1. We asked the desert, had it understood the question,
When did it make acquaintance with the gazelle and the deer?
١. سَأَلنا الرَبعَ لَو فَهِمَ السُؤالا
مَتى عَهِدَ الغَزالَةَ وَالغَزالا
2. We did not mean the wild animals to it, but
We meant the sun of Ramah and the crescent moon.
٢. وَما نَعني الظِباءَ لَهُ وَلَكِن
عَنَينا شَمسَ رامَةَ وَالهِلالا
3. A crescent after a crescent it hid,
Beauty so adored from it beauty.
٣. هِلالٌ مِن هِلالٍ غَيَّبَتهُ
جِمالٌ أُوقِرَت مِنهُ جَمالا
4. The night clothed it with luxuriant branches and mist,
And the dew spread moderation.
٤. كَساهُ اللَيلُ فَرعاً وَالثُرَيّا
سِخاباً وَالرُدَينيُّ اِعتِدالا
5. As if the bramble carries from it a branch,
When the stars sparkle, it tilts.
٥. كَأَنَّ الدِعصَ يَحمِلُ منه غُصناً
إِذا هَبَّت بِهِ النَكباءُ مالا
6. It sees its unions as forbidden,
And its love for it is permitted killing.
٦. يَرى وَصلي بِنائِلِهِ حَراماً
وَقَتلي في مَحَبَّتِهِ حَلالا
7. The lost and the rover alike sought refuge there,
God watered them both: rover and lost.
٧. تَنَقّى الضالَ وَالعُبرِيَّ داراً
سَقاهُ اللَهُ عُبرِياً وَضالا
8. And it pulled to the left of the wind a tent,
So its scent sweetened the north wind.
٨. وَجَرَّ عَلى شِمالِ الرِيحِ رُدناً
فَطَيَّبَ رِيحُهُ الريحَ الشَمالا
9. Imagination knocked indeed, so passion was provoked,
So my soul ransomed your imagination, imagination.
٩. لَقَد طَرَقَ الخَيالُ فَهاجَ شَوقاً
فَدَت رُوحي خَيالَكُم خَيالا
10. It learned from you long estrangement,
And became, like you, absent from union.
١٠. تَعَلَّمَ مِنكُمُ طُولَ التَجافي
وَصارَ يَغِبُّ مِثلَكُمُ الوِصالا
11. My two friends, look at the glittering lightning,
As if it loaded its retainers on the hillside.
١١. خَليليَّ انظُرا لَمَعانَ بَرقٍ
كَأَنَّ عَلى الرُبا مِنهُ ذُبالا
12. It shone from the firebrand of dried wood,
So it reminded me through it of the pure, the permitted.
١٢. تَأَلَّقَ مِن دُوَينِ حَزيزِ خَبتٍ
فَأَذكَرَني بِهِ الحَيَّ الحَلالا
13. When they descended the sand dune ropes we said:
The rain of life watered those ropes.
١٣. إِذا نَزَلُوا حِبالَ الرَملِ قُلنا
سَقى دَرُّ الحَيا تِلكَ الحِبالا
14. Where the torrents of each valley flow,
Its floods quenched that flooding.
١٤. بِحَيثُ يَسيلُ مَدفَعُ كُلِّ وَادٍ
فَرَوى سَيلُهُ ذاكَ السِيالا
15. And its rain made the hilltops thrive,
So vegetation on them became abundant.
١٥. وَتُمرِعُ غِبَّهُ قُلَلُ الرَوابي
فَيَكتَهِلُ النَباتُ بِها اِكتِهالا
16. When the winds of summer blow, they spend the night
Surpassing the ardour of littleness from the clouds.
١٦. إِذا هَبَّت رِياحُ الصَيفِ باتَت
تُفَوِّقُ مِن سَفا البُهمى نِبالا
17. And the humiliated, blessed mares,
As if their necks had necklaces.
١٧. وَمائِرَةِ الأَزِمَّةِ مُبرَياتٍ
كَأَنَّ عَلى غَوارِبِها صِلالا
18. They drank the fifth after the fifth until
Thirsty, they almost drank tainted water.
١٨. شَربنَ الخِمسَ بَعدَ الخِمسِ حَتّى
ظَمِئنَ فَكِدنَ يَشرَبنَ العُلالا
19. As if the murkiness where they spent the night
Stirred up the sands in its blessedness.
١٩. كَأَنَّ الكُدرَ باتَت حَيثُ باتَت
تُلَبِّدُ في مَبارِكِها الرِمالا
20. She complained of exhaustion so I said: Mother,
Be thankful for this exhaustion.
