
Injustice hastens not success, but right's delay,

ما قدم البغي إلا أخر الرشد

1. Injustice hastens not success, but right's delay,
And people reap what notions they obey.

١. ما قُدِّمَ البَغيُ إِلّا أُخِّرَ الرَشَدُ
وَالناسُ يُلقونَ عُقبى كُلِّ ما اِعتَقَدُوا

2. He who does good finds good, who evil sows
Sees evil spring from all that he bestows.

٢. مَن ساسَ خَيراً رَأى خَيراً وَمَن وَلَدَت
أَفعالُهُ الشَرَّ لاقى شَرَّ ما تَلِدُ

3. On us men tyrannized; their tyranny
Rebounded and the One, the Mighty aided me.

٣. بَغى عَلَينا رِجالٌ عادَ بَغيُهُمُ
عَلَيهِمُ وَأَعانَ الواحِدُ الصَمَدُ

4. They banded, but they failed to gain their wish,
God made vain all the pacts that they had wished.

٤. وافَوا وَقَد عَقَدُوا عَقداً فَما ظَفِرُوا
بِما أَرادُوا وَحَلَّ اللَهُ ما عَقَدُوا

5. Deeming themselves secure till hopes betrayed
And Sa'di's cavalry their ranks dismayed.

٥. ظَنُّوا السَلامَةَ حَتّى خابَ ظَنُّهُمُ
وَالخَيلُ عَن يَمنَةِ السَعدِيِّ تَطَّرِدُ

6. Scarce were they put to flight ere all the band
Lay slain, each with a naked neck in sand

٦. فَلَم تَجُل جَولَةً حَتّى رَأَيتَهُمُ
في جِيدِ كُلِّ كَمِيٍّ مِنهُمُ مَسَدُ

7. Thrown down beneath our feet, as slaughter-bound
Camels stumble and sprawl upon the ground.

٧. مُجَنَّبِينَ وَصَرعى تَحتَ أَرجُلِنا
كَما تُصَرَّعُ يَومَ الرِحلَةِ العَمَدُ

8. Sides of Sidon ran blood as we pressed on,
Ras al-Musayriba's slopes with dead were strewn,

٨. سالَت مَذانِبُ صَيدا مِن دِمائِهِمُ
وَطَرّحَت حائِرَ الراسُومَةِ العُدَدُ

9. To Danith's hill they turned in haste to flee
The lances' points that would not turned be,

٩. وَعاوَدُوا نَحوَ دانِيث فَشَكَّهُمُ
صُمُّ الأَنابِيبِ ما في خَلقِها أَوَدُ

10. While down our cavaliers' backs lance-handles slid,
Their points transfixing every prostrate lid.

١٠. في كَفِّ كُلِّ كَمِيِّ مِن فَوارِسِنا
سَردُ الدِلاصِ عَلى أَكتافِهِ لِبَدُ

11. To seek disaster yet again they strove
And death for their rash souls again they wove,

١١. وَعاوَدُوا يَطلُبُونَ الشَرَّ ثانِيَةً
وَلِلمَنايا عَلى أَرواحِهِم رَصَدُ

12. Nor were our knights like ones who shun the fray
When seas oppresseth them and jackals bay.

١٢. وَلَم تَكُن يَومَ أَعزالٍ فَوارِسُنا
بِئسَ الفَوارِسُ وَالقَسطالُ مُنعَقِدُ

13. They knew not,when the torrent on them burst,
Reserves behind them quenched their battle-thirst.

١٣. ثُمَّ استَقَلَّت إِلى السَعديِّ ظُعنُهُمُ
فَمُنذُ صارُوا إِلى السَعدِيِّ ما سُعِدوا

14. You see the tents adrift, as though they were
Mere scum those floods had carried here and there.

١٤. وَلَو وَمِن خَلفِهِم جَيشٌ فَوارِسُهُ
قَد أَبحَدَتنا بِها الجَوزاءُ وَالأَسَدُ

15. The spate bore off their baggage, till confused
Were wares and weapons that together fused.

١٥. لَم يَعلَمُوا حينَ باتَ السَيلُ يَدهَمُهُم
أَنَّ المُدُودَ لَنا مِن خَلفِهِم مَدَدُ

16. Say to the riders home from Aleppo bound,
On swift ogara, noble, precious, sound:

١٦. تَرى الخِيامَ عَلى التَيّارِ طافِيَةً
كَأَنَّما هِيَ في حافاتِهِ زَبَدُ

17. 'We sorrowed not o'er those vast hosts you led;
You did us wrong, we nursed you, like a son

١٧. وَالسَيلُ قَد جَرَّ ما ضَمَّت عِيابُهُمُ
حَتّى تَشابَهَتِ الأَمواجُ وَالزَرَدُ

18. His parents tends, yet no Kindi guarded us,
Qahtan observed no bond of fellowship.

١٨. يا أَيُّها الراكِبُ العادي يَخُبُّ بِهِ
عَبلُ الشَوى مُجفِرٌ أَو عَبلَةٌ أُجُدُ

