1. If it were not for the affections of loved ones
The souls would have had no worries or torments
١. أَما إِنَّهُ لَولا الحِسانُ الرَعابِيبُ
لَما كانَ لِلأَرواحِ هَمٌّ وَتَعذيبُ
2. They were stingy so their love increased
Indeed, everything forbidden becomes dear to the self
٢. تَمَنَّعنّ بُخلاً فاستَزَدنَ مَحَبَّةً
أَلا كُلُّ مَمنوعٍ إِلى النَفسِ مَحبُوبُ
3. And how much sought thing brought sickness of passion
So is every sought thing accompanied by sickness?
٣. وَكَم جَلَبَت مَجلوبَةٌ سُقمَ مُهجَةٍ
فَهَل كُلَّ مَجلوبٍ بِهِ السُقمُ مَجلُوبُ
4. My two friends, no era with twilights returning
So be dutiful, and no connection with gifts granted
٤. خَلِيلَيَّ لا عَصرٌ بِيَبرِينَ عائِدٌ
فَأَبرا وَلا وَصلٌ بِوَهبينَ مَوهُوبُ
5. Why do you not excuse me for my love sickness
And my rope of love for the loved ones is twisted
٥. فَما لَكُما لا تَعذُرا بِي عَلى الجَوى
وَحَبلِيَ مِن حَبلِ الأَحِبَّةِ مَقنُوب
6. I exercised patience from Saad so if only it was
As it is said, patience in evil is inverted
٦. حَلَمتُ بِهَجرٍ مِن سُعادَ فَلَيتَهُ
كَما قِيلَ إِنَّ الحُلمَ بِالشَرِّ مَقلُوبُ
7. The Yemeni woman veiled in person like her
A leader with whom what's between my sides is veiled
٧. يَمانِيَةُ مَحجُوبَةُ الشَخصِ مِثلُها
رَسِيسٌ بِها ما بَينَ جَنبَيَّ مَحجُوبُ
8. When I rise on Resurrection Day I will hide her love
So it won't be seen in the tablet which is written
٨. إِذا قُمُتُ يَومَ البَعثِ أَخفَيتُ حُبَّها
فَلَم يُرَ في اللَوحِ الَّذي هُوَ مَكتُوبُ
9. Either the hardships watered her house or my tears spill
Both are equal, initiated and poured
٩. سَقَت دارَها الأَنواءُ أَو صَوبُ أَدمُعِي
فَكُلٌّ سَواءٌ مُستَهِلٌّ وَمَسكُوبُ
10. Until the garden therein at night is as though
When it's lamps are illuminated, a gathered assembly
١٠. إِلى أَن يَبِيتَ الرَوضُ فِيها كَأَنَّهُ
إِذا ما زَها نَوّارَهُ لِمَمٌ شِيبُ
11. And we stood in it complaining of passion so it answers us
Its reverberation, the leaves of the bushes, and the lotus trees
١١. وَقَفنا بِها نَشكُو الجَوى فَيُجِيبُنا
صَداها وُورُقُ الأَيكِ وَالجُردُ وَالنِيبُ
12. Crying, moaning, and joyful chanting
With us, the neighing of the steeds and provocation
١٢. بُكاءٌ وَإِرزامٌ وَسَجعٌ مُبَرِّحٌ
بِنا وَصَهيلٌ لِلجِيادِ وَتَهوِيبُ
13. My intimates, why does no bird sing melodies
Except that my heart is thereby distracted
١٣. أَخِلّايَ مالِي لا يُغَرِّدُ طائِرٌ
عَلى فَنَنٍ إِلّا وَقَلبِيَ مَرغُوبُ
14. Beware and apprehension of separation that it may be seen
Informing of it the sneaking talebearers
١٤. حِذاراً وَإِشفاقاً مِنَ البَينِ أَن تُرى
مُخَبِّرَةً عَنهُ النِجاحُ الغَرابِيبُ
15. So blame me not if my heart took flight hastily
For I am among those infatuated struck down
١٥. فَلا لَومَ لِي إِن طارَ قَلبِي صَبابَةً
لِأَنّي مِن شَحطِ الأَحِبَّةِ مَنحُوبُ
