
The vision of a beautiful Indian girl passed by

سرى طيف هند والمطي بنا تسري

1. The vision of a beautiful Indian girl passed by
And our swift camels carried us along through the night

١. سَرى طَيفُ هِندٍ وَالمَطِيُّ بِنا تَسري
فَأَخفى دُجى لَيلٍ وَأَبدى سَنا فَجرِ

2. My two dear friends, relieve me of my worries
And let us ride the dusty trails through the dusty desert

٢. خَلِيلَيَّ فُكّاني مِنَ الهَمِّ وَأَركَبا
فِجاجَ المَوامِي الغُبرِ في النُوَبِ الغُبرِ

3. To a gracious king of the tribe of Amer
Whose virtues make the stars seem dim

٣. إِلى مَلِكٍ مِن عامِرٍ لَو تَمَثَّلَت
مَناقِبُهُ أَغنَت عَنِ الأَنجُمِ الزُهرِ

4. When we praised him, the camels turned
Their ears to listen, as if spellbound

٤. إِذا نَحنُ أَثنَينا عَلَيهِ تَلَفَّتَت
إِلَيهِ المَطايا مُصغِياتٍ إِلى جَبرِ

5. Above the throne of that noble king
From the family of Saleh, was a youth

٥. وَفَوقَ سَريرِ المُلكِ مِن آلِ صالِحٍ
فَتىً وَلَدَتهُ أُمُّهُ لَيلَةَ القَدرِ

6. Born to his mother on the Night of Power
A youth whose face shone brighter than the full moon

٦. فَتىً وَجهُهُ أَبهى مِنَ البَدرِ مَنظَراً
وَأَخلاقُهُ أَشهى مِنَ الماءِ وَالخَمرِ

7. And whose character was sweeter than water or wine
O Father of Saleh, I complain to you of misfortunes

٧. أَبا صالِحٍ أَشكُو إِلَيكَ نوائِباً
عَرَتنِي كَما يَشكُو النَباتُ إِلى القَطرِ

8. That have struck me as plants complain of drought
Look at me with a gaze that if cast

٨. لِتَنظُرَ نَحوِي نَظرَةً إِن نَظَرتَها
إِلى الصَخرِ فَجَّرتَ العُيونَ مِنَ الصَخرِ

9. On solid rock would draw forth tears
In my house I left behind little children

٩. وَفِي الدارِ خَلفِي صِبيَةٌ قَد تَرَكتهُمُ
يُطِلُّونَ إِطلالَ الفِراخِ مِنَ الوَكرِ

10. Peering out like chicks from a nest
I have sinned against myself with my own self

١٠. جَنَيتُ عَلى رُوحِي بِرُوحي جِنايَةً
فَأَثقَلتُ ظَهرِي بِالَّذي خَفَّ مِن ظَهرِي

11. And weighed down my back with a burden too heavy to bear
So grant me a gift whose praise will live on

١١. فَهَب هِبَةً يَبقى عَلَيكَ ثَناؤُها
بَقاءَ النُجومِ الطالِعاتِ الَّتي تَسرِي

12. As long as the stars shine night after night
They number half as many as the Pleiades

١٢. عِدادُ الثُرَيّا مِثلُ نِصفِ عِدادِهم
وَمَن نَسلُهُ ضِعفُ الثُرَيّا مَتى يُثرِي

13. Yet from them will spring twice as many descendants
I fear the treacherous nights will harm them

١٣. وَأَخشى اللَيالِي الغادِراتِ عَلَيهِمُ
لِأَنَّ اللَيالي غَيرُ مَأمُونَةِ الغَدرِ

14. For the nights are not to be trusted
From you I hold a fief, longstanding and recent

١٤. وَلِي مِنكَ إِقطاعٌ قَدِيمٌ وَحادِثٌ
تَقَلَّبتُ فِيهِ تَحتَ ظِلِّكَ مِن عُمرِي

15. I have lived all my life in your shade
I do not fear to lose it nor dread

١٥. وَما أَنا بِالمَمنُوعِ مِنهُ وَلا الَّذي
أَخافُ عَلَيهِ مِنكَ حادِثَةً تَجرِي

16. Any misfortune concerning it from you
Rather I want it to be a lasting kingdom

١٦. وَلَكِنَّني أَبغِيهِ مُلكاً مُخَلَّداً
خُلُودَ القَوافِي الباقِياتِ عَلى الدَهرِ