
Your hands were generous until the rain was polluted,

جادت يداك إلى أن هجن المطر

1. Your hands were generous until the rain was polluted,
And your face shone until the moon was disgraced.

١. جادَت يَداكَ إِلى أَن هُجِّنَ المَطَرُ
وَزانَ وَجهُكَ حَتّى قُبِّحَ القَمَرُ

2. The minds of men have become confused about you,
So it is not known whether you are a crescent moon or a mortal.

٢. أَمسَت عُقولُ البَرايا فِيكَ حائِرَةً
فَلَيسَ يُدرى هِلالٌ أَنتَ أَم بَشَرُ

3. If you had lived in the time of a people whose fame
Spread in the Jahiliyyah, they would not have had biographies written.

٣. لَو كُنتَ في عَصرِ قَومٍ سارَ ذِكرُهُمُ
في الجاهِلِيَّةِ لَم تُكتَب لَهُم سِيَرُ

4. And if you had coincided with the era of revelation,
Only verses and surahs praising you would have been revealed.

٤. وَلَو لَحِقتَ زَمانَ الوَحيِ ما نَزَلَت
إِلّا بِتَفضِيلِكِ الآياتُ وَالسُوَرُ

5. The eras and their people who have passed
Since your name was heard have not been mentioned.

٥. إِنَّ العُصُورَ وَأَهلِيها الَّذينَ مَضَوا
مُذ مَرَّ ذِكرُكَ بِالأَسماعِ ما ذُكِرُوا

6. You were the doer of everything in every way,
So neither nomad nor settled were compared to you.

٦. أَبدَعتَ في كُلِّ شَيءٍ أَنتَ فاعِلُهُ
فَلَم يُقَس بِكَ لا بَدوٌ وَلا حَضَرُ

7. You confounded them and excellence exposed their defects
Until the holes were too narrow for their inhabitants.

٧. هَجَّنتَهُمُ وَأَبانَ الفَضلُ نَقصَهُمُ
حَتّى لَأزرَت عَلى سُكّانِها الحُفَرُ

8. People cannot match a reply or sigh to you,
For no reply or sigh can equal you.

٨. لا يَنعَتِ الناسُ جَوّاباً وَلا زُفَراً
فَما يُدانِيكَ جَوّابٌ وَلا زُفَرُ

9. No news is like transmitted news since olden times -
O you whose news is unequalled by any news!

٩. ما الخَبرُ كَالخَبَرِ المَروِيِّ مُذ زَمَنٍ
يا صاحِ هَل يَتَساوى الخُبرُ وَالخَبَرُ

10. Time has passed and nations within it
Who aspired to your goals in life did not achieve them.

١٠. مَضى الزَمانُ وَمِن أَنبائِهِ أُمَمٌ
رامُوا مَرامَكَ في الدُنيا فَما قَدَرُوا

11. The position you have reached is not
The position you were hoping to reach.

١١. إِنَّ المَحَلَّ الَّذي أَصبَحتَ مُدرِكَهُ
دُونَ المَحَلِّ الَّذي أَصبَحتَ تَنتَظِرُ

12. If you ascend the highest rank after rank,
Another rank higher than it is necessarily formed.

١٢. إِذا صَعِدتَ مِنَ العَلياءِ في دَرَجٍ
تَسَبَّبَت دَرَجٌ مِن فَوقِها أُخَرُ

13. You have no end to glory and no limit to your life,
You ascend and meet the falling stars of the sky,

١٣. لا يَنتَهِي لَكَ إِقبالٌ إِلى أَمَدِ
وَلا يَنُصُّ إِلى وَقتٍ لَكَ العُمُرُ

14. While you rise and obstacles tumble down.
Time was ignorant and turned to you,

١٤. تَرقى وَتَلقى نُجُومَ الجَوِّ هابِطَةً
فَأَنتَ تَصعَدُ وَالعَيُوقُ يَنحَدِرُ

15. So your blessed days altered its color.
As for your hands, they have been given power

١٥. كانَ الزَمانُ بَهِيماً وَاِتَّفَقتَ لَهُ
فَغَيَّرَت لَونَهُ أَيّامُكَ الغُرَرُ

16. Over the blossoms, leaving neither remainder nor trace.
You have exhausted your treasures and hastened to gather good praise

١٦. أَمّا يَداكَ فَقَد أَمسَت مُسَلَّطَةً
عَلى النُضارِ فَلا تُبقي وَلا تَذَرُ

17. While time pardons but leaves no trace pardoned.
No trees blossomed and ripened their branches

١٧. أَفنَت كُنُوزَكَ وَاستَبقَت جَميل ثَناً
يَعفُو الزَمانُ وَلا يَعفُو لَهُ أَثَرُ

18. Without their fruits ripening from them as well.
As for the frontiers, they are barred by an impassable man

١٨. لا أَقفَرَت شَجَراتٌ عَرَّقَت وَزَكَت
فُرُوعُها فَزَكا مِنهُنَّ ذا الثَمَرُ

19. Whose will cannot be broken and whose sword has no notch.
A resilient skin covers the days' shame

١٩. أَما الثُغُورُ فَقَد سُدَّت بِمُنتَجبٍ
ماضِي العَزِيمَةِ ما في عُودِهِ خَوَرُ

20. If not for his voice we would think him a rock.
The thing he loves most in his realms

٢٠. جَلدٍ عَلى نُوَبِ الأَيّامِ مُصطَبرٍ
لَولا نَداهُ لَقُلنا إِنَّهُ حَجَرُ

21. Is for praise to be gathered, not moons.
He guides pure musk to the earth, his slipper

٢١. أَحَبُّ شَيءٍ إِلَيهِ في مَمالِكِهِ
أَن يُجمَعَ الحَمدُ لا أَن تُجمَعَ البَدرُ

22. Taking the place of aromatic ambergris.
His blessed face finds no hardship in keeping vows

٢٢. يُهدي إِلى التُربِ طِيباً طِيبُ أَخمَصِهِ
حَتّى يَقُومَ مَقامَ العَنبَرِ العَفَرُ

23. Or doing good, neither bitter nor difficult.
The staffs that bled testified to his superiority,

٢٣. مُبارَكُ الوَجهِ لا مِيثاقُهُ حَرِجٌ
عَنِ الوَفاءِ ولا مَعرُوفُهُ عَسِرُ

24. As did travel, night journey, and travel.
Look and look at something marvelous made by his Creator,

٢٤. يُجِدي وَيُردي فَإِمّا وَاهِباً نِعمَاً
أَو سالِباً فَهوَ لا حُلوٌ وَلا صَبِرُ

25. About which, and its like, eyes are confused.
A collar on the fortunate king, its pendant

٢٥. أَثنَت عَلى فَضلِهِ العِيسُ الَّتي دَمِيَت
أَخفافُها وَالسُرى وَالسَفرُ وَالسَفَرُ

26. Like a halo with a moon in its midst.
And a garment of sunlight radiant,

٢٦. أُنظُر لِتَنظُرَ شَيئاً جَلَّ خالِقُهُ
يَحارُ فيهِ وَفي أَمثالِهِ النَظَرُ

27. Eyes cannot remain fixed upon it.
The pleiades have ignited such that if

٢٧. طَوقاً عَلى المَلِكِ المَيمُونِ طائِرُهُ
كَأَنَّهُ هالَةٌ فِي وَسطِها قَمَرُ

28. You brought it near without blowing you would see fire kindle.
A hole through which water can be seen wringing from his palms

٢٨. وَحُلَّةً مِن أَدِيمِ الشَمسِ مُشرِقَةً
لا يَستَطيعُ ثَباتاً فَوقَها البَصَرُ

29. Has spared it much of its burning.
This and a belt of Orion studded

٢٩. تَوَقَّدَ التِبرُ حَتّى لَو دَنَوتَ بِهِ
مِن غَيرِ لَفحٍ رَأَيتَ النارَ تَستَعِرُ

30. With ruby and pearls around it.
And a sharp, male sword whose bearer

٣٠. قَد كَفَّها عَن كَثِيرٍ مِن تَوَقُّدِها
خِرقٌ يُرى الماءُ مِن كَفَّيهِ يَنعَصِرُ

31. Turns away from this sword of rule.
Everything obeyed it necessarily,

٣١. هَذا وَمِن أَنجُمِ الجَوزاءِ مِنطَقَةٌ
مُرَصَّعٌ حَولَها الياقُوتُ والدُرَرُ

32. Even fate, time, and predestination.
Chosen by Ad and left as inheritance

٣٢. وَصارِماً ذَكَراً قَد نابَ حامِلُهُ
عَنِ الخَليفَةِ هَذا الصارِمُ الذَكَرُ

33. To the noble youths of his son Mudar.
As if its sheaths were filled with uncut gems

٣٣. أَطاعَهُ كُلُّ شَيءٍ طاعَةً حُتِمَت
حَتّى القَضاءُ وَحَتّى الحَينُ وَالقَدَرُ

34. Or a river flowed in its scabbard.
And an eye aspiring with breasts in its gaze

٣٤. مِمّا تَخَيَّرَهُ عادٌ وَخَلَّفَهُ
لِلسّادَةِ الغُرِّ مِن أَبنائِهِ مُضَرُ

35. A long length loved and shortness in its strap.
As if burning embers with no sparks

٣٥. كَأَنَّما حُمِّلَت مِنهُ حَمائِلُهُ
عَقِيقَةً أَو جَرى في غِمدِهِ نَهَرُ

36. Were over its conductor and helmet.
He walks in the most dignified manner, no slipperiness leading him

٣٦. وَطامِحَ الطَرفِ نَهداً في سَبائِبِهِ
طُولٌ يُحَبُّ وَفِي أَرساغِهِ قِصَرُ

37. Astray from righteousness, nor tempting illusion guiding him.
And a banner whose peak has been tied

٣٧. كَأَنَّما فَوقَ هادِيهِ وَلَبَّتِهِ
مِنَ الحُلى جَمَراتٌ ما لَها شَرَرُ

38. With power, support, and victory above it.
Like a garden of sorrow blossoming

٣٨. يَمشِي بِأَروعَ لا يَهُفو بِهِ زَلَلٌ
عَنِ الرَشادِ وَلا يَقتادُهُ الغَرَرُ

39. With wild plants and green greenery.
Its edges twist and the wind opens it

٣٩. وَرايَةٌ باتَ مَعقُوداً بِذِروَتِها
مِن فَوقِهِ العِزُّ وَالتَأيِيدُ وَالظَفَرُ

40. As blossoms opened from its sleeves.
It sways in joy and good fortune encompasses it

٤٠. كَرَوضَةٍ مِن رِياضِ الحَزنِ مَونِقَةٍ
مِنها اللَياحُ وَمِنها الأَخضَرُ النَضِرُ

41. As if it knew of its good fortune.
Behind it stretches longer-lasting glory

٤١. تَلتَفُّ أَطرافُها وَالرِيحُ تَفتحُها
كَما تَفَتَّحَ مِن أَكمامِهِ الزَهَرُ

42. Without boredom or fatigue.
A delegation came to it after delegation in its field

٤٢. تَهتَزُّ مِن فَرَحٍ وَالسَعدُ شامِلُها
كَأَنَّما عِندَها مِن سَعدِها خَبَرُ

43. And groups parked in succession after groups.
It meets freely flowing streams of royal pride

٤٣. مِن خَلفِ أَطوَلَ مِنها باعَ مَكرُمَةٍ
في المَجدِ لا مَلَلٌ فيهِ وَلا ضَجَرُ

44. Which neither roses diminish nor thorns.
He sets out in the morning and standards precede him

٤٤. أَناخَ وَفدٌ عَلى وَفدٍ بِساحَتِهِ
وَعَرَّسَت زُمَرٌ في إِثرِها زُمَرُ

45. Flying from his good fortune like birds take flight.
Fluttering like the hearts of those who resent it

٤٥. تَلقى مَوارِد فَخرِ المُلكِ مُترَعَةً
لا الوِردُ يَنقُصُها شَيئاً وَلا الصَدَرُ

46. When fear and caution take hold of them.
The oceans of enmity fled in chaos, the distinguished bearing

٤٦. يَغدُو وَتَقدُمُهُ الأَعلامُ حائِمَةً
كَالطَيرِ نازِحَةً عَن سَعدِها الطَيَرُ

47. Those domes covered in wicker and ink.
Small ships swaying with embroidered patterns

٤٧. خَفّاقَةًكَقُلوبِ الشانِئِينَ لَها
إِذا تَمَكَّنَ مِنها الخَوفُ وَالحَذَرُ

48. Whose images on their coasts almost speak.
Gifts from an imam who gave you

٤٨. وَهَت بُحُورُ العِدى وَالنُجبُ حامِلَةٌ
تِلكَ القِبابَ عَلَيها الوَشيُ وَالحبَرُ

49. Affection whose purity has no murkiness.
O you whose words fall short describing him

٤٩. خُوصٌ تَهادى بِأَنماطٍ مُصَوَّرَةٍ
تَكادُ تَنطِقُ في حافاتِها الصُوَرُ

50. I apologize for this failing.
Your greatness was too lofty for my understanding, I fell short

٥٠. مَواهِبٌ مِن إِمامٍ قَد بَذَلتَ لَهُ
مَحَبَّةً مِنكَ ما في صَفوِها كَدَرُ

51. With no comprehension or limit.
You are the clouds and I have no handhold on clouds

٥١. يا مَن تُقَصِّرُ في أَوصافِهِ كَلِمِي
إِنّي إِلَيكَ مِنَ التَقصِيرِ مُعتَذِرُ

52. To enumerate as they heavily pour down.
The world shone at your rising and the pillar of faith,

٥٢. جَلَّت مَعالِيكَ عَن فَهمِي وَضِقتُ بِها
ذَرعاً وَما بِيَ لا عِيٌّ وَلا حَصَرُ

53. Religion, Islam, and the horizon were strengthened through you.
You live for glory, eternally,

٥٣. أَنتَ الغَمامُ وَما لِي بِالغَمامِ يَدٌ
أَعُدُّهُ وَهوَ جَمُّ الوَبلِ مُنحَدِرُ

54. And I am needy for your extended life.
And may you continue to desire what you love and attain it

٥٤. زَهَت بِطَلعَتِكَ الدُنيا وَعَزَّ بِكَ ال
عَمُودُ وَالدِينُ وَالإِسلامُ وَالثَغَرُ

55. And seek all that is forbidden and become capable.

٥٥. عُمِّرتَ لِلمَجدِ عُمراً لا اِنقِضاءَ لَهُ
إِنّي إِلى عُمرِكَ المَمدُودِ مُفتَقِرٌ

٥٦. وَدُمتَ تَطلُبُ ما تَهوى فَتَبلُغه
وَتَبتَغِي كُلَّ مَمنُوعٍ فَتَقتَدِرُ