16. When they depart, my heart departs as though
My heart to those breasts were fettered
١٦. إِذا فارَقُوا فارَقتُ قَلبِي كَأَنَّما
فُؤادِي إِلى تِلكَ الهَوادِجِ مَجنُوبُ
17. My friend, do you see a lightning flash appearing as though
A sword with a scabbard of refined Indian steel
١٧. أَصاحِ تَرى بَرقاً يَلُوحُ كَأَنَّهُ
سُلافٌ بِرَقراقٍ مِنَ المُزنِ مَقطُوبُ
18. It appeared like a Yemeni in the darkness as though
The darkness of night were a slave from Africa clad
١٨. بَدا يَمَنِيّاً في الظَلامِ كَأَنَّما
ظَلامُ الدُجى عَبدٌ مِنَ الزِنجِ مَخضُوبُ
19. And had it flashed like a Syrian, we'd have thought it was
A kindled torch above the hill kindled
١٩. وَلَو لاحَ شامِيّاً لَخِلناهُ أَنَّهُ
سَنا قَبَسٍ فَوقَ الثَنِيَّةِ مَشبُوبُ
20. To the most handsome it guides the visitors with its face
Even if no light from fire pierced forth
٢٠. لِأروَع يَهدِي الطارِقِينَ بِوَجهِهِ
وَلَو لَم يَلُح ضَوءٌ مِنَ النارِ مَثقُوبُ
21. When the visitors come its anklets run away
To escape so the passion and the talebearers betrayed it
٢١. إِذا زارَهُ الزُوّارُ فَرَّت قِلاصُهُ
لِتَنجُو فَخانَتها الشَوى وَالعَراقِيبُ
22. You see them disliking the visitors but it's incumbent
The dislike of the living for ruin when plundered
٢٢. تَراهُنَّ يَكرَهنَ الوُفُودَ وَواجِبٌ
كَراهَةُ حَيٍّ لِلرَدى وَهوَ مَغصُوبُ
23. They were created as dwellings for visitors with a blade
That is accustomed to prey upon eagles and wolves
٢٣. خُلِقنَ قِرىً لِلطارِقِينَ بِصارِمٍ
تَعَوَّدَ أَن يُقرى بِهِ النَسرُ وَالذِيبُ
24. Indeed, the death which earned praise brought honor to its people
So all praise earned with hardship is gained
٢٤. لَقَد مُتنَ مَوتاً أَكسَبَ الحَمدَ أَهلَهُ
أَلا كُلُّ حَمدٍ بِالمَشَقَّةِ مَكسُوبُ
25. When praise increases with provision, blessings are poured
Upon its moistened sides, the blood spilled
٢٥. إِذا زادَ بِالزّادِ الثَناءُ فَبُورِكَت
عِشارٌ عَلى لَبّاتِها الدَمُ مَسرُوبُ
26. The crown of Ma'add yielded to you the crown reluctantly
Deeming the crown obtained through the crown
٢٦. أَتاجَ مَعَدٍّ صُغ لَكَ التاجَ مُرغِماً
عِداك بِأَنَّ التاجَ بِالتاجِ مَعصُوبُ
27. Your mantle, do not drag it on the ground, it is
A mantle upon the surface of the heavens outstretched
٢٧. وَبُردُكَ لا تَسحَبُهُ في الأَرضِ إِنَّهُ
لَبُردٌ عَلى وَجهِ السِماكَينِ مَسحُوبُ
28. And say to the grey clouds of the sky, "Shower down rain
Or cease, as I and you are showerers of rain
٢٨. وَقُل لِشَآبِيبِ السَماءِ تَهَمَّرِي
أَو اِنقَطِعي إِنّي وَأَنتِ شَآبِيبُ
29. God has ordained for me self-sufficiency through you and the good fortune
Of my grandfather and prosperity were the causes
٢٩. قَضى اللَهُ لِي مِنكَ الغِنى وَتَسَبَّبَت
سَعادَةُ جَدِّي وَالسُعُودُ تَسابِيبُ
30. Am I not but one of the community of a nation
That has a drinking place from your abundant spring?
