1. Though you were not speaking, speak now,
For speaking to you is not prohibited.
١. قَد كُنتَ لَستَ بِناطِقٍ فَتَكَلَّمِ
إِنَّ الكَلامَ عَلَيكَ غَيرُ مَحرَّمِ
2. Nothing remains but gratitude for your noble deeds,
Great and majestic to the greatest of the great.
٢. لَم يَبقَ شَيءٌ غَيرُ شُكرِ صَنائِعٍ
عَظُمَت وَجَلَّت لِلأَجَلِّ الأَعظَمِ
3. When a young man's hands attain a blessing,
Its continuance is by the thanks of the blesser lasting.
٣. وَإِذا الفَتى ظَفِرَت يَداهُ بِنِعمَةٍ
فَدَوامُها بِدَوامِ شُكرِ المُنعِمِ
4. A king who built my glory and bestowed abundant favor,
And heightened my station, my arrows sharpening,
٤. مَلِكٌ بَنى عِزّي وَأَسبَغَ نِعمَتي
وَأَجَلَّ مَنزِلَتي وَأَزهَفَ أَسهُمي
5. And distinguished me with renowned talents,
For which I gave thanks in the abode, thanks of a piercer.
٥. وَاِختَصَّني بِصَنايعٍ مَشهورَةٍ
شُكِرَت لَهُ في المَحلِ شُكرَ المُرزِمِ
6. Perfection was sealed by him, and his virtue completed
Any lacking merit that was incomplete.
٦. خُتِمَ الكِرامُ بِهِ وَتَمَّمَ فَضلُهُ
نُقصانَ كُلِّ فَضيلَةٍ لَم تتمِمِ
7. The land's roads were paved, and from him
Enemies were taken by surprise, by unleashed horses startled.
٧. وَتَمَهَّدَت سُبُلُ البِلادِ وَفُوجِئَت
مِنهُ الأَعادي بِالنآدِ الصَيلَمِ
8. Aleppo was adorned, and its people
Became like the radiant dawn of bountiful spring.
٨. وَتَجَمَّلَت حَلَبٌ وَأَصبَحَ أَهلُها
في مِثلِ باكِرَةِ الرَبيعِ المُرهمِ
9. Those branches adorned themselves and shone
With the sweetest likeness of the flawless full moon.
٩. وَتَهَدَّلَت تِلكَ الغُصونُ وَأَشرَقَت
بِأَغَرَّ مِثلِ البَدرِ غَيرَ مُذَمَّمِ
10. The kings' game humbled itself to him and surrendered
In fear of the son of the loud-voiced quail.
١٠. خَضَعَت لَهُ صِيدُ المُلوكِ وَأَذعَنَت
بِالخَوفِ مِن وَلَدِ الهِزَبرِ الضَيغَمِ
11. And they stood in awe of a king whose dwelling's
Shade confers might, the might of one firm and strong.
١١. وَتَهَيَّبَت مَلِكاً يَعِزُّ نَزيلُهُ
في ظِلِّهِ المَمدودِ عِزَّ الأَعصَمِ
12. A slayer of souls, when he dons his swordbelt,
Casts belts to his equal, though swordbelts he has none.
١٢. ماضي الجَنانِ إِذا تَقَلَّدَ مِخذَماً
أَلقى النِجادَ عَلى نَظيرِ المِخذَمِ
13. His skin is insensitive to the harms of time, as though
It were a wind blowing on barren wastelands.
١٣. جَلدٌ عَلى نُوبَ الزَمانِ كَأَنَّما
رِيحٌ تَهُبُّ عَلى هِضابِ يَلَملَمِ
14. He alone encounters the enemy horde, as though
A swarm were swirling round another swarm.
١٤. يَلقى العَرَمرَمَ وَحدَهُ فَكَأَنَّما
يَلتَفُّ مِنهُ عَرَمرَمٌ بِعَرَمرَمِ
15. Open-handed, blamed for excess in bounty,
So blame increases his excess and bounty.
١٥. سَمحُ اليَدَينِ يُلامُ في سَرَفِ النَدى
فَيَزيدُهُ سَرَفاً مَلامُ اللَوَمِ
16. He exhausted treasures, yet ceases not
To empty what his hands can empty.
١٦. أَفنى الكُنوزَ فَلَيسَ يَبرَحُ مُعدِماً
مِمّا تَسُدُّ يَداهُ خَلَّةَ مُعدِمِ
17. With virtues he erased the mention of the virtuous and described them
As though their most generous one had not been generous.
١٧. كَرَماً مَحا ذِكرَ الكِرامِ وَوَصفَهُم
حَتّى كَأَنَّ كَريمَهُم لَم يُكرِمِ
18. O you by whom the days and their people become good,
The darkness becoming bright with the stars' lights!
١٨. يا مَن بِهِ حَسُنَ الزَمانُ وَأَهلُهُ
حُسنَ الظَلامِ بِنِّيراتِ الأَنجُمِ
19. The generous passed you by and you came last,
Taking the distinction of the earlier distinguished.
١٩. فَرَطَ الكِرامُ وَجِئتَ أَنتَ مُؤَخَّراً
فَأَخَذتَ شَأوَ الفارِطِ المُتَقَدِّمِ
20. With noble deeds that erased Hatim's noble deeds
And erased the story of Rabia ibn Mukaddam.