19. For Syria you set forth when her knights had gone
And wolves took heart till the lion should return.

١٩. بَلِّغ تَحِيَّتَنا طَيّاً وَقُل لَهُمُ
ما ضَرَّنا ذَلِكَ الحَشدُ الَّذي حَشَدُوا

20. Greed lured you toward our realm, but evil greed
Is ever found where envy takes the lead.

٢٠. عَققتُمُونا وَقَد قُمنا بِبِرِّكُمُ
كَما يَقومُ بِبِرِّ الوالِدِ الوَلَدُ

21. India's white gems anew will deck our arms
When we're arrayed, and squadrons block alarms.'

٢١. فَما رَعَت حَقَّنا كَلبٌ وَلا حَفِظَت
لَنا الصَنيعَةَ قَحطانٌ وَلا أُدَدُ

22. But for the Imam, his reverent fear of God,
Not one had crossed the bridge of your abode.

٢٢. قَصَدتُمُ الشامَ إِذ غابَت فَوارِسُهُ
وَالذِئبُ يَرقُصُ حَتّى يَحضُرَ الأَسَدُ

23. Loyalty forbade our blades to smite,
Else had your coursers fled in headlong flight.

٢٣. وَأَطمَعَتكُم حَماةُ في مَمالِكِنا
وَالمَطمَعُ السُوءُ مَقرونٌ بِهِ الحَسَدُ

24. When you oppressed, no pointless sword we drew,
Only true lances, well-directed, flew.

٢٤. سَتُستَعادُ بِبيضِ الهِندِ ثانِيَةً
إِذا نَزَلنا وَمِن قَبليِّنا صَدَدُ

25. Some hounds, who shunned the battle, would lament
They had not seen how in the mosque we shent

٢٥. لَولا الإِمامُ وَلَولا فَرطُ خَشيَتِهِ
لَم يَقطَعِ الجِسرَ مِن فُرسانِكُم أَحَدُ

26. And pierced them, while their souls winged terrified -
You know our knights, since twice they scattering tried

٢٦. وَإِنَّما نَهنَهتَنا طاعَةٌ تَرَكَت
سُيُوفَكُم عَن أَذانا لَيسَ تَنغَمِدُ

27. Your numbers from their tents, whose mats and pegs
Were all untouched by you, no robe that sags.

٢٧. فَحينَ أَحوَجتُمُونا لَم نُلَقِّكُمُ
غَيرَ السُيوفِ المَواضِي وَالقَنا القُصُدُ

28. You three millennia, yet we turned you back,
Though only three - what use, then, your pack?

٢٨. وَمِن كِلابٍ رِجالٌ غابَ أَكثَرُهُم
عَنكُم وَوا أَسَفا لَو أَنَّهُم شَهِدُوا

29. Few are not few when champions lead their charge,
Nor many, many with faint hearts at large.

٢٩. حَتّى تَرَوا بِالمُصَلّى كَيفَ طَعنُهُم
بِالسَمهَرِيَّةِ وَالأَرواحُ تُفتَقَدُ

30. But God chastised men of our stock who strayed
When glory passed, intriguing hopes purveyed.

٣٠. وَقَد عَرَفتُم وَجَرَّبتُم فَوارِسَنا
بِالمَشهَدَينِ وَنارُ الحَربِ تَتَّقِدُ

31. Our clan they sold for paltry gain, and so
Swapped honor for the shame that they brought low.

٣١. ذَادُوكُمُ بِالعَوالي عَن خِيامِهِم
فَما استُبيحَ لَها طُنبٌ وَلا وَتِدُ

32. Yet some were true whose steps declined the path
Of ruin, barred their foes, incurred their wrath,

٣٢. كُنتُم ثَلاثَةَ آلافٍ فَرَدَّكُمُ
ثَلاثَةٌ وَأَبى أَن يَنفَعَ العَدَدُ

33. Warned us 'gainst Syria, if they passed this way,
And for its loss tried hard our minds to sway.

٣٣. وَما القَليلُ قَليلاً حينَ تَخبُرُهُ
وَلا الكَثيرُ كَثيراً حينَ يَنتَقَدُ

34. Counsel they gave; we did not spurn their rede,
With us they pacted and fulfilled their pledge.

٣٤. لا واخَذَ اللَهُ قَوماً مِن عَشِيرَتِنا
تَأَلَّبوا في زَوالِ العِزِّ وَاِجتَهَدُوا

35. You who return in sorrow from Aleppo,
With disappointment heavy in your hearts,

٣٥. باعُوا العَشِيرَةَ بَيعَ البَخسِ وَاِنقَلَبُوا
بِالذُلِّ ما أَخلَفُوا العِزَّ الَّذي فَقَدُوا

36. You are not the first whose hopes it disappointed,
Not gaining what you sought when you assaulted.

٣٦. وَدَرَّ دَرُّ رِجالٍ مِنهُمُ مَنَعُوا
أَعداءَهُم جانِبَ الوِردِ الَّذي وَرَدُوا