٣٠. وَهَل أَنا إِلّا مِن جَماعَةِ أُمَّةٍ
لَها مَشرَبٌ مِن حَوضِكَ الجَمِّ مَشرُوبُ
31. May goodness be yours if your subjects sin, then pardon
Their crimes, for the Manager is Observant
٣١. لَكَ الخَيرُ إِن يُجرِم رَعاياكَ فاغتَفر
جَرائِمَهُم إِنَّ المُدَبَّرَ مَربُوبُ
32. They were distraught when they saw you, so discipline them
With your pardon, for pardoning is refinement for the noble
٣٢. هَفَوا هَفوَةً مِن غَيرِ بُغضِ فَأُدِّبُوا
بِعَفوِكَ إِنَّ العَفوَ لِلحُرِّ تَأَديبُ
33. And if you wished, far from your good origin, you'd have been seen
Doing wrong, the cubs would have wallowed in blood
٣٣. وَلَو شِئتَ حاشا طِيبَ أَصلِكَ أَن تُرى
مُسِيئاً لَخاضَت في الدِماءِ اليَعابِيبُ
34. And the Indian swords, what's for their scabbards
And the lances, what's for their spearheads
٣٤. وَعادَت سُيوفُ الهِندِ ما لِنُصُولِها
شِفارٌ وَما لِلمارِناتِ أَنابِيبُ
35. You were created noble, no bounty made you transgress
Nor rectitude and discipline caused you to err
٣٥. خُلِقتَ كَرِيماً لَم يَفتُكَ تَفَضُّلٌ
وَطَولٌ وَلا أَخطاكَ حَزمٌ وَتَهذِيبُ
36. You came out to them angry so they pleaded
To you, and after pleading there is no rebuke
٣٦. بَرَزتَ إِلَيهِم مُغضَباً فَتَضَرَّعُوا
إِلَيكَ وَما بَعدَ التَضَرُّعِ تَثرِيبُ
37. Indeed when they dreaded as soon as they saw you they saw
In you terror, for the sight of horror brings dread
٣٧. لَئِن رَهِبُوا لَمّا رَأَوكَ لَقَد رَأَوا
بِكَ الهَولَ إِنَّ المَنظَرَ الهَولَ مَرهُوبُ
38. So pardon, as God has pardoned you, and mercy
For your pardon from the pardon of the Guardian is counted
٣٨. فَعَفواً عَفا عَنكَ الإِله وَرَأفَةً
فَعَفوُكَ مِن عَفوِ المُهَيمِنِ مَحسُوبُ
39. They were not accustomed to harshness from you
Nor was any of them in your presence slaughtered
٣٩. فَإِنَّهُمُ لَم يَعهَدُوا مِنكَ جَفوَةً
وَلا ذُبَّ مِنهُم في جَنابِكَ مَذبُوبُ
40. The child among them was raised on your benefaction
And the adolescent and grey hair grew under your good deed
٤٠. تَرَبّى عَلى إِنعامِكَ الطِفلُ مِنهُمُ
وَشَبَّ عَلى إِحسانِكَ المُردُ وَالشَيبُ
41. And I will not forget an advisor and a servant
Elderly, having a right upon the king owed
٤١. وَأَنسى وَلا أَنسى نَصِيحاً وَخادِماً
مُسِنّاً لَهُ حَقُّ عَلى المَلكِ مَوجُوبُ
42. So be pleased with them, for you are Joseph
And your servant the Sheikh of the State, Sheikh Yaqub
٤٢. فَجُد بِالرِضا عَنهُم فَإِنَّك يُوسُفٌ
وَعَبدُكَ شَيخُ الدَولَةِ الشَيخُ يَعقُوبُ
43. I swear, if you turned your face away angrily
From the earth, the clouds would not rain upon it
٤٣. فَأَقسِمُ لَو حَوَّلتَ وَجهَكَ مُعرِضاً
عَنِ الأَرضِ ما دَرَّت عَلَيها الأَهاضِيبُ
44. And if you told the highlands that you are coming
The highlands would shake while they are rugged
٤٤. وَلَو قِيلَ لِلأَطوادِ إِنَّكَ واجِدٌ