٢٠. بِمَكارِمٍ دَرَسَت مَكارِمَ حاتَمٍ
وَمَحَت حَديثَ رَبيعَةَ بنِ مُكَدَّمِ
21. So advanced in merit as one delayed,
And delayed in merit as one advanced.
٢١. فَمُقَدَّمٌ في الفَضلِ مِثلُ مُؤَخَّرٍ
وَمُؤَخَّرٌ في الفَضلِ مِثلُ مُقَدَّمِ
22. With Al-Musharrafiya and Al-Qanna
A house of the exalted, no part demolished.
٢٢. يابانياً بِالمَشرَفِيَّةِ وَالقَنا
بَيتاً مِنَ العَلياءِ غَيرَ مُهَدَّمِ
23. You multiplied my enviers before you, so increase
Their envy! And complete the beautiful, make it complete!
٢٣. كَثَّرتَ حُسّادي لَدَيكَ فَزِدُهُمُ
حَسَداً وَأَولَيتَ الجَميلَ فَتَمِّمِ
24. Excuse, by your merit, one absent from service,
For I love to serve, whether I serve or serve not.
٢٤. وَاعذُر بِفَضلِكَ غائِباً عَن خِدمَةٍ
فَأَنا المُحِبُّ خَدَمتُ أَو لَم أَخدِمِ
25. I praise you while conversing in a sitting
Or addressing in a poem at a festival.
٢٥. أُثني عَلَيكَ مُحَدِّثاً في مَجلِسٍ
أَو خاطِباً بِقَصيدَةٍ في مَوسِمِ
26. So my gratitude continues, helpful, with the pulse
That throbs, suspicious with the suspicious.
٢٦. فَيَظَلُّ شُكري مُنجِداً مَع مُنجِدِ
في الخافِقَينِ وَمُتهِماً مَع مُتهِمِ
27. Like a delightful garden whose breeze lingered,
Languorously stirring the melancholy lute.
٢٧. كَالرَوضَةِ الغَنّاءِ باتَ نَسيمُها
مُتَضَوِّعاً غِبَّ الرَبابَ المُحشِمِ
28. And a band who cut across the desert plains to you
From afar, landmarks above the land's marks raised.
٢٨. وَعِصابَةٍ قَطَعوا إِلَيكَ مِنَ الفَلا
غُبرَ المَعالِمِ مَعلَماً عَن مَعلَمِ
29. With sturdy camels whose lank sides the withered
Wove in the waste, of excellent Jadil stock descendant.
٢٩. بِنَجائِبٍ جَدَلَ الوَجيفُ مُتونَها
في البيدِ مِن نَسلِ الجَديلِ وَشَدقَمِ
30. They spurred on the steeds to riding, and traced
In the waste a line of letters, a word's parts shaped.
٣٠. جَنَبوا الجِيادَ إِلى المَطيِّ فَسَطَّروا
في البيدِ سَطراً مِن حُروفِ المُعجَمِ
31. So you see in it an eye by the impact of a hoof,
And you see in it a "h" by the impact of a biter.
٣١. فَتَرى بِها عَيناً بِوَطأَةِ حافِرٍ
وَتَرى بِها هاءً بِوَطأَةِ مَنسِمِ
32. Through you they attained safety from misguidance and resolved
Above the litters, in you the best resolver.
٣٢. أَمِنُوا بِطَلعَتِكَ الضَلالَ وَأَمَّمُوا
فَوقَ الأَسِرَّةِ مِنكَ خَيرَ مُؤَمَّمِ
33. And they went, since you sent them from a meadow
Where flowers thronged, and a sea of munificence billowed.
٣٣. وَمَضَوا وَقَد أَصدَرتَهُم عَن مَورِدٍ
جَمِّ الوُرودِ وَبَحرِ جُودٍ مُفعَمِ
34. They lavished praise, extolling you, and gained
And ransomed you - so you won gain without loss.
٣٤. قَد غَرَّمُوكَ وَغَنَّمُوكَ مَحامِداً
تَبقى فَفُزتَ بِمَغنَمٍ عَن مَغرَمِ
35. O you at whose door kings stand and bow down,
Diadems doffing to the turban bowing!
٣٥. يا مَن إِذا وَقَفَ المُلوكُ بِبابِهِ
سَجَدوا وَخَرَّ مُتَوَّج لِمُعَمَّمِ
36. You are celebration, you are its lasting bliss -
So blessed be you both, in lastingness blessed!
٣٦. العِيدُ أَنتَ وَأَنتَ أَدوَمُ بَهجَةً
مِنهُ فَبُورِكَ مِنكُما في الأَدوَمِ
37. Celebration causes an obligation to fade, but
Celebration must be praised that is not made to fade.
٣٧. وَالعيدُ يُعدِمُ حُجَّةً وَبِواجِبٍ
أَن يُحمَدَ العِيدُ الَّذي لَم يُعدَمِ
38. So delight in it! And peace unto the safekeeping of forts -
Without your survival safe, no place is safe.
٣٨. فَاِسعَد بِهِ واسلَم لِحِفظِ مَعاقِلٍ
لَولا بَقاؤُكَ سالِماً لَم تَسلَمِ