
The phantom visited him in a dream

زاره الطيف زورة في منامه

1. The phantom visited him in a dream
And blamed him for what he missed of his love

١. زارَهُ الطَيفُ زَورَةً في مَنامِه
غَرَّمَتهُ ما فاتَهُ مِن غَرامِه

2. He was free of sickness, but when
The phantom visited him, he swore by the return of his illness

٢. كانَ خِلواً مِنَ السَقامِ فَلَمّا
زارَهُ الطَيفُ عادَ حِلفَ سَقامِه

3. The phantom of the dream did not visit him, rather
The one who denied the sweetness of his sleep visited him

٣. لَم يَزُرهُ طَيفُ المَنامِ وَلَكن
زارَهُ مَن نَفى لَذيذَ مَنامِه

4. Strangely a phantom visits names
Without an appointment from his turban

٤. عَجَباً أَن يُلِمَّ طَيفٌ لِأَسما
ءَ عَلى غَيرِ مَوعِدٍ مِن لِمامِه

5. A visitor from the folds of Syria, and its views
Like its views and its plains and mountains

٥. زائِراً مِن لِوى الشَآمِ وَرَيّا
هُ كَرَيّا عَرارِهِ وَبَشامِه

6. The caravan marched and the darkness like its affection
And the dawn like its smile

٦. طَرَقَ الرَكبَ وَالدُجا مِثلُ فَودَيْ
هِ وَوَلّى وَالصُبحُ مِثلُ اِبتِسامِه

7. And he crossed the valley of Al Arak, so the branches
Of Al Arak did not bend to his body

٧. وَتَخَطّى وادي الأَراكِ فَما لا
نَت غُصونُ الأَراكِ لِينَ قَوامِه

8. Whenever it passed by something soft, the leaves
Of the doves stirred sorrow with the dew

٨. كُلَّما مَرَّ مَوهِناً هَيَّجَت لِي
لَوعَةً بِالهَديلِ وُرقُ حَمامِه

9. And I remembered residing in the poles of Naber
Watering a resident in his poles

٩. وَتَذَكَّرتُ ساكِناً بِرِجامِ النْ
نَبْرِ سَقياً لِساكِنٍ بِرِجامِه

10. Kindling the fire with twigs, and my heart
Contains what the twigs contain from its inflammation

١٠. يُضرِمُ النارَ بِاليَفاع وَقَلبي
فيهِ ما في يَفاعِهِ مِن ضِرامِه

11. A knight of the alive knights, neither fulfilling
His promise nor his word

١١. جُؤذَرٌ مِن جَآذِرِ الحَيِّ لا يُو
في بِمِيعادِهِ وَلا بِذِمامِه

12. The full moon exposed the darkness and it
Was like its exposure and its spout like its darkness

١٢. فَضَحَ البَدرَ وَالدُجى فَسَناهُ
كَسَناهُ وَفَرعُهُ كَظَلامِه

13. Oh my friend, serve me the unlawful drink
Turning away, and ask forgiveness from its unlawfulness

١٣. يا خَلِيلَيَّ سَقِّياني حَرامَ الر
راحِ صِرفاً وَاستَغفِرا مِن حَرامِه

14. The daughter of a generous vine whose worry overflows
When its seal is opened by my worried brother

١٤. بِنتَ كَرمٍ تَفُضُّ هَمَّ أَخي الهَم
مِ إِذا فُضَّ دَنُّها مِن خِتامِه

15. It took the path of life and crept
Between the flesh of the youth and his bones

١٥. سَلَكَت مَسلَكَ الحَياةِ وَدَبَّت
بَينَ لَحمِ الفَتى وَبَينَ عِظامِه

16. Like the love of the beloved it is sipped by the
Souls like the drinking of the earth for its cloudburst

١٦. مِثلَ حُبِّ المُعِزِّ تَشرَبُهُ الأَنْ
فُس شُربَ الثَرى لِدَرِّ غَمامِه

17. A king with a clear forehead, as if the
Sun is between his crown and turban

١٧. مَلِكٌ واضِحُ الجَبينِ كَأَنَّ الشْ
شَمسَ ما بَينَ تاجِهِ وَلِثامِه

18. A benefactor from whom we gain generosity and
Wisdom from his speech

١٨. مُحسِنٌ نَستَفيدُ مِن يَدِهِ الثَر
وَةَ فَضلاً وَحِكمَةً مِن كَلامِه

19. Time took the generous and returned
With it all who depart from his generosity

١٩. ذَهَبَ الدَهرُ بِالكِرامِ وَقَد رُدْ
دَ بِهِ كُلُّ ذاهِبٍ مِن كِرامِه

20. Reconciling, succeeding, easy when asked
A family and supported in his dispute

٢٠. مُتلِفٌ مُخلِفٌ وَسَهلٌ إِذا سُو
لِمَ أَهلٌ وَأَيِّدٌ في خِصامِه

21. Neither Caesar reached his extent nor Yemen's Tubba`
In his position

٢١. لَم يَحُز قَيصَرٌ مَداهُ وَلا قا
مَ اليَمانِيُّ تُبَّعٌ في مَقامِه

