
Live for virtues, O noble one of lofty character

عش للمكارم يا كريم المغرس

1. Live for virtues, O noble one of lofty character
And you will be safe for as long as time remains in sorrow

١. عِش لِلمَكارِمِ يا كَريمَ المَغرَسِ
وَاسلَم سَلِمتَ مَدى الزَمانِ الأَتعَسِ

2. Drink joyfully the sweet in an assembly
Since you stood tall in it, you have not sat

٢. وَاشرَب هَنيئاً طَيِّباً في مَجلِسٍ
مُذ قُمتَ فيهِ لِلعُلى لَم تَجلِسِ

3. You grew a garden in it of narcissuses
Its blossoms rivaled the meadows of chamomile

٣. أَنبَت فيهِ رَوضَةً مِن نَرجِسٍ
أَزرت نَضارَتُها بِرَوضِ الأَوعَسِ

4. As if rods of aquamarine were raised
At the top of its tails, stars of hibiscus

٤. فَكَأَنَّ قُضبانَ الزَبَرجَدِ حُمِّلَت
أَعلا ذَوائِبها نُجومَ الحِندِسِ

5. Your fragrance spread when your mouth spread
Was it the breeze of your fragrance or that of the narcissus?

٥. قَد فاحَ عِرضُكَ حينَ فاحَ فَما دَرَوا
أَنَسيمُ عِرضِكَ أَم نَسيمُ النَرجِسِ

6. It does not lie, for you are of sweeter scent
Than it, and of more delicious drink for souls

٦. لا يَكذِبُنَّ فَأَنتَ أَطيبُ نَفحَةً
مِنهُ وَأَعذَبُ مَشرَباً في الأَنفُسِ

7. O you who don the garment of glory, the proudest garb
You have continued to drag the train of that garment

٧. يا لابِساً لِلمَجدِ أفخَرَ مَلبَسٍ
لا زِلتَ تَسحَبُ ذَيلَ ذاكَ الملبَسِ

8. You are most precious, in you I forge gems
For gems are for the noble and virtuous

٨. أَنتَ النَفيسُ أَصوغُ فيكَ نَفائِساً
إِن النَفائِسَ لِلشَريفِ الأَنفَسِ

9. Live as long as you wish, for you are the noblest rider
In a procession, or sitting in an assembly

٩. عِش ما اِشتَهَيتَ فَأَنتَ أَكرَمُ راكِباً
في مَوكِبٍ أَو جالِساً في مَجلِسِ