
If reproach availed in this age, I would reproach it while it babbles

لو كان ينفع في الزمان عتاب

1. If reproach availed in this age, I would reproach it while it babbles
We kneaded dough over it and asked for its form

١. لَو كانَ يَنفَعُ في الزَمانِ عِتابُ
لَعَتَبتُهُ في الرَبعِ وَهوَ يَبابُ

2. If he who asked for long life were answered
An era for loved ones whose abodes we love

٢. عُجنا عَلَيهِ العِيسَ نَسأَل رَسمَهُ
لَو كانَ مَن سَأَلَ الطُلُولَ يَجابُ

3. Because of them it is as if they are loved ones
When we made their dust in the eyes dust

٣. زَمَنٌ لِأَحبابٍ نُحِبُّ دِيارَهُم
مِن أَجلِهِم فَكَأَنَّها أَحبابُ

4. No dust remained in those meadows
After multitudes of tears flowed for them, tears and streams flowed for them

٤. لَمّا جَعَلنا في العُيونِ تُرابَها
لَم يَبقَ في تِلكَ الرُبوعِ تُرابُ

5. O meadow, time has marred you and Zainab and Rabab have often adorned your terraces
Days when the dust is gathered when maidens with ornaments walked in your skirts

٥. مِن بَعدِ ما سالَت شُعُوبُ مَدامِعٍ
سالَت لَهُنَّ مَدامِعٌ وَشِعابُ

6. Like suns over the backs of gazelles they disappear from you when the raven cries
Their affection is not lasting with one step if wealth and youth do not last for you

٦. يا رَبعُ قَبَّحَكَ الزَمانُ وَطالَما
زانَت عِراصَكَ زَينَبٌ وَرَبابُ

7. Leave their love for they are fleeting
And their words are deceitful and fraudulent

٧. أَيّامَ يُلتَثَمُ التُرابُ إِذا مَشَت
في دِمنَتَيكَ كَواعِبٌ أَترابُ

8. And if you seek something from time with the sword, craving will not torment you
Kingdoms, their faces are only protected by spears and blows

٨. مِثلُ الشُمُوسِ عَلى غَوارِبِ أَينُقٍ
يَغرُبنَ عَنكَ إِذا يَصيحُ غُرابُ

9. And glory is what the glorious one has raised with his sword
After time has passed with it the eras

٩. لا يُستَدامُ وَدادُهُنّ بِخُطوَةٍ
إِن لَم يَدُم لَكَ ثَروَةٌ وَشَبابُ

10. His rage was kindled against his people so it regained for them
Kingdoms and kings - wrath

١٠. ذَر حُبَّهُنَّ فَإِنَّهُنَّ فَوارِكٌ
وَمَقالُهُنَّ خَديعَةٌ وَخِلابُ

11. And it restored the glory of the sons of Kilab after
The vicious Kilab were stripped of glory

١١. وَإِذا طَلَبتَ مِنَ الزَمانِ طِلابَةً
بِالسَيفِ لَم يَعذُب عَلَيكَ طِلابُ

12. They witnessed to the favor of his father, so the necks
Of the vanquished armies confessed his favor

١٢. إِنَّ المَمالِكَ لا يَصُونُ وُجُوهَها
إِلّا طِعانٌ دُونَها وَضِرابُ

13. And the clan was sure that he is
Victory for it in adversities and bending

١٣. وَالعِزُّ مارَدَّ المُعِزُّ بِسَيفِهِ
مِن بَعدِ ما ذَهَبَت بِهِ الأَحقابُ

14. They slept while his eye was awake in their glory
Until he built his lands while in ruins

١٤. غَضِبَت قَناهُ لِقَومِهِ فَاستَرجَعَت
لَهُمُ المَمالِكَ وَالمُلوكُ غِضابُ

15. And he pardoned the one who wronged him, and his pardon
Over power like punishment is punishment

١٥. وَأَعادَ عِزَّ بَني كِلابٍ بَعدَما
عَرِيَت مِنَ العِزِّ الأَشَمِّ كِلابُ

16. And he built for them in glory a house that Zufar and Jabaw
Did not build the like, nor pegs were driven for it, nor ropes extended

١٦. شَهِدُوا بِفَضلِ أَبيهِ فَاعتَرَفَت لَهُ
بِالمَنِّ مِن فَلِّ الجُيوشِ رَقابُ

17. So let them thank a king who, by him and his horse
Elders and youths of them fell

١٧. وَلَقَد تَيَقَّنَتِ العَشِيرَةُ أَنَّهُ
ظُفرٌ لَها في النائِباتِ وَناب

18. Praise him, for they knew the nature of others
And honey is praised when strained from the comb

١٨. نامُوا وَأَسهَرَ عَينَهُ في عَزِّهِم
حَتّى بَنى قُطرَيهِ وَهوَ خَرابُ

19. He has granted them a livelihood that did not humiliate them
In it a food before it and a drink

١٩. وَعَفا عَنِ الجاني إِلَيهِ وَعَفوُهُ
عَن قُدرَةٍ مِثلُ العِقابِ عِقابُ

20. And he fulfilled what his rage had plundered and returned it
And when are plunders ever returned from rage?

٢٠. وَبَنى لَهُم في العِزِّ بَيتاً ما بَنى
شَبَهاً لَهُ زُفَرٌ وَلا جَوّابُ

21. Had he not demanded what he had taken
The cravers would have taken it from his wealth

٢١. بَيتٌ بَناهُ اللَهُ لَم يُسمَك لَهُ
عَمَدٌ وَلَم تُمدَد لَهُ أَطنابُ

22. And when the generous man encompasses the corpulent, he is generous with him
Like the sea - what mastery does anything have over it?

٢٢. فَليَشكُروا مَلِكاً بِهِ وَبِخَيلِهِ
فَخَرَت كُهُولٌ مِنهُمُ وَشَبابُ

23. Do not wonder at what you have done, for everything
You do in the two worlds is wondrous

٢٣. حَمِدُوهُ إِذ عَرَفُوا سَجِيَّةَ غَيرِهِ
وَالشَهدُ يُحمَدَ حينَ يُجنى الصابُ

24. You have indeed restrained from the harem and there was not
Within you an essence that the blamer blames

٢٤. هَنّاهُمُ بِمَعايِشٍ لَم يَهنِهِم
فِيها طَعامٌ قَبلَهُ وَشَرابُ

25. And you have veiled them from the eyes with a jealousy
That is a veil over them along with the veil, a veil

٢٥. وَوَفى بِما سَلَبَت قَناهُ فَرَدَّهُ
وَمَتى تُرَدُّ مِنَ القَنا أَسلابُ

26. And you disdained to accept them as wives
While their husbands are young ragamuffins

٢٦. لَو لَم يُطالَب بِالَّذي هُوَ آخِذٌ
أَخَذَتهُ مِن أَموالِهِ الطُلّابُ

27. Your rage gained double what they gained
Truly the generous man is triumphant and victorious

٢٧. وَإِذا الكَريمُ حَوى الجَسيمَ سَخا بِهِ
كَالبَحرِ ما لِلشَيءِ فيهِ رَبابُ

28. And you sought your revenge so you became famous and returned what
The cutting, slashing sword had taken from you

٢٨. لا يَعجَبُوا مِمّا فَعَلتَ فَكُلُّ ما
تَأتي بِهِ في العالَمينَ عُجابُ

29. And you met with ambition and supremacy an ambition, so you are
The one who aspires and the fulfiller

٢٩. وَلَقَد عَفَفتَ عَنِ الحَريمِ وَلَم يَكُن
لَكَ باطِنٌ يَغتابُهُ المُغتابُ