37. You could not take it save by His decree;
You but corrupted what uncorrupted be.

٣٧. وَمانَعُوا دُونَ شامٍ لَو نَبا بِهِمُ
وَحاوَلوا عِوَضاً مِنهُ لَما وَجَدُوا

38. You tied the guide-ropes fast, no cause for wonder
The Caliph knows yet finds he can't act on it.

٣٨. قَد ناصَحُونا فَلافَوا غِبَّ نُصحِهِمُ
وَعاهَدُونا وَأَوفَوا بالَّذي عَهِدُوا

39. No favors primed us to seek access to him,
But good intent alone was our credentials.

٣٩. يا عائِدينَ إِلى الأَوطانِ مِن حَلَبٍ
وَفي قُلوبِهِمُ مِن فَوتِها كَمَدُ

40. God forbid the pure Imam e'er promote
shows of piety in the faithless!

٤٠. لَستُم بِأَوّلِ قَومٍ حاوَلُوا طَمَعاً
مِنها وَضَلُّوا عَنِ القَصدِ الَّذي قَصَدُوا

41. Seek not on a towering cliff to find a path,
When others before you climbed and fell beneath.

٤١. لَم تَنزِلوها بِأَمرٍ غَيرَ أَنَّكُمُ
رُمتُم فَسادَ أُمُورٍ لَيسَ تَنفَسِدُ

42. Dizbiri we cast down for his disobedience,
Though sword and prop; dead men, around them vultures.

٤٢. وَعُقتُمُ القَودَ أَن تَمضي وَلا عَجَباً
أَنَّ الخَليفَةَ يَدري ثُمَّ لا يَجِدُ

43. They betrayed the Imam - we were not treacherous,
For feeble faith, not ours, had made them reckless.

٤٣. وَما اِعتَمَدنا عَلى قَودٍ تُقَرِّبُنا
مِنهُ وَلَكِن عَلى النِيّاتِ نَعتَمِدُ

44. The conqueror we never disobeyed,
Our sword, our shoulder, helper unafraid.

٤٤. حاشا الإِمامَ وَحاشا طِيبَ عُنصُرِهِ
أَن يَظهرَ الزُهدُ في قَومٍ وَما زَهِدُوا

45. Only we obeyed, gave counsel and no grip
Had Mirda's clan except through the Imam's gift.

٤٥. لا تَطلُبُوا مَصعَداً في هَضبِ شاهِقَةٍ
زَلَّت بِأَقدامِ قَومٍ قَبلَكُم صَعِدُوا

46. Had they worshiped gods besides the One, this band
Would not have shunned another god's command.

٤٦. فَالدِزبِرِيُّ حَطَطنا مَن عَصى مَعَهُ
عَلى الإِمامِ وَفي آنافِهِم عُبُدُ

47. Nay, but jealous men around the Imam sowed
Mistrust, though his affection for us overflowed.

٤٧. مِن بَعدِ ما تَرَكَ المُرّانُ أَكثَرَهُم
صَرعى يُهالُ عَلى مَثواهُمُ السَنَدُ

48. They slandered us, that he might praise and thank them,
But God be praised! They missed their mark, the schemers!

٤٨. خانُوا الإِمامَ وَما خُنّا وَأَفسَدَهُم
ضَعفُ اليَقينِ وَلَم نَفسُد كَما فَسَدوا

49. For we are more useful if cares afflict him,
And find what solves the problems troubling him.

٤٩. وَلا عَصَينا أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ كَما
عَصى المُظَفَّرُ وَهوَ السَيفُ وَالعَضُدُ

50. Wealth, sons and arms respond when he commands,
No other lord but he our hearts and hands.

٥٠. لَكِن أَطَعنا وَناصَحنا وَما عَلِقَت
لآلِ مِرداسِ إِلّا بِالإِمامِ يَدُ

٥١. لَو كانَ يُعبَدُ غَيرُ اللَهِ ما اِمتَنَعُوا
أَن يَعبُدُوهُ مَعَ الرَبِّ الَّذي عَبَدُوا

٥٢. أَمّا الإِمامُ فَما حالَت مَحَبَّتُهُ
وَإِنَّما في رِجالٍ حَولَهُ حَسَدُ

٥٣. سامُوا لَنا عِندَهُ أَمراً لِيَحمَدَهُم
فَالحَمدُ لِلّهِ قَد لِيموا وَما حُمِدُوا

٥٤. وَنَحنُ أَنفَعُ مِنهُم إِن أَلَمَّ بِهِ
خَطبٌ وَأَوجَدُ لِلهَمِّ الَّذي يَجِدُ

٥٥. وَلِلخَليفَةِ مِنّا حينَ يَندُبُنا
أَموالُنا وَالقَنا وَالمالُ وَالوَلَدُ

٥٦. لا نَرتَضي غَيرَهُ مَولىً نُعَزُّ بِهِ
وَلا يُغَيِّرُنا عَن حُبِّهِ الأَبَدُ