
A lightning flashed in the darkness and flickered,

برق تألق في الظلام وأومضا

1. A lightning flashed in the darkness and flickered,
So I remembered the smile of her mouth when it flashed.

١. بَرقٌ تَأَلَّقَ في الظَلامِ وَأَومَضا
فَذَكَرتُ مَبسِمَ ثَغرِها لَمّا أَضا

2. It was as if when its light lingered
In the gloom of the dark, a drawn sword,

٢. وَكَأَنَّهُ لَمّا اِستَطارَ وَميضُهُ
في حِندِسِ الظَلماءِ سَيفٌ مُنتَضى

3. Red at its upper part, slender at its middle,
Its blade glittering plated and engraved.

٣. يَحمَرُّ أَعلاهُ وَيَنصَعُ وَسطُهُ
فَسَناهُ يَلمَعُ مُذهَباً وَمُفضَّضا

4. A lightning writhing as if its flashes
Were a flame when it lingered and flickered,

٤. بَرقٌ تِهامِيٌّ كَأَنَّ بَرِيقَهُ
لَهَبٌ يَشبُّ إِذا اِستَطارَ وأَومَضا

5. Appearing and disappearing in the dark while my eyelids,
That ecstasy prevents from closing.

٥. يَبدُو وَيَغمُضُ في الظَلامِ وَمُقلَتي
مِن ذاكَ يَمنَعُها الجَوى أَن تُغمَضا

6. And indeed it crept gently, renewing with passion
A pact, and awakening in the night what had been awakened before,

٦. وَلَقَد سَرى وَهناً فَجَدَّد بِالهَوى
عَهداً وَهَيَّضَ في الحَشا ما هَيَّضا

7. And it made me ardent with yearning and ceased to be coy,
And it revived in me the passion of love that had passed.

٧. وَأَجَدَّ لي كَلفاً وَبَرحَ صَبابَةٍ
وَأَعادَ مِن شَغَفِ الهَوى ما قَد مَضى

8. My soul is ransom for one who hindered his pact,
I complained to him but he turned away.

٨. رُوحي الفِداءُ لِحائِلٍ عَن عَهدِهِ
عَرَّضتُ بِالشَكوى إِلَيهِ فَأَعرَضا

9. And for one angry whom my death in passion would please,
So I die between his anger and pleasure.

٩. وَلِساخِطٍ يُرضِيهِ قَتلي في الهَوى
فَأَمُوتُ بَينَ السُخطِ مِنهُ وَالرِضا

10. Sadness descended so the night flamed with his absence,
A fire kindling when the fire of sadness is revived.

١٠. نَزَلَ الغَضا فَحَشا الحَشا بِفِراقِهِ
ناراً تَشِبُّ إِذا اِنطَفَت نارُ الغَضا

11. And if he is rude, I am replaced
With the noble king, compensated.

١١. وَلَئِن تَعَرَّضَ بِالسُلُوِّ فَإِنَّني
أَصبَحتُ بِالمَلِكِ الهُمامِ مُعَوَّضا

12. I entrust my matter to Him and one who spends the night
Entrusting his matter to Him is not disappointed.

١٢. وَمُفوِّضاً أَمري إِلَيهِ وَلَم يَخِب
مَن باتَ في أَمرٍ إِلَيهِ مُفَوِّضا

13. The aid of the weak when he seeks His bounty
And the riches of the poor when he lessens and shakes off.

١٣. عَونُ الضَعيفِ إِذا اِستَعانَ بِفَضلِهِ
وَغِنى الفقيرِ إِذا أَقَلَّ وَأَنفَضا

