1. The best of citizens where this most wondrous one abides,
And the highest speech is what I say as he hears.
١. خيرُ المَواطِنِ حَيثُ هَذا الأَروَعُ
وَأَجَلُّ قَولٍ ما أَقولُ وَيَسمَعُ
2. I strove in praise but found naught I did
Could repay what he does, though I tried every approach.
٢. أَجهَدتُ نَفسي في المَديحِ فَلَم أَجِد
ما قَد صَنَعتُ مُجازِياً ما يَصنَعُ
3. I put my praises before him aside for others -
For praises elsewhere are but wasted.
٣. وَأَضَعتُ مَدحي قَبلَهُ في غَيرِهِ
إِنَّ المَدائحَ في سِواهُ تُضيَّعُ
4. He's praised sans what's in his nature
Like musk made captive by what makes it exude.
٤. يُثنى عَلَيهِ بِدونِ ما في طَبعِهِ
كَالمِسكِ أَسيرُهُ الَّذي يَتَضَوَّعُ
5. He's visited with praise that is outstripped
By his worth; he's higher than such praise, loftier.
٥. وَيُزارُ بِالمَدحِ السَنِيِّ وَقَدرُهُ
أَعلا مِنَ المَدحِ السَنِيِّ وَأَرفَعُ
6. Ruses we made to reach you - for the noble
Can by all things be tricked to draw near.
٦. خِدَعٌ جَعَلناها إَلَيكَ وَسائِلاً
إِنَّ الكَريمَ بِكُلِّ شَيءٍ يُخدَعُ
7. Something of his soul interceded for us,
Enriching the needy beyond any intercessors.
٧. شَفِعَت إِلَيكَ نَفاسَةٌ مِن نَفسِهِ
أَغنَت ذَوي الحاجاتِ عَمَّن يَشفَعُ
8. Gentle, yet harshly vigorous against the foe
Like a sword, soft to the touch yet cutting swift.
٨. سَهلٌ وَفيهِ عَلى العَدوِّ شَراسَةٌ
كَالسَيفِ مَلمَسُهُ يَلينُ وَيَقطَعُ
9. If he approves he harms, and such is his ilk,
A noble's son harming or benefiting as he desires.
٩. إِن سَرَّ ضَرَّ وَتِلكَ شَيمَةُ مِثلِهِ
وَابنُ الكَريمَةِ مَن يَضُرُّ وَيَنفَعُ
10. Like a cloud laden with its scattering lightning,
Its thunderbolts and pouring rain contained within.
١٠. مِثلُ الغَمامِ المُستَغاثِ بِدَرِّهِ
فِيهِ الصَواعِقُ وَالغُيوثُ الهُمَّعُ
11. If he let forth the winds they would grow short
Of reaching his limit though they're four.
١١. لَو أَنَّهُ بارى الرِياحَ لَقَصَّرت
عَن بُعدِ غايَتِهِ الرِياحُ الأَربَعُ
12. And he would drive them back, chagrined, at night
Till the slowest seemed the swiftest steed.
١٢. وَلَرَدَّها حَسرى الهُبوبِ كَليلَةً
حَتّى تَرى أَنَّ البَطيئَ الأَسرَعُ
13. He girds on his blade and under it a heart
Sharper than the blade and more trenchant.
١٣. يَتَقَلَّدُ العَضبَ الحُسامَ وَتَحتَهُ
قَلبٌ أَحَدُّ مِنَ الحُسامِ وَأَقطَعُ
14. He sees caution with armor as baseness
While the coat of mail seems to him the brighter war gear.
١٤. وَيَرى التَوَقّي بِالسَنَوَرِ ذِلَّةً
وَالدِرعُ يَكرَهُهُ الهِزَبرُ الأَروَعُ
15. He reined in the steeds as if loins of lances
Were between their bloodied withers.
١٥. جَنبَ الجِيادَ كَأَنَّ أَنصافَ القَنا
ما بَينَ أَذرُعِها الخَضيبَةِ أَذرُعُ
16. The whites scatter the flesh of every armored one
Till the spears reassemble what they rend apart.
