
The glance of a beautiful maiden has made me lovesick

أمرضتني مريضة اللحظ سكرى

1. The glance of a beautiful maiden has made me lovesick
With an illness time cannot cure

١. أَمرَضَتنِي مَرِيضَةُ اللَحظِ سَكرى
مَرَضاً ما إِخالُهُ الدهر يَبرا

2. She sways like a branch, smiles like a pearl
Turns her back like a palm tree and faces like the full moon

٢. تَتَثَنّى غُصناً وَتَبسِمُ دُرّاً
وَتُوَلّي دِعصاً وَتُقبِلُ بَدرا

3. She is like a withered palm tree, weak and frail
Her chest panting and lacking strength

٣. فَهِيَ كَالذابِلِ المُثَقَّفِ قَد أُف
عِمَ عَجزاً وَقَد تَهَفهَفَ صَدرا

4. Her hair flowing over cheeks
That were like night, now bright like dawn

٤. أَسبَلَت فَوقَ الشَعَرَ الوَح
فَ فَكانَت لَيلاً بِهَيماً وَفَجرا

5. When I tasted her saliva I imagined
I was sipping fine wine

٥. وَتَرَشَّفتُ رِيقَها فَتَوَهَّم
تُ بِأَنّي غَدَوتُ أَرشِفُ خَمرا

6. A tempting girl with soft fingers
Full of everything that entices and excuses

٦. غادَةٌ رَخصَةُ الأَنامِلِ مَمكُو
رَةُ ما في مُفَوَّفِ الرَيطِ عذرا

7. Her murderous glances made me drunk
As did the sweetness of her saliva

٧. أَسكَرَتني سُكرَينِ مِن لَحظِها القا
تِلِ سُكراً وَمَن جَنى الرِيقِ سُكرا

8. She plays with hearts seeking a reward
And sets your heart aflame with embers

٨. وَرَمَت بِالجِمارِ تَلتَمِسُ الأَج
رَ وَقَد أَسعَرَت بِقَلبِكَ جَمرا

9. How can you take my blood and race with the sword
Seeking a prize from the Almighty?

٩. كَيفَ تُجرِي دَمِي وَتَسعى مَعَ السا
عِينَ تَبغي مِن المُهَيمِنِ أَجرا

10. She unleashed upon me from her dwelling in the caves
A passionate illusion that came by night and left by day

١٠. وَلَقَد هاجَ لي رَسيساً إِلى الغَو
رِ خَيالٌ مِن ساكِنِ الغَور أَسرى

11. He secretly visited under the cover of darkness
Until I thought he visited openly in daylight

١١. زارَ سِرّاً مِن العُيُونِ وَضَوّا ال
لَيلَ حَتّى ظَنَنتُهُ زارَ جَهرا

12. He twisted and coiled about so much
Had he persisted for a month, he would have danced

١٢. مِن لِوى عالِجٍ وَلَو أَمَّتِ العِي
سُ لِوى عالِجٍ لَأَرقَلنَ شَهرا

13. Blessed is her abode in Al-Jiz'
And her ruins at Bussra

١٣. حَبَّذا دارُها المُحِيلَةُ بِالجِز
عِ وَأَطلالُها القِفارُ بِبُصرى

14. I tried curing my sickness through her
But she only added sickness to sickness and thoughts of her

١٤. عُجتُ أَشفِي بِها الغَليلَ فَقَد زِد
تُ غَليلاً عَلى الغَلِيلِ وَذِكرا

15. My money is gone and with desire whenever
I tried to abstain from it I endured with patience

١٥. صاحَ مالِي وَلِلهَوى كُلَّما حا
وَلتُ عَنهُ صَبراً تَجَرَّعتُ صبراً

16. Neither my flowing tears would stop
Nor the burning of my heart be extinguished, nor my eyes tire

١٦. لا دُمُوعِي الغِزارُ تَرقا وَلا حرْ
رُ فُؤادِي يُطفا وَلا العَينُ تَكرى

17. I wasted away with love that if I died
I would need only a niche for a mosquito as a grave

١٧. ذُبتُ وَجداً فَلَو قَضَيتُ لَما احتَج
تُ سِوى مَوطِئِ البَعُوضَةِ قَبرا

18. Each day I am wronged and treated unjustly
And suffer remoteness, separation, and abandonment

١٨. كُلَّ يَومٍ أَلقى اِعتِداءً وَظُلماً
وَأُقاسِي نَأياً مُشِتّاً وَهَجرا

19. Gray hairs have come upon me but brought no dignity
Rather they were as bells ringing in my ears

١٩. وَلَقَد زارَنِي المَشِيبُ فَما كا
نَ وَقاراً بَل كانَ في الأُذنِ وَقرا

20. The white flowers deserted me, I don't blame
The fickleness of the one whose tresses flow

٢٠. غادَرَتنِي المَسائِحُ البِيضُ لا أُن
كِرُ مِن رَبَّةِ الغَدائِرِ غَدرا

21. Perhaps one day I may be granted
Reunion, for ease comes after hardship

٢١. وَعَسى أَن أَفُوزَ يَوماً لِأَسما
ءَ بِوَصلٍ فَإِنَّ لِلعُسرِ يُسرا

22. O heart, her glances left you no excuse among the chaste maidens
Take from fate what is pure and from people what I know of them

٢٢. أَيُّها القَلبُ لَم يَدَع لَكَ في وَص
لِ العَذارى نِصفُ الهَبِيدَةِ عُذرا

23. If you have wealth guard your honor above it all
And do good whenever you can for rewards are like treasures stored for you