تَدَكدَكَتِ الأَطوادُ وَهيَ شَناخِيبُ
45. And if you stayed up at night for the shining stars
Wanting evil, nothing you desired would be unattainable for you
٤٥. وَلَو بِتَّ لِلشُهبِ المُنِيرَةِ طالِباً
بِسُوءٍ لَما أَعياكَ ما هُوَ مَطلُوبُ
46. Likewise, if you harbored malice toward dawn
It would be obscured and become gloomily dark
٤٦. كَذاكَ وَلَو أَضمَرت لِلصُبحِ إِحنَةً
لَحالَ وَأَضحى وَهوَ أَسوَدُ غِربِيبُ
47. You are none other than time itself since you were victorious
And every enemy among your adversaries is defeated
٤٧. وَما أَنتَ إِلّا الدَهرُ مُذ كُنتَ غالِباً
وَكُلُّ عَدُوٍّ مِن أَعادِيكَ مَغلُوبُ
48. You are the springtime of people, your righteousness connects
And your honor abounds and your wealth is granted
٤٨. وَأَنتَ رَبيعُ الناسِ بِرُّكَ واصِلٌ
وَعِرضُكَ مَوفُورٌ وَمالُكَ مَوهُوبُ
49. The archers took aim at you from every direction
As though you are a sun radiating rays from all its sides
٤٩. تَيَمَّمَكَ القُصّادُ مِن كُلِّ وَجهَةٍ
كَما أَمَّتِ البَيتَ الحَرامَ المَحارِيبُ
50. So neither gifts are prohibited nor covenants prevent
Nor deeds blamed nor praise deemed fabricated
٥٠. كَأَنَّكَ شَمسٌ مِن جَميعِ جِهاتِها
تَمُدُّ شُعاعاً وَالشُعاعُ أَسالِيبُ
51. And an honored lineage reached to the stars of the sky
Having its ancestry among the righteous attributed
٥١. فَلا الرَفدُ مَمنُوعٌ وَلا العَهدُ حائِلٌ
وَلا الفِعلُ مَذمُومٌ وَلا المَدحُ مَكذُوبُ
52. A knight Qays took pride in, like how the nobility of ʿĀmir
And the Abyssinians are proud of the wandering Bedouins
٥٢. وَطالَت فَنالَت جَبهَةَ النَجمِ أُسرَةٌ
لَها نَسَبٌ في الصالِحيِّينَ مَنسُوبُ
53. So you don't see in him or his clan any
Disgrace, when other clans are faulted
٥٣. فَتىً فَخُرَت قَيسٌ بِهِ كَيفَ عامِرٌ
وَطالَت بِهِ الأَحباشُ كَيفَ الأَعارِيبُ
54. May God reward the pride of the kingdom from one who returned him
To glory, and he from glory was stripped
٥٤. فَلَستَ تَرى فِيهِ وَلا في عَشِيرِهِ
مَعاباً إِذا ما مَعشَرٌ غَيرُهُم عِيبُوا
55. So he was none other than Jonah in the belly of the whale when
He called unto his Lord while distressed
٥٥. جَزى اللَهُ فَخرَ المُلكِ عَمَّن أَعادَهُ
إِلى العِزِّ خَيراً وَهوَ لِلعِزِّ مَسلُوبُ
56. And Job, when he called and his affliction was prolonged
So what he complained of affliction was relieved for Job
٥٦. فَما كانَ إِلّا يُونُسَ الحُوتِ إِذ دَعا
إِلى رَبِّهِ في سِرِّها وَهوَ مَكرُوبُ
57. Ancestral fortune follows it, and perhaps
For a man, his ancestral fortune has consequence
٥٧. وَأَيُّوب إِذ نادى وَقَد طالَ ضُرُّهُ
فَفُرّجَ ما يَشكُو مِنَ الضُرِّ أَيُّوبُ
58. So do not wonder at what you have seen, for they are
Hearts which good and evil overturn
٥٨. يُعَقِّبُهُ الجَدُّ السَعِيدُ وَرُبَّما
يَكُونُ لِجَدِّ المَرءِ بِالسَعدِ تَعقِيبُ
