُقَسَّمَةً
بِناظِراتٍ إِلى جَهلِ وَلا فَهَمِ
8. Nor does the noble's esteem fall due to meager fortune
The youth takes pride in plenty of spears striking him
٨. لا يُنقِصُ الحُرَّ ما يَعدُوهُ مِن جِدَةٍ
وَلا تَحُطُّ كَريماً قِلَّةُ القِسَمِ
9. And the sword takes pride in its sharpness and nicks
I praise the life I’ve lived and gratitude still stands
٩. فَخرُ الفَتى كَثرَةُ الأَرزاءِ تَطرُقُهُ
وَالسَيفُ يَفخَرُ في حَدَّيهِ بِالثُلَمِ
10. On blessings though complaints keep coming in
I sought a generous one I could lean on
١٠. مَن ذَمَّ عَيشاً فَإِنّي شاكِرٌ زَمَني
وَالشُكرُ ما زالَ قَوّاماً عَلى النِعَمِ
11. So he singled me out with the prophet of generosity and nobility
With Majid from the Banu Shaddad he strengthened my resolve
١١. طَلَبتُ مِنهُ كَريماً أَستَجِنُّ بِهِ
فَخَصَّني بِنَبيِّ الجُودِ وَالكَرَمِ
12. And revived my wisdom which had died
He protected my face so I would not have to lower it to anyone
١٢. بِماجِدٍ مِن بَني الشَدادِ شَدَّ بِهِ
أَزري وَأَحيا بِهِ ما ماتَ مِن حِكَمي
13. Protecting my face like protecting my blood
A lord who clothes me with his favors
١٣. وَصانَ وَجهي فَلَم يُبذَل إِلى أَحَدٍ
وَصَونُهُ ماءَ وَجهي مِثلُ صَونِ دَمي
14. And dressed me in the garb of generosity before all the people
And I was dead yet his gifts kept
١٤. مَولىً بَداني بِنُعماهُ وَأَلبَسَني
ثَوبَ الصَنيعَةِ قَبلَ الناسِ كُلِّهِمِ
15. Coming back to me until they mended my bones
A young man who resents those in need getting from him
١٥. وَكُنتُ مَيتاً فَما زالَت مَواهِبُهُ
تَرُدُّ حَو بايَ حَتّى أَنشَرَت رَمَمي
16. Resentment in generosity is like blindness in discernment
Barefoot he mounts, his clothes hitched up
١٦. فَتَى يَكرُّ عَلى الإِقتارِ نائِلُهُ
وَالكَرُّ في الجُودِ مِثلُ الكَرِّ في البُهَمِ
17. Between his sides like a barefoot man with clothes hitched
Where the mounts are red, their tongues
١٧. مُجَرِّدٌ لِلهَوادي مُرهَفاً خَذِماً
وَبَينَ جَنبَيهِ مِثلُ المُرهَفِ الخَذِمِ
18. Dyed as if the saddlebags were dipped in cochineal
A king mounts the throne so he rises above all others
١٨. حَيثُ الذوابِلُ مُحمَرٌّ أَسِنَّتُها
كَأَنَّما صَبَغُوا الخُرصانَ بِالعَنَمِ
19. His hands more beneficial in this world than blood money
Smell his palm which gained him palms that grasped
١٩. يَعلو السَريرَ فَيَعلُو ظَهرَهُ مَلِكٌ
يَداهُ أَنفَعُ في الدُنيا مِنَ الدِيَمِ
20. Through the long years, remoteness, and estrangement
The veil from which a moon appears
٢٠. شِم كَفُّهُ فَهِيَ كَفٌّ كَفَّ نائِلُها
بَوائِقَ السَنواتِ الغُبرِ وَالقُحَمِ
21. Is better wrapped around a young man, concealed and veiled
His blessed face from which rain is sought when seen
٢١. إِنَّ اللِثامَ الَّذي مِن تَحتِهِ قَمَرٌ
عَلى فَتىً خَيرِ مُعتَمٍّ وَمُلتَثِمِ
22. And by his brilliance caravans are guided in the darkness
He protected the lands with his ink, so they became impregnable
٢٢. مُبارَكُ الوَجهِ يُستَسقى بِرُؤيَتِهِ
وَيَهتَدي بِسَناهُ الرَكبُ في الظُلَمِ
23. And lions are impregnable wherever they lair
And he secured Syria until people were at peace
٢٣. حَمى العَواصِمَ بِالخَطِّيِّ فَامتَنَعَت
وَالأُسدُ تَمنَعُ ما تَأوي مِنَ الأَجَمِ
24. As if safe from the world's turmoil in a sanctuary
Praise of him echoes in nomad camps and cities
٢٤. وَأَمَّنَ الشامَ حَتّى الناسُ في دَعَةٍ
كَأَنَّهُم مِن صُروفِ الدَهرِ في حَرَمِ
25. As names echoed among nations in generations past
From a people whose honor remained unsullied and whose
٢٥. مُرَدَّدُ الحَمدِ في بَدوٍ وَفي حَضَرٍ
كَما تَرَدَّدَتِ الأَسماءُ في الأُمَمِ
26. Roots were unsullied by foul suspicions
Smell the steeds of devoted heroes who gained
٢٦. مِن مَعشَرٍ خَلُصَت أَعراضُهُم وَزَكَت
أُصُولُهُم مِن قَبيحِ الظَنِّ وَالتُهَمِ
27. From swords striking the high points
The prince built them a glory not to be undone
٢٧. شُمِّ العَرانينِ وَهّابينَ ما كَسَبُوا
مِنَ الصَوارِمِ ضَرّابينَ لِلقِمَمِ
28. When the foundations of time crumble and slide
Kings slept forgetting high ambitions while he, a youth,
٢٨. بَنى الأَميرُ لَهُم عِزّاً إِذا اِنهَدَمَت
قَواعِدُ الدَهرِ أَمسى غَيرَ مُنهَدِمِ
29. Since having high ambitions, has not slept
Had I been fair, I'd not have come to praise him,
٢٩. نامَ المُلوكُ عَنِ العَلياءِ وَهوَ فَتىً
مُذ هَمَّهُ طَلَبُ العَلياءِ لَم يَنَمِ
30. My cheek would have walked on cobblestones, not my feet
I was ignorant of the right way to approach sublimity
٣٠. لَو كُنتُ أَنصَفتُ لَمّا جِئتُ مادِحَهُ
لَكانَ خَدّي مَشى بِالطِرسِ لاقَدَمي
31. Before the prince, and ignorance is not my trait
٣١. جَهِلتُ حَقَّ المَعالي أَن أَقُومَ بِها
لَدى الأَمِيرِ وَلَيسَ الجَهلُ مِن شِيَمي