
After weakness, Asma visited

طرقت بعد موهن أسماء

1. After weakness, Asma visited
When she let down her dark tresses

١. طَرَقَت بَعدَ مَوهنٍ أَسماءُ
حينَ أَرخَت سُدولَها الظلماءُ

2. She visited us while the night was ambiguous and the house
Was bleak without its people wandering aimlessly

٢. طَرَقَتنا وَاللَيلُ أَبهَمُ وَالبَي
داءُ مِن دونِ أَهلِها يَهماءُ

3. How did she brave the fears of the wilderness or
How did she feel at ease in her wandering the desert

٣. كَيفَ جابَت مَخاوِفَ البيد أَم كَي
فَ اطمَأَنَّت في سَيرِها البَيداءُ

4. The meadows of the Prophet were desolate without her
As well as the sands of his land wandering confused

٤. وَفَيافي النَبِيِّ مِن دونِها الغُب
رُ وَمَوماةُ أَرضِها التَيهاءُ

5. And the mountains of Sarat without her abode
Were like a flock scattered, lost, and confused

٥. وَجِبالُ السراةِ مِن دُونِ مَأتا
ها فَرَيّا فَرَدَّةٌ فالجِواءُ

6. So were the twisted valleys, necklaces of Shabat
Zarud, Al Samad, and Al Khasa confused

٦. فَاللِوى فَالأَحِزة العُقدُ مِن خَب
تَي زَرُودٍ فَالصَمدُ فَالخَلصاءُ

7. As well as the caves of Harra and the meadows
With springs, domes, and sand dunes accumulating

٧. فَصُوى حَرَّةٍ وَأَرعَنُ في الجَوْ
و مُنيفٌ وَقُبَّةٌ عَنقاءُ

8. How was her loyalty when the days
Were hopeless, devoid of any loyalty

٨. كَيفَ كانَ الوَفاءُ وَهِيَ مَدى الأَي
يامِ لا يُرتَجى لَدَيها وَفاءُ

9. We covered her abodes with the twisting of snakes
After kindness upon her, kindness returned

٩. قَد غَشِينا دِيارَها بِلِوى النَب
ر عَلَيها بَعدَ العَفاءِ عَفاءُ

10. And we cried over her abodes while she
Was a barren ruin, even if crying availing

١٠. وَبَكَينا دِيارَها وَهِيَ أَطلا
لٌ بَوالٍ لَو كانَ يُغني البُكاءُ

11. Then the camels turned with us, restless
When the winds turned restless with their burden

١١. ثُمَّ مالَت بِنا المَطايا فَعاجَت
حينَ عاجَت بِرَكبِها الأَهواءُ

12. Groaning and the riders crying alike
Lost in love and equal in their fervor

١٢. مُرزِماتٍ يَحنِنَّ وَالرَكبُ باكو
نَ فَهُم في الهَوى وَهُنَّ سَواءُ

13. The betrayer of affection claimed that
Love is a disease that distance cures

١٣. زَعَمَ الخائِنُ المَوَدَّةِ أَنَّ ال
حُبَّ داءٌ لَهُ التَنائِي دَواءُ

14. It is shameful for the youth and he must
Part with it when separation becomes imminent

١٤. وَهُوَ عارٌ عَلى الفَتى وَلَهُ عَن
ه إِذا أَزمَعَ الفِراقَ اِنتِهاءُ

15. The real shame is to abandon pure love
Neglected and to betray true brotherhood

١٥. إِنَّما العارُ أَن يُخلّى الهَوى
المَحضُ مُضاعاً وَأَن يُخانَ الإِخاءُ

16. And I bear witness to his resentment and air
Of arrogance and transgression upon him

١٦. وَلَقَد أشهَدُ الكَريهَةَ وَالجَو
وُ عَلَيهِ غَيابَةٌ طَخياءُ

17. Neither a provider but the steeds of valor
Naturally incline as gazelles incline to each other

١٧. لا غَذِيٌّ بِها وَلَكن جيادُ الخَي
ل تُهوى كما تُؤاخَى الظِباءُ

18. With trickery they encounter prosperity
And get fulfilled as the thirsty spears get fulfilled

١٨. في مَكَرٍّ تَلقى بِهِ الشِبَعَ البِي
ض فَتُروى فيهِ الرِماحُ الظِماءُ

19. So they overwhelmed them in enmity and a day
When our people were ennobled by blessings

١٩. فَتكُهُم في العِدى وَرُبَّةَ يَومٍ