١٦. وَالبيضُ تَنثرُ لَحمَ كُلِّ مُدَرَّعٍ
فَتَعودُ تَنظِمُهُ الرِماحُ الشُرَّعُ
17. On each outspread expanse of desolation
He's like a torrent with its flashing swords.
١٧. في كُلِّ مُنبَسِطِ الفِجاجِ كَأَنَّهُ
قَزَعٌ بِوارِقُهُ السُيوفُ اللُمَّعُ
18. The tribesman showed his prowess clad in full mail
As primal time showed its Treasures long buried.
١٨. أَبدى نَواجِذَهُ الكَمِيُّ مُكَلّحاً
فيهِ كَما كَلَحَ الأَزَلُّ الأَجلَعَ
19. The skulls and missiles all flew around him
Till the battle sites were strewn with scattered debris.
١٩. وَتَناثَرَت فيهِ الجَماجِمُ وَالطُلى
حَتّى تَعاثَرَتِ المَذاكي المُزَّعُ
20. "Who will tell the Turks before them lies
A sea whose waves will drown any who dare cross?"
٢٠. مَن مُبلِغُ الأَتراكِ أَنَّ أَمامَهُم
بَحراً يُغَرِّقُ مَوجُهُ مَن يَشرَعُ
21. They then feared and fancied entering - this valiant hero
Beyond them made them realize the Syria and its people
٢١. أَمُّوا وَهَمّوا بِالوُرودِ فَراعَهُم
مِن دونِهِ هَذا الهُمامُ الأَروَعُ
22. Are the hottest core of those who draw the sword, invincible.
One whose cloak bears no disdain, as if within its folds
٢٢. وَتَيَقَّنوا أَن الشآمَ وَأَهلَهُ
أَحمى بِلادِ الخافِقينِ وَأَمنَعُ
23. Lurked a lion or towering camel.
If he weighed his greatness against his forbearance
٢٣. بِمُوَقَّرٍ لا يُستَخَفُّ كَأَنَّما
في بُردَتَيهِ مُتالِعٌ أَو صَلفَعُ
24. The forbearing would sink and the greatest ascend.
The path to munificence was difficult while his
٢٤. لَو وازنَ الطَودَ الأَشَمَّ بِحِلمِهِ
لانحَطَّ وَاِرتَفَعَ الأَشَمُّ الأَرفَعُ
25. Was easy to the son of Abu 'Ali Mabaya.
A king - we've heard of kings and their deeds,
٢٥. ضاقَ الطَريقُ إِلى النَدى وَطَريقُهُ
سَهلٌ إِلى ابنِ أَبي عَليٍّ مَبيَعُ
26. Yet his actions belittle what we have heard.
I created new expressions on seeing him
٢٦. مَلِكٌ الطَريقُ إِلى النَدى وَطَريقُهُ
سَهلٌ إِلى ابنِ أَبي أَبي عَليٍّ مَبيَعُ
27. Give generously, excelling whomsoever gives excellently.
And I complained of being unable, so he briskly
٢٧. مَلِكٌ سَمِعنا بِالمُلوكِ وَفِعلِهِم
وَأَتى فَصَغَّرَ فِعلُهُ ما تَسمَعُ
28. Made me draw near when his noble self embraced me.
To the point I prefer what he granted me
٢٨. أَبدَعتُ فيهِ القَولَ حينَ رَأَيتُهُ
يُعطي فَيُبدِعُ في غِنى مَن يُبدِعُ
29. To the robe of honor he bestowed on me.
O son of kings, none can keep you
٢٩. وَشَكَوتُ إِمحالي فَأَمرَعَ جانِبي
مُذ ضَمَّني هَذا الجَنابُ المُمرِعُ
30. From the game though kings vie and are kept at bay.
Your hands, in what they attained, found a place
٣٠. حَتّى لَقَد أَفضَلتُ مِمّا نالَني
مِن فَضلِهِ مِمّا يَخلَع