٢٣. خُذ مِنَ الدَهرِ ما صَفا وَمِن النا
سِ فَإِنّي بِهِ وَبِالناسِ أَدرى

24. My friends and I became arrogant
With youthful cheeks hoping for youthful cheeks

٢٤. وَإذا كُنتَ ذا ثَراءٍ مِنَ الما
لِ فَصَيِّرهُ دُونَ عِرضِكَ سِترا

25. The skilled ones compete with us
Erasing lines and writing lines

٢٥. وَافعَلِ الخَيرَ ما استَطَعتَ فَإِنَّ ال
خيرَ تَلقاهُ مِثلَ ذُخرِكَ ذُخرا

26. I said, "Mount your steeds to the best of people"
Whether from pure lineage or branch or offspring

٢٦. وَلَقَد أَغتَدي وَصَحبِي عَلى الأَك
وارِ صُعرَ الخُدودِ يَرجُونَ صُعرا

27. So they set out across the easy plains
Towards my father creased and rugged

٢٧. تَتَبارى بِنا المَهارى وَأَيدِي
هِنَّ تَمحُو سَطراً وَتَكتُبُ سَطرا

28. The horses almost stepped into puddles
Weakened by their thinness and frailty

٢٨. قُلتُ جُوبُوا الفَلا إِلى أَكرَمِ النا
سِ جَميعاً عِرقاً وَفَرعاً وَنَجرا

29. Coming from a sea where you see whales
Swimming about safely in its depth

٢٩. فَاِنبَرَوا يَقطَعُونَ نَحوَ أَبِي العُل
وانِ سَهلاً مِنَ البِلادِ وَوَعرا

30. His palm covered the land with kindness
Nomads and settled folk alike

٣٠. وَالمَطايا تَكادُ تَدخُلُ في الأَخ
راتِ سُقماً مِنَ الذَمِيلِ وَضُمرا

31. Like heavy clouds led by ostrich
Spreading rain over the land

٣١. وَارِداتٍ بَحراً تُرى السَبعَةُ الأَب
حُرُ في سَيبِهِ ثِماداً وَغُدرا

32. The most forbearing of people against punishing
The more you add to your sins the more he forgives

٣٢. غَمَرت كَفُّهُ البَرِيَّةَ بِالإِح
سانِ عُجماً مَنهُم وَبَدواً وَحَضرا

33. His two hands are divided - one for destinies
And the other for provision

٣٣. كَالسَحابِ الكَنَهوَرِ الجَودِ قادَت
هُ النُعامى فَطَبَّقَ بِالأَرضِ قَطرا

34. Generous with honor, he does not hoard it
How can one who has squandered honor hoard?

٣٤. أَحلَمُ الناسِ عَن عِقابٍ إِذا ما
زِدتَ جُرماً إِلَيهِ زادَكَ غَفرا

35. Whenever you smell the perfume from his fingers
You find it purer than pure musk

٣٥. راحَتاهُ مَقسُومَتانِ فَلِل
آجالِ إِحداهُما ولِلرِّزقِ أُخرى

36. His hands were generous to me beyond what I deserve
So I was generous in praise and gratitude

٣٦. وَافِرُ العِرضِ لَيسَ يَترُكُ وَفراً
كَيفَ يُبقي مَن وَفَّرَ العِرضَ وَفرا

37. A aromatic scent the riders carry
Sweet, fragrant, and perfumed

٣٧. كُلَّما شِمتَ مِن أَنامِلِهِ العَش
رِ نَدىً خِلتَها مِنَ السُحبِ عَشرا

38. In howdahs that spread more fragrance
When people fill them with perfume and scent

٣٨. أَوسَعَتنِي يَداهُ فَضلاً مِنَ اللَ
هِ فَأَوسَعتُها ثَناءً وَشُكرا

39. Like the flowers of sweet basil bloomed by rain
And breeze blew gently over them

٣٩. عَبَقاً تَحمِلُ الرِكابُ إِلى الآ
فاقِ مِنهُ طِيباً ذَكِيّاً وَعِطرا

40. A king who overpowers other kings and builds Glory upon glory and pride upon pride
He is free of blame, no secrets remain hidden from him

٤٠. في طُروسٍ تَزِيدُ نَشراً إِذا ما ال
قَومُ أَمُّوا لَهُنَّ طِيباً وَنَشرا

41. Of pure and lofty character and generous traits
God prevented any meanness being seen in him

٤١. مِثلُ زَهرِ الرُبى الَّتي جادَها الغَي
ثُ وَمَرَّت مِن فَوقِها الرِيحُ حَسرى

42. He proceeded to serve and receive bounty and favors from the virtuous in floods
On an inauspicious Thursday I observed in him

٤٢. مَلِكٌ يَقهَرُ المُلوكَ وَيَبنِي
شَرَفاً فَوقَ ما بَنَوهُ وَفَخرا

43. A mighty Thursday in awe and glory
Whenever the sword wavered in the lands of enemies

٤٣. فَهوَ خِلوٌ مِنَ المَعايِبِ لا تَل
قى سَرِيّاً إِلّا وَتَلقاهُ أَسرى

44. They wavered from it in fright
It strikes sparks against the sparks, and the sharp sword

٤٤. خُلُقاً طاهِراً وَخِيماً كَرِيماً
أَنكَرَ اللَهُ أَن تَرى فيهِ نُكرا

45. Repels the polished white blades
A journey that brought elevation, and steps

٤٥. سارَ يَستَخدِمُ السُعُودَ وَيَستَق
بِلُ فَضلاً مِنَ الفَضِيلَةِ دَثرا

46. That blessed the journey and the traveling
God renewed through him honor, fortune

٤٦. في خَمِيسٍ مَجرٍ تَأَمَّلتُهُ فِي
هِ خَمِيساً مِنَ المَهابَةِ مَجرا

47. Capability over the enemy, and conquest
How can you not be helped when you are the right hand of God's religion

٤٧. وَالقَنا كُلَّما تَزَعزَعَ في أَر
ضِ الأَعادِي تَزَعزَعُوا مِنهُ ذُعرا

48. In times of distress and the left hand in ease?
Favors from you cannot be repaid, I see ingratitude

٤٨. يَقرَعُ النَبع حَولهُ النَبعَ وَالنَق
عُ يَرُدُّ المَطارِدَ البِيضَ غُبرا

49. In repaying good deeds with ingratitude
You live bestowing benefits whether good or bad befalls you

٤٩. رِحلَةٌ أَكسَبَت عُلاً وَمَسيرٌ
بُورِكَت رِحلَةً وَبُورِكَ مَسرى

50. If you take a course by your grace you steer it with grace
The world was not devoid of the beauty of your rule

٥٠. جَدَّدَ اللَهُ فِيهِ عِزّاً وَسَعدا
وَاِقتِداراً عَلى العَدُوِّ وَقَهرا

51. Nor were you devoid of forbidding wrong and enjoining right

٥١. كَيفَ لا تُجتَبى وَأَنتَ لِدِينِ الْ
لهِ يُمنى في النائِباتِ وَيُسرى

٥٢. مِنَنٌ مِنكَ لَيسَ تُكفَرُ إِنّي
لَأَرى الكُفرَ بِالصَنائِعِ كُفرا

٥٣. عِشتَ تُسدِي نَفعاً وَضُرَّاً إِذا حَلَّ
يتَ شَطراً بِالفَضلِ أَمرَرتَ شَطرا

٥٤. لا خَلَت مِن جَمالِ طَلعَتِكَ الدُن
يا وَلا أَعدَمَتكَ نَهياً وَأَمرا