أَشرَفَت قَومَنا بِهِ النَعماءُ

20. Then we rose to the joy and hunting
And the day had no more supremacy

٢٠. ثُمَّ قُمنا إِلى اللّذاذَةِ وَالصَي
دِ وَما لِلنَهارِ بَعدُ اِعتِلاءُ

21. The saddles of our horses were adorned
As they vied - a gathered flock, plain and unattractive

٢١. حَشوُ سَرجي إِذا تَبارَت بِنا ال
خَيلُ كُمَيتٌ رِفَلَّةٌ شَوهاءُ

22. Of lively color as amber mixed
With gold and silver bowl of wine attractively

٢٢. ذاتُ لَونٍ حَيٍّ كَما اِمتَزجَ ال
صِرفُ بِهِ وَالمُدامَةَ الصَهباءُ

23. With a side bag matching the cloak
Full of utensils, leathery and unattractive

٢٣. جانِباً لِلقَنيصِ أَشدَقَ غِربي
بابِفيهِ مَناصِلٌ أَسواءُ

24. Short of back so it slumped
And its front and rear rose over it

٢٤. قَصُرَ الظَهرُ مِنهُ فَانحَطَّ وَاِستَع
لى عَلَيهِ قُدّامُهُ وَالوَراءُ

25. With prominent withers, had it no bent
Legs and bowing it would be perfect

٢٥. وَتَعالت بِهِ الشَوامِتُ لَولا
الساقُ فيها تَجَنُّبٌ وَاِنحِناءُ

26. Long of rein like a gutter and an ear
Hanging over its head unkempt

٢٦. طالَ هادِيهِ كَالقَناةِ وَمالَت
أُذُنٌ فَوقَ رَأسِهِ غَضفاءُ

27. With ample tail, had it no mange
On its forehead or twisting it would be perfect

٢٧. فاضِلُ الذَيلِ يَلحَقُ الأَرضَ لَولا
عُقَفٌ في كَحالِهِ وَالتِواءُ

28. On my right one, though showing little liveliness
With a spacious, wide chest and smooth shoulders

٢٨. وَيَميني تُقِلُّ أَشغى لَهُ صَد
رٌ رَحيبٌ وَمُقلَةٌ نَجلاءُ

29. Looking askance, furtive and shy
Not rising up as the air bore him

٢٩. يَنظُرُ الكامِنَ الخَفِيَّ وَما طا
رَ إِلى الجَوِّ فَاحتَساهُ الهَواءُ

30. With two fluttering wings
As feathers fall into a trap fluttering

٣٠. ذُو جَناحَينِ طائِحَينِ مِنَ النِي
ق كَما طاحَ في القَليبِ الرِشاءُ

31. While we were racing and the horn
Of the sun shone to the right radiating

٣١. بَينَما نَحنُ بِالمِتانِ وَقَرنُ
الشَمسِ فيهِ عَنِ اليَمينِ إِياءُ

32. A flock diverted towards us, flooding the expanse
And the open space cast us towards it

٣٢. عَنَّ سِربٌ لَنا يَفيضُ بِهِ الفج
ج وَيَرمي بِنا إِلَيهِ الفَضاءُ

33. So we attacked the weaklings
As a raging, violent raid attacks the living

٣٣. فَشَنَنّا المُضَرَّياتِ كَما شُن
نت عَلى الحَيِّ غارَةٌ شَعواءُ

34. Rising to fight with their hands
As the torrents write erosively

٣٤. فَاِنبَرَت تَكتُبُ الدِهاسَ بِأَيديها
كَما تَكتُبُ السِجِلَّ الإِباءُ

35. In darkness lit by their fire
As a screen covers the young woman's tent

٣٥. في قِتامٍ أَتُونَهُ يَحجُبُ السِر
ب كَما يَحجُبُ الفَتاةَ الخِباءُ

36. They collided and wrestled
As enemies wrestle on the day of hatred

٣٦. وَتَلاحَمنَ فَاعتَرَكنَ كَما تَف
عَلُ يَومَ الكَريهَةِ الأَعداءُ

37. For a moment making the hissing of anger
Into soft cooing stained with blood

٣٧. ساعَةً أَو جَعَلنَ رَضراضَةَ الحَز
ن عَقيقاً مِمّا عَلَتهُ الدِماءُ

38. Each harmful beast escaped
By the grace of providence, had there been richer grace

٣٨. كُلُّ ضارٍ عَلى نَوازٍ مِنَ السِر
ب نَجَت لَو يَكونُ أَغنى النَجاءُ

39. And when the time came, surrounding helpers
And fleeing did not avail

٣٩. وَإِذا الحَينُ حانَ لَم يَنفَعِ المُح
تالَ حَولٌ وَلا الجريَّ جِراءُ

40. In an open expanse as though it were the surface