31. Wherein the stars before you have no place.
A nobility the steps of Caesar fall short of,
٣١. يابنَ المُلوكِ الصِيدِ غَيرَ مُدافَعٍ
عَمّا يُحاوِلُهُ المُلوكُ فَيُدفَعُ
32. A munificence those in your wake strive to follow.
You graced us with the joyous feast - we only
٣٢. نالَت يَداكَ بِما أَنالَت مَوضِعاً
ما لِلكَواكِبِ فيهِ عِندَكَ مَوضِعُ
33. Delight in your beautiful face, nothing else.
A headland left devoid of dwellers -
٣٣. شَرَفاً تُقَصِّرُ عَنهُ خُطوَةُ قَيصَرٍ
وَنَدىً تَتَبَّعَ فيهِ إَثرَكَ تُبَّعُ
34. For us passions surged in knowing it was his.
My heart guaranteed affection for it and its people -
٣٤. هُنيتَ بِالعيدِ السَعيدِ فَإِنَّنا
بِجِمالِ وَجهِكَ لا بِهِ نَتَمَتَّعُ
35. So for it and them the guarantee was fulfilled.
We mixed potions with it - its zephyr then blew,
٣٥. رَبعٌ خَلا بِالغَورِ مِن سُكانِهِ
هاجَت لَنا الحُرُقاتُ مِن عِرفانِهِ
36. Reminding me of its meadows and bait.
I feared the caravan's blame had I not
٣٦. ضَمِنَ الجَوى قَلبي لَهُ وَلِأَهلِهِ
فَوَفى لَهُ وَلِأَهلِهِ بِضَمانِهِ
37. Curbed my tears from flooding forth.
A headland whose forenoons lacked a settled person,
٣٧. عُجنا الطَيَّ بِهِ وَهَبَّ نَسيمُهُ
فَذَكرتُ رَيّاهُ بِرَيّا بانِهِ
38. Their riders leaning away from its sand dunes.
They sleep in the shade of the shrubs, does in a herd,
٣٨. وَخَشيتُ لَومَ الرَكبِ لَولا أَنَّني
نَهنَهتُ غَربَ الدَمعِ عَن سَيَلانِهِ
39. You'd think they fell from its boughs as they lean.
Around it the oryx of Wishaah turned,
٣٩. رَبعٌ خَلَت عَرَصاتُهُ مِن نُهَّدٍ
رَجَحَت رَوادِفُهُنَّ عَن كُثبانِهِ
40. From its lower to upper hills wandering every direction.
Gazelles of men fled it, instead it was thronged
٤٠. يَرقُدنَ في ظِلِّ الأَراكِ قَوائِلاً
فَتَخالُهُنَّ سَقَطنَ مِن أَغصانِهِ
41. With wild beasts, gazelles of its glens.
They ask after the lover's state - ask not of him
٤١. مِن كُلِّ جائِلَةِ الوِشاحِ تَدَيَّرَت
مِن غَورِهِ الأَدنى إِلى جَولانِهِ
42. Or his condition; do not ask.
Passion overflowed the stream beds - openly it declared for you,
٤٢. غِزلانُ إِنس بِنّ عَنهُ وَعُوِّضَت
عَرَصاتُهُ بِالوَحشِ مِنغِزلانِهِ
43. So the distance made it declare all the more intensely.
It hid its love in patience until it could find
٤٣. يَسألنَ عَن شَأنِ المُحِبِّ عَلى النَوى
لا تَسأَلوا عَنهُ وَلا عَن شانِهِ
44. No more patience or composure to conceal it.
You claimed I forgot my pledges - blame no person
٤٤. شَطَّ المَزارُ أَعلَنَ في هَواكَ بِسِرِّهِ
فَالبينُ أَحوَجَهُ إِلى إِعلانِهِ
45. For what he forgets, no blame on him for his lapses.
The Iraqi lightning flashed - it stirred in me for you