59. And for the people in the world there is abasement and honor
And for the kingdom, banishment and proximity
٥٩. فَلا تَعجَبِي مِمّا رَأَيتُ فَإِنَّها
قُلُوبٌ لَها بِالخَيرِ وَالشَرِّ تَقلِيبُ
60. And how many estranged were loyalty toward him tested
And for the people in the world there is trial and test
٦٠. وَلِلناسِ في الدُنيا نَزُولٌ وَرِفعَةٌ
وَلِلمُلكِ إِبعادٌ وَلِلمُلكِ تَقرِيبُ
61. And whoever lived in the world must see
Diverse wonders, for time is full of wonders
٦١. وَرُبَّ قَصِيٍّ جُرِّبَ الوُدُّ عِندَهُ
وَلِلناسِ في الدُنيا اِمتِحانٌ وَتَجرِيبُ
62. Abu Salih, no name and title will be absent
For a name has become noble and surnames have become teknonyms
٦٢. وَمَن عاشَ في الدُنيا فَلا بُدَّ أَن يَرى
عَجائِبَ شَتّى وَالزَمانُ أَعاجِيبُ
63. You have remained as you are, conspicuously eminent
And builder of towering high sublimities
٦٣. أَبا صالِحٍ لا يُعدَمِ اسمٌ وَكُنيَةٌ
فَقَد شَرُف اسمٌ وَاكتِناءٌ وَتَلقِيبُ
64. If you do not complain of bleakness, then indeed
Swords, horsemen, arrows and spears have complained
٦٤. بَقِيتَ عَلى ما أَنتَ بانٍ مِنَ العُلى
وَباني المَعالي المُشمَخِرّاتِ مَتعُوبُ
65. Wandering in the desert as though they are
Scrolls, some of which are bound and some poured out
٦٥. فَإِن كُنتَ لا تَشكُو عَياءً فَقَد شَكا
حُسامٌ وَعَسّالٌ وَسَهمٌ وَيَعبُوبُ
66. And were it not for avoiding sin, I'd have said scrolls
Scattered with the traces of steeds and tents
٦٦. وَهامٌ عَلى البَيداءِ مُلقىً كَأَنَّهُ
صِحافُ قِرىً مِنها سَوِيٌّ وَمَكبُوبُ
67. So the Kilabi house boasts through you, it is indeed
A house above the galaxy placed high
٦٧. وَلَولا اجتِنابُ الإِثمِ قُلتُ صَحائِفٌ
تُفَضُّ وَآثارُ الجِيادِ مَحارِيبُ
68. Lofty in lineage, the servant has not pitched his affection
But it is affection from God that is pitched
٦٨. لِيَسمُ بِكَ البَيتُ الكِلابِيُّ إِنَّهُ
لَبَيتٌ بِكُم فَوقَ المَجَرَّةِ مَنصُوبُ
69. Buried beneath the earth while its rope reaches
To the highest of the celestial spheres is looped
٦٩. رَفِيعُ الذُرى لَم يَضرِبِ العَبدُ وَدَّهُ
وَلَكِنَّهُ وَدٌّ مِنَ اللَهِ مَضرُوبُ
70. And I found in your sublime qualities enabling me
To speak, while praise and poetry visited me
٧٠. رَسا تَحتَ أَطباقِ الثَرى وَلِحَبلِهِ
إِلى مُنتَهى السَبعِ الطَوالِعِ تَطنِيبُ
71. So I clothed you in a robe of praise, seldom
Does it wear out and fade when garments fade
٧١. وَجَدتُ مَقالاً في مَعالِيكَ مُمكِناً
فَقُلتُ وَواتانِي مَدِيحٌ وَتَشبيبُ
72. It angers your detractor until it is as though
Your enemy by the praise in you is attributed
٧٢. فَدُونَكَ جِلباباً مِن الحَمدِ قَلَّما
يَرِثُّ وَيَبلىحِينَ تَبلى الجَلابِيبُ
٧٣. يُغاظُ بِهِ شانِيكَ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
عَدُوُّكَ بِالمَدحِ الَّذي فِيكَ مَنسُوبُ