Of the sea with mirage upon it extending

٤٠. وَفَلاةٍ كَأَنَّها لُجّةُ اليم
م عَلَيها مِنَ السَرابِ أَياءُ

41. The sun sinks into its glowing horizon
Casting its red embers spreading

٤١. تَغرقُ الشَمسُ في أَواذِيّها الغُر
ر وَتَرمي شَرارَها الرَمضاءُ

42. As if having jinn when the night
Turns in, mournful, singing, and reciting

٤٢. ذاتُ جِنٍّ إِذا اِعتَكَرَ اللَي
لَ أَلِيلٌ مُرَجَّعٌ وَغِناءُ

43. I attacked it while darkness covered dawn
As the rain clouds cover the rain pourer

٤٣. جُبتُها وَالظَلامُ قَد كَفَرَ الصُب
ح كَما يَكفُرُ الضَريبَ السِقاءُ

44. With riders on its extremely fast camels
A swarm as though they are ghosts

٤٤. بِرِكابٍ عَلى رَكائِبِها رَك
ب خِفاقٌ كَأَنَّهُم أَفياءُ

45. The deserts had nourished them
As well as the meadows, dawn, and nightfall

٤٥. قَد بَرَتهُم كَما بَرَتها الفَيافي
وَالسُرى وَالصَباحُ وَالإِمساءُ

46. Seeking excellence where excellence is sought
And aspiring for generosity where generosity is found

٤٦. طَلَبوا الفَضلَ حَيثُ يُلتَمسُ الفَض
ل وَراموا السَخاءَ حَيثُ السَخاءُ

47. Indeed, generosity and honor are two allies
So there is no contention about them

٤٧. إِنَّما الجودُ وَالمُعِزُّ حَليفا
ن فَما فيهِما لِخَلقٍ مِراءُ

48. A King, every owner, created creatures
Earth to be trodden and He is the sky

٤٨. مَلِكٌ كُلُّ مالِكٍ خَلَقَ الخَل
لاق أَرضٌ تُداسُ وَهوَ سَماءُ

49. From the essence of nobility and generous wine
That matured the generous and noble

٤٩. مِن صَميمِ الفَخارِ وَالكَرَمِ المَح
ض الَّذي هُجِّنَت بِهِ الكُرَماءُ

50. Those who came later fell short of his example
And the ancients deviated from his path

٥٠. قَصَّرَ الآخِرونَ عَن بُعدِ مَسعا
هُ وَضَلّت عَن سُبلِهِ القُدَماءُ

51. Neither the Yemeni Tubba was his equal
Nor Caesar or Al Saba

٥١. لا اليَمانيُّ تُبَّعٌ كانَ شَروا
هُ وَلا قَيصَرٌ وَلا السَبّاءُ

52. The caravan travels in darkness but is guided
By a brilliance from his forehead radiating

٥٢. يُدلِجُ الرَكبُ في الظَلامِ فَيَهدي
هم سَناً مِن جَبينِهِ وَضِياءُ

53. Pure of tail and character, no blemish
Of shame or arrogance can be seen on him

٥٣. طاهِرُ الذَيلِ وَالخَلائِقِ لا يُز
رى عَلَيهِ الخَنا وَلا الكِبرِياءُ

54. As pure as the essence of the clouds
God cleansed him so no impurities stuck to him

٥٤. مِثلُ صَفوِ الغَمامِ طَهَّرَهُ الل
ه فَلَم تَختَلِط بِهِ الأَقذاءُ

55. Steps climbing the stars ceaselessly
With no equal or match climbing loftily

٥٥. رُتَبٌ تَزحَمُ الكَواكِبَ العَي
يوقُ لا نِدٌّ لَها وَلا العَوّاءُ

56. O son of the highest ranking King
And most generous one who wrapped himself in a cloak

٥٦. يا ابنَ أَعلى المُلوكِ قَدراً وَيا أَك
رَمَ مَن ضَمَّ مَنكِبَيهِ الرِداءُ

57. Whenever the Imam appointed a minister
Your good opinion of the ministers was praised

٥٧. كُلَّما اِستَوزَرَ الإِمامُ وَزيراً
حَمَدتَ حُسنَ رَأيُكَ الوُزَراءُ

58. Then they died while you remained
Through the days with calamities not guided towards you

٥٨. ثُمَّ ماتُوا وَأَنتَ باقٍ عَلى الأَي
يام لا تَهتَدِي لَكَ الأَرزاءُ

59. So you were bored of life, sleep forever
For if not for you, water would not flow in vegetation

٥٩. فَتَمَلَّ الحَياةَ وَاخلُد فَلَولا
أَنتَ لَم يَجرِ في النَباتِ لماءُ