٤٥. كَتَمَ الهَوى صَبراً إِلى أَن لَم يَجِد
صَبراً وَلا جَلَداً عَلى كِتمانِهِ
46. In Syria a tenderness from remembering its radiance.
It left the stone beds as if agate
٤٦. وَزَعَمتُمُ أَنّي نَسيتُ عُهودَكُم
لا لَومَ لِلإِنسانِ في نِسيانِهِ
47. Melted on the heads of its channels.
It appears to your eye in darkness as if
٤٧. وَلَقَد سَرى بَرقُ العِراقِ فَهاجَ لي
بِالشامِ وَجداً مِن سَنا لَمَعانِهِ
48. The slim musk willow, rustling with its tongue.
Richly laden, it tells the sleepless one from the glass vessel
٤٨. تَرَكت عَقيقَتُهُ الأَحَصَّ كَأَنَّما
ذابَ العَقيقُ عَلى رَؤُوسِ قُنانِهِ
49. The date syrup spilling over it in its sweetness.
It and night cloaked in shadowy gloom appear
٤٩. يَبدو لِعَينِكَ في الظَلامِ كَأَنَّهُ
صِلُّ الكَثيبِ مُنضنِضاً بِلِسانِهِ
50. Like the goats' fire over the back of the pens.
A king - when his banner flutters
٥٠. مُتَبَوِّجاً يَحكي الأَصَمَّ مِنَ القَنا
سالَ النَجيعُ عَلَيهِ في عَسَلانِهِ
51. Men's hearts flutter at its fluttering.
Fair of repute - his absence like his presence,
٥١. فَكَأَنَّهُ وَاللَيلُ مُعتَكِرُ الدُجى
نارُ المُعِزِّ عَلى مُتونِ رِعانِهِ
52. His talk like seeing him before you plainly.
It killed wild beasts who by morning were counted
٥٢. مَلِكٌ إِذا خَفَقَ اللِواءُ وَراءَهُ
خَفَقَت قُلوبُ الإِنسِ مِن خَفَقانِهِ
53. Among those its guests kill before it.
So the beasts learned of abodes from its bramblings
٥٣. حَسَنُ الثَناءِ مَغيبُهُ كَشُهودِهِ
بَينَ المَلا وَحَديثُهُ كَعِيانِهِ
54. And mankind learned of abodes from its smoke.
Do not feel safe from time and its caprice
٥٤. قاتَ الوُحوشَ فَأَصبَحَت مَحسوبَةً
فيمَن يُقاتُ لَدَيهِ مِن ضيفانِهِ
55. If you do not cling to the cord of its security.
And a band confused the dark with matchsticks,
٥٥. فَالوَحشُ قَد عَرَفَ القِرى بِعَجاجِهِ
وَالإِنسُ قَد عَرَفَ القَرى بِدُخانِهِ
56. Not known in the waste lands from their gloom.
They dye the white serviettes crimson at banquets
٥٦. لا تَأَمَننَّ مِنَ الزَمانِ وَرَيبِهِ
إِن أَنتَ لَم تَعلَق بِحَبلِ أَمانِهِ
57. From the elongated revelry of its red drink.
An evil gang whose villainy, once concealed, concealed them
٥٧. وَعِصابَةٍ خَبَطوا الظَلامَ بِأَينُقٍ
في البيدِ لا يُنكرنَ مِن ظُلمانِهِ
58. Until a hand destroyed the riders in its twisting paths.
From each unsheathed swordbelt it made
٥٨. يَخضِبنَ مُبيَضَّ الحَصا بِمَناسِمٍ
طالَ السُرى فَدَمينَ مِن إِدمانِهِ
59. The dust of its desert gut like an interior.
From beneath the buttoned shirt its sword -
٥٩. خُوصُ الأَحِجَّةِ ما اِنطَوَت حَتّى طَوَت
بِيداً تُبيدُ الرَكبَ في غيطانِهِ
60. Its edge keener than its tongue's edge.