٢٠. شَكَت فَرطَ الكَلال فَقُلتُ أُميِّ
ثِمالاً تَحمَدي هَذا الكَلالا
21. And pitch the saddle from you in a good land,
Where the reverent pitch their saddles.
٢١. وَحُطّي الرَحلَ عَنكِ بِخَيرِ أَرضٍ
يَحُطُّ المُعتَفونَ بِها الرَحالا
22. By a king, when he gives gifts,
We belittled in their presence heavy coffers.
٢٢. لَدى مَلِكٍ إِذا أَعطى العَطايا
حَقَرنا عِندَها السُحُبَ الثِقالا
23. He attained and attained the summit of all praise,
While many do not attain though they attained.
٢٣. أَنالَ فَنالَ غايَةَ كُلِّ حَمدٍ
وَكَم مَن لا يَنالُ وَقَد أَنالا
24. The generous of tent, long may he be accompanied,
Thus may the best of men accompany him.
٢٤. كَريمُ الخِيَمِ تَصحَبُهُ طَويلاً
فَتَصحَبُ خَيرَ مَن صَحِبَ الرِجالا
25. If you unveiled him you’d find in him
A purity in which you’d see no flaw.
٢٥. إِذا كَشَّفتَ عَنهُ وَجَدتَ فيهِ
خِلالاً لا تَرى فيها اِختِلالا
26. He exhausted wealth until nothing remains
For him except the beauty of renown as wealth.
٢٦. أَبادَ المالَ حَتّى لَيسَ تُلفي
لَهُ إِلّا جَميلَ الذِكرِ مالا
27. When a people loathed a land,
And found no life in it, they migrated.
٢٧. إِذا ما أَمحَلَت أَرضٌ لِقَومٍ
وَلَم يَجِدوا الحَيا نَجَعوا ثِمالا
28. A young man generous of hand, when
His palms spill blood, his palm fills spilling.
٢٨. فَتىً سَمحُ اليَدَينِ إِذا أَراقَت
سِجالاً كَفُّهُ مَلَأت سِجالا
29. If we disdained the springs of every sea,
We’d venture its fresh, limpid sea.
٢٩. إِذا عِفنا مَوارِدَ كُلِّ بَحرٍ
شَرَعنا بَحرَهُ العَذبَ الزُلالا
30. And we sent the ships, sharp and swift,
To it both people and traveling caravans.
٣٠. وَأَصدَرنا الرَكائِبَ حامِداتٍ
إِلَيهِ النَصَّ وَالرَكبَ العِجالا
31. Laden with goods that if mountains bore
The mountains of Tihama or those mountains.
٣١. مُحَمَّلَةً ثَناً لَو حُمِّلَتهُ
جِبالُ تِهامَةٍ أَوهى الجِبالا
32. When kings stand in ranks tomorrow, right
To every merit, and stand left
٣٢. إِذا صُفَّ المُلوكُ غَدا يَميناً
لِكُلِّ فَضيلَةٍ وَغَدَوا شِمالا
33. Of the people who when they gained
Access, taught people access.
٣٣. مِنَ القَومِ الَّذينَ إِذا أَنالوا
نَوالاً عَلَّموا الناسَ النَوالا
34. Tall, carrying to the enemies
Tall, carrying tall spears.
٣٤. طِوالٌ يَحمِلونَ إِلى الأَعادي
طِوالاً تَحمِلُ الأَسَلَ الطِوالا
35. On the humps of vain things bearing
Where fear tightens the course.
٣٥. عَلى قُبِّ الأَياطِلِ حامِلاتٍ
بِحَيثُ يُضيِّقُ الخَوفُ المَجالا
36. When they plunged into the pool with them, they bent them
With flames in its loops flashes.
٣٦. إِذا خاضُوا النَجيعَ بِها ثَنَوها
بِشُهبٍ في سَنابِكَها تَلالا
37. As if the new moons were forged
For their hands and feet horseshoes.
٣٧. كَأَنَّ أَهِلَّةَ الظَلماءِ صيغَت
لِأَيديها وَأَرجُلِها نِعالا
38. Trained with them to wade into deaths,
So they knew as the combatants knew combat.
٣٨. مَعَوَّدَةٌ بِهِم خَوضَ المَنايا
فَقَد عَرَفَت كَما عَرَفُوا القِتالا
39. When I think of the world and of them,
I find its kings have dependents.
٣٩. إِذا فَكَّرتُ في الدُنيا وَفيهِم
وَجَدتُ مُلوكَها لَهُمُ عِيالا