14. Asked to grant, neither is the word drawn out,
Nor the promise fulfilled from Him.

١٤. سُئِلَ العَطاءَ فَلا بمَطلٍ يُجتَدى
مِنهُ المَقالُ وَلا بِوَعدٍ يُقتَضى

15. A king of vast domain, ruler mighty of purpose,
His vastness narrowed for its breadth the breadth of space.

١٥. مَلِكٌ برَحبَةٍ مالِكٍ ذُو هِمَّةٍ
رَحُبَت فَضاقَ لِوُسعِها رَحبُ الفَضا

16. He enriched us and preferred us with His bounty
And He knew so He compensated for His generosity and replaced.

١٦. جُدنا وَأَفضَلنا بِفَضلِ نَوالِهِ
وَدَرى فَأَخلَفَ مِن نَداهُ وَعَوَّضا

17. Enticed with love of gifts and hating
One who spends the night hating honors.

١٧. مُغرىً بِحُبِّ المَكرُماتِ وَمُبغِضٌ
مَن باتَ مِنّا لِلكَرامَةِ مُبغِضا

18. Bearing the weight of tribulations when the gallant man
Is wearied by the bearing of misfortunes and collapses.

١٨. مُتَحَمِّلٌ ثِقلَ الخُطوبِ إِذا الفَتى
أَعياهُ حَملُ النائِباتِ وَأَجهَضا

19. And when the vile feign illness to attain it,
They do not find it with His bounty feigning illness.

١٩. وَإِذا تَمَرَّضَتِ اللِئامُ بِنَيلِها
لَم تَلقَهُ بِنَوالِهِ مُتَمَرِّضا

20. He gives generously and does not begrudge His wealth,
Surely he who shows favor giving little begrudges.

٢٠. يَهَبُ الجَزِيلَ وَلا يَمُنُّ بِمالِهِ
إِن مَنَّ مَن أَعطى القَليلَ وَبَرضا

21. The springs of all people decrease in bounty
Except His bounty which does not diminish.

٢١. غاضَت مَوارِدُ كُلِّ خَلقٍ في النَدى
إِلّا نَداهُ فَإِنَّهُ ما غَيَّضا

22. Clouds from His munificence poured upon me
Bounty, so my side prospered and flourished.

٢٢. قَطَرَت عَلَيَّ سَحائِبٌ مِن جُودِهِ
كَرَماً فَأَخصَب جانِبي وَتَرَوَّضا

23. The most high ennobled my worth after
I had been of crumbled building and decayed.

٢٣. أَعلى أَبُو العُلوانِ قَدري بَعدَما
قَد كُنتُ مَهدَودَ البِناءِ مَقَوَّضا

24. O You, King, who gave wealth and clothed
And favored and drew near and entrusted.

٢٤. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ الَّذي أَعطى الغِنى
وَكَسا وَأَنعَمَ وَاستَمالَ وفَوَّضا

25. I carry to thank what You have granted me
A burden, weakened by its weight to stand.

٢٥. إِنّي حَمَلتُ لِشُكرِ ما أَولَيتَني
حِملاً ضَعُفتُ بِعِبئِهِ أَن أَنهَضا

26. I praise You for the merit of what You have given me
Yet I see it longer than my praise and broader.

٢٦. أُثني عَلَيكَ بِفَضلِ ما أَعطَيتَني
فَأَراهُ أَطولَ مِن ثَنايَ وَأَعرَضا

27. And I see praising all people a tradition
And I see praising You an obligation imposed.

٢٧. وَأَرى المَديحَ لِكُلِّ خَلقٍ سُنَّةً
وَأَرى مَديحَكَ واجِباً مُستَفرَضا

28. And I train praising You empty, so I make it
Easy, and praising other than You difficult training.

٢٨. وَأَروضُ مَدحَكَ خالياً فَأُصيبُهُ
سَهلاً وَمَدحُ سِواكَ صَعباً رَيِّضا

29. No pearl of my pearls after You have pleased me
If I do not recite the pleasing ode.

٢٩. لا دَرَّ دَرِّي بَعدَما أَرضَيتَني
إِن لَم أَصُغ فيكَ القَريضَ المُرتَضى

30. Your memory remains until the return and
The term of time passes so it has no passing.

٣٠. يَبقى عَلَيكَ إِلى المَعادِ وَيَنقَضي
أَمَدُ الزَمانِ فَلا يَكُونُ لَهُ اِنقِضا

31. And I accompanied life before You miserable
And accompanied it when I accompanied You white.

٣١. وَلَقَد صَحِبتُ العَيشَ قَبلَكَ أَسوَداً
وَصَحِبتُهُ لَمّا صَحِبتُكَ أَبيَضا