It hopes for wealth from every unmatched one; it did not fear
٦٠. مِن كُلِّ مُغتَرِضِ الأَريكَةِ صَيَّرَت
غُبرُ الفَيافي بَطنَهُ كَبِطانِهِ
61. To disappoint those who sought its aid after God.
It brings life to the legacy of the house of 'Amir
٦١. مِن تَحتِ مُنقَدِّ القَميصِ بِسَيفِهِ
حَدُّ وَأَمضى مِنهُ حَدُّ لِسانِِ
62. Where kings of earth lived in its benevolence.
Tempted by lack of funds, though it is a wealth
٦٢. يَرجُو الغِنى مِن كُلِّ أَروَع لَم يَخَف
راجيهِ بَعدَ اللَهِ مِن حِرمانِهِ
63. Where praise increases in its lessening.
Though many are its generous ones,
٦٣. وَيَؤُمُّ أَبلَجَ مِن ذُؤابَةِ عامِرٍ
عاشَت مُلوكُ الأَرضِ في إِحسانِهِ
64. None more generous than Abu 'Ulwan.
A sea whose angers overflowed - only it is
٦٤. مُغرىً بِنَقصِ المالِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ
مالٌ يَزيدُ الحَمدُ في نُقصانِهِ
65. A sea from whose depths we saw the sea.
Going gently, if fate grew harsh, leading,
٦٥. إِنَّ الزَمانَ كَثيرَةٌ كرَماؤُهُ
لَكن أَكرَمَهُم أَبُو عُلوانِهِ
66. Its foes unsafe from its hostility.
It disdained realms until they were
٦٦. بَحرٌ شَطونُ العِبر إِلّا أَنَّهُ
بَحرٌ رَأَينا البَحرَ مِن خُلجانِهِ
67. Subject to its blows and stabbings.
As the lion disdains to pound prey
٦٧. ماضي الجَنانِ إِذا تَقَلَّدَ صارِماً
لَم يَمضِ صارِمُهُ مَضاءَ جَنانِهِ
68. Not come between its paw and grip.
Or a steed known for its quality
٦٨. شَرُفت مَناقِبُهُ إِلى أَن رُصِّعَت
عِوَضاً عَنِ الياقوتِ في تيجانِهِ
69. From souls spilt by its slashing.
Like the rivulet, obedient - only
٦٩. وَالمأثُراتُ الغُرُّ أَشرَفُ قيمَةً
في تاجِهِ المَعقودِ مِن عِقيانِهِ
70. It cannot be sheathed to curb its flow.
Or a blade bearing a fiery coal,
٧٠. قابَلتُ في الإِيوانِ سُنَّةَ وَجهِهِ
فَسَلَوتُ عَن كِسرى وَعَن إِوانِهِ
71. Its gleam showing between its teeth.
In the hands of one most wondrous - each time the war
٧١. وَرَأيتُ حينَ رَأيتُ أَحسَنَ سيرة
فينا وَأَعدَل مِن أَنو شِروانِهِ
72. Drew near and the frightened ones approached their likes.
Like the goat yet where can its equal be found
٧٢. أَنسى البَرِيَّةَ عَدلَ ذاكَ بِعَدلِهِ
فَكَأَنَّهُم في عَصرِهِ وَأَوانِهِ
73. Save rarely among the kings of its time?
Formidable when fate was difficult to tame,
٧٣. لَو حَلَّ دونَ مَحَلِّهِ مِن قَدرِهِ
ما كانَ يُبصَرُ مِن عُلوِّ مَكانِهِ
74. Its foes unsafe from its aggression.
When I weighed the two worlds I found them
٧٤. تَأبى المَمالِكَ نَفسُهُ ما لَم تَكُن
مَملوكَةً بَضرابِهِ وَطِعانِهِ
75. Not outweighing it in its scale.
More devout, if breaking its fast, than the pious
٧٥. كَالليثِ يأنَفُ أَن يَدُقَّ فَريسَةً
لَم تَثوِ بَينَ مَلاطِهِ وَجِرانِهِ
76. Or, fasting for God, in Ramadan.
It surpassed the generous of old in munificence,
٧٦. رَبِحَ الثَنا بِخَسارَةٍ مِن مالِهِ
فَأَتاهُ ربحُ الحَمدِ مِن خُسرانِهِ
77. Preceding the aged palm on the day of its race.
O King who restored life to munificence among us
٧٧. حامي الذِمارِ وَلِلمَنِيَّةِ مَورِدٌ
خُلِقَت رِماحُ الخَطِّ مِن أَشطانِهِ
78. And justice to life in its lands!
Pride of rule founded what it built
٧٨. إِذ لا يَرى البَطَلُ الشُجاعُ لِنَفسِهِ
وَزَراً حَصيناً غَيرَ ظَهرِ حِصانِهِ
79. While you built, surpassing its building.
You established the pillar of rule after disasters
٧٩. أَو مُرهَفٍ عُرِفَت نَفاسَةُ قَدرِهِ
مِن أَنفُسِ سالَت عَلى سِيلانِهِ
80. That had overturned it, so it leaned from its pillars.
You sought your vengeance, thereby spurring fate
٨٠. كَالجَدوَلِ المُنقادِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ
لا يُحتَشى في الغِمدِ مِن جَرَيانِهِ
81. Against those who persisted in tyranny against you.
And you contained what was emptied - disdaining it
٨١. أَو مارِنٍ في الصِلِّ حامِلِ جَذوَةٍ
يَبدُو سَناها مِن بَريقِ سِنانِهِ
82. As a gift you found for your boy servants.
You ruled your inheritance with resolve
٨٢. في كَفِّ أَروَعَ كُلَّما اشتَجَرَ القَنا
وَدَنا في الرَوعِ مِن أَقرانِهِ
83. That led the reigns of rule after its defiance.
So enjoy your feast absent no happiness
٨٣. مِثلُ المُعِزِّ وَأَينَ يُوجَد مِثلُهُ
إِلّا قَليلاً في مُلوكِ زَمانِهِ
84. In time, lasting through its eras.
For might has equipped you with its steed's back,
٨٤. صَعبٌ إِذا صَعُبَ الزَمانُ قِيادهُ
لا يَأمَنُ الأَعداءُ مِن عُدوانِهِ
85. And kingship equipped you with the excess of its reins.
٨٥. لَمّا وَزَنتُ العالمينَ وَجَدتُهُم
لا يَرجَحونَ عَلَيهِ في ميزانِهِ
٨٦. أَتقى البَرِيَّةِ مُفطِراً مِن صَومِهِ
أَو صائِماً لِلّهِ في رَمَضانِهِ
٨٧. سَبَقَ الكِرامَ السابِقينَ إِلى النَدى
سَبقَ العَتيقِ النَهدِ يَومَ رِهانِهِ
٨٨. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ الَّذي أَحيا النَدى
فينا وَأَحيا العَدلَ في بُلدانِهِ
٨٩. قَد كانَ فَخرُ المُلكِ شَيَّدَ ما بَنى
وَبَنَيتَ أَنتَ فَزِدتَ عَن بُنيانِهِ
٩٠. وَأَقَمتَ رُكنَ المُلكِ بَعدَ نَوائِبٍ
مالَت عَلَيهِ فَمالَ مِن أَركانِهِ
٩١. وَطَلَبتَ ثَأرَكَ فاستَثارَ لَكَ الرَدى
مِمَّن أَلَحَّ عَلَيكَ في طُغيانِهِ
٩٢. وَحَوَيتَ ما خَلّى فَلَم تَحفِل بِهِ
كَرَماً وَجُدتَ بِهِ عَلى غِلمانِهِ
٩٣. وَمَلَكتَ إِرثَكَ مِن أَبيكَ بِهِمَّةٍ
قادَت زِمامَ المُلكِ بَعدَ حِرانِهِ
٩٤. فَاسعَد بِعيدِكَ لا عَدِمتَ سَعادَةً
في الدَهرِ باقِيَةً عَلى أَزمانِهِ
٩٥. فَالعِزُّ قَد أَمطاكَ ظَهرَ جَوادِهِ
وَالمُلكُ قَد أَنطاكَ فَضلَ عِنانِهِ