22. Bestowing, spending, when the earth complains
A drop of his shower suffices

٢٢. عارِضٌ مُسبِلٌ إِذا تُمحِلُ الأَر
ضُ كَفى القَطرَ قَطرَةٌ مِن رِهامِه

23. Passionate with dew, you see him see the
Questioner in his love for him in a dream

٢٣. مُلهَجٌ بِالنَدى تَراهُ يَرى السا
ئِلَ مِن حُبِّهِ لَهُ في مَنامِه

24. He maintained the kingdom after the kingdom
Declined until he established it with his determination

٢٤. قامَ بِالمُلكِ بَعدَ أَن هَبَطَ المُل
كُ إِلى أَن أَقامَهُ بِقِيامِه

25. And the peak of loftiness collapsed, so he built it
With his strong resolve and sword

٢٥. وَهَوَت ذُروَةُ العُلى فَبَناها
بِالصَقِيلَينِ عَزمِهِ وَحُسامِه

26. His palm emptied the treasures and wasted
The striking of the visitants the jars of his vigil

٢٦. فَرَّغَت كَفُّهُ الكُنوزَ وَأَفنى
بِعَطا الطارِقِينَ بُزلَ سَوامِه

27. He fears God as he fears blame and ends the day while
All his gain is thanks

٢٧. يَتَّقي اللَهَ مِثلَ ما يَتَّقي الذَم
م وَيُمسي وَالحَمدُ جُلُّ اغتِنامِه

28. A king in whose favor the crowned kings
Drown in superiority and grace

٢٨. مَلِكٌ يَغرَقُ المُلوكُ ذَوو التِي
جانِ في فَضلِهِ وَفي إِنعامِه

29. The full moon rises in the sky, so it meets
Him with a face, while he equals its beauty

٢٩. يَطلُعُ البَدرُ في السَماءِ فَيَلقا
هُ بِوَجهٍ وَسامُهُ كَوَسامِه

30. The night shines from his brilliance as
Its darkness shines with the fullness of its moon

٣٠. يُشرِقُ اللَيلُ مِن سَناهُ كَما تُش
رِقُ ظَلماؤُهُ بِبَدرِ تَمامِه

31. And the morning breeze wafts with the scent
Of amber from his palace and tents

٣١. وَتَفوحُ الصَبا بِرائِحَةِ العَن
بَرِ مِن نَحوِ قَصرِهِ وَخِيامِه

32. Successful, enabling, he walks and for the
Horizon an army behind and before him

٣٢. مُفلِحٌ مُنجِحٌ يَسيرُ وَلِلإِق
بالِ جَيشٌ مِن خَلفِهِ وَأَمامِه

33. Whenever he seeks something, God makes easy
What he wants from his purpose

٣٣. كُلَّما رامَ مَطلَباً يَسَّرَ الل
ه لَهُ ما يَرُومُهُ مِن مَرامِه

34. Good fortune camped in his home, and he only
Prospers with his love for his imam

٣٤. خَيَّمَ السَعدُ في ذَراهُ وَما اِستَس
عَدَ إِلّا بِحُبِّهِ لِإِمامِه

35. Benefiting the servants, whom he asked
God for their survival and continuity

٣٥. مُحسِنٌ بِالعِبادِ مَن سَأَلَ الل
هَ لَهُم في بِقائِهِ وَدَوامِه

36. Defending, preventing the border, he does not
Spare any effort to protect and care for it

٣٦. دافِعٌ مانِعٌ عَنالثَغرِ لا يَأ
لُو اجتِهاداً في حِفظِهِ وَاهتِمامِه

37. His palace is like the Ka`bah, and its prosperity like
The Yemeni corner for us, and touching it like touching him

٣٧. قَصرُهُ كَعبَةٌ وَيُمناهُ كَالرُك
نِ لَنا وِاستِلامُها كَاستِلامِه

38. The virtues gave glad tidings to themselves when
They were given good news of serving his wine

٣٨. بَشَّرَت نَفسَها المَكارِمُ لَمّا
بَشَرُوها بِشُربِهِ لِمُدامِه

39. And joy incited its songs, and the higher
Heavens shook for whoever is above its soil

٣٩. وَاستَفَزَّ السُرورُ مَغناهُ وَاهتَز
ز بِمَن فَوقَ أَرضِهِ مِن ندامه

40. An abode time desires to extend its
Cheeks in the place of its poles

٤٠. مَنزِلٌ يَشتَهي الزَمانُ بِأَن يَب
سُطَ خَدَّيهِ في مَكانِ رِجامِه

41. The wind almost flew from the hand
In comfort to the right of his resolve

٤١. كادَت الراحُ أَن تَطيرَ مِنَ الدَسْ
تِ ارتِياحاً إِلى يَمينِ هُمامِه

42. Indeed, time only rejoices in rejoicing
In it, and its sorrow in his worrying

٤٢. إِنَّما يَفرَحُ الزَمانُ بِأَن يَف
رَحَ فيهِ وَغَمُّهُ بِاغتِمامِه

43. God gave him good fortune and granted him
Success in his journey and residence

٤٣. مَدَّهُ اللَهُ بِالسُعودِ وَأَعطا
هُ المُنى في مَسيرِهِ